Saturday, June 16, 2012

Salawat That Cleaning and Take Away Your 100.000 Sins

Muslimsufi : Salawat That Cleaning and Take Away Your 100.000 Sins

Salawat That Cleaning and Take Away Your 100.000 Sins
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani qs
14 Juni 2012 - Fenton Michigan

A'udhu billah mina 'sh-shaytani 'r-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem  
Madad ya Sayyidee Ya rasoolullah ya Rahmatan lil-`alameen, madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. 

Iinsha-Allah tomorrow evening is Isra wa'l-Mi`raj and we will be having a special program which in it contains the visiting of the Holy Hair of the Prophet (s) in the big mosque. And so tonite I will mention short suhbat and then do short dhikr and those who are fasting can break fast with the dates here and then go and eat later.  

Someone asked me, A'udhu billah mina 'sh-shaytani 'r-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, Madad ya Sayyidee Grandshaykh 'Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani (q) and Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani. Every time we have to ask support from our guide and our teacher and when we ask guidance it means you are expressing your dedication to them and when you ask support from them you are showing your humbleness towards them and in the same time as if a prayer for them that always they will be our guides - Grandshaykh 'Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani (q) and Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani qs. May Allah give him long life.

And someone asked when we are listening to lectures or reading a book from these lectures that has been made there are sometimes repetition.   And can we cut that repetition? I will answer from what I heard and learned from Grandshaykh and from Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim qs, that even a same story and even the same suhbat word for word, been repeated, you keep it as it is because each suhbat has its own tajalli, manifestation and its own Divine manifestation coming through shaykh and he is getting from the Prophet (saw) heart and the Prophet (saw) is gretting from the Divine Presence. And so that suhbat is like you are wearing a dress every day but every day the body is same body. And so Grandshaykh said even I repeat a story 1000 times it comes each time with different heavenly tajalli.

So these suhbats different just like candies, each one is chocolate and so you have a different taste. That is why repetition is important. It will teach us back what we forgot, or as Allah said in Holy Qur'an fa dhakkir fa inna adh-dhikraa tanfa` al-mumineen remind of that will benefit the believers. And sometimes the audience is difference and didn't hear that previous suhbat. So they will get the blessings that listeners got the previous week. Last time we stopped at the benefits of salawat on the Prophet (saw) and we mentioned there are 45 in number but we only mentioned in detail one or two. And before we mention the benefits, we will mention these salawaat that are important for us. That salawaat on the Prophet (s) will show the greatness of the Prophet (saw). And different `ulama scholars and different awliya have different forms of salawat and these salawaat are so blessed that the one reading will get so many rewards.

And the author of kunooz .. said that if you recite the following salawaat it is like reciting 100,000 salawaat you do dailiy.

Allahuma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad `abdika wa nabiyyika wa rasoolika an-nabiyy al-umiyy wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim bi qadri `azhamati dhaatik fee kulli waqtin wa heen.

That is as if you recited salawaat on the Prophet (saw) 100,000 times the rewards. I will recite it again myself:

Allahuma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad `abdika wa nabiyyika wa rasoolika an-nabiyy al-umiyy wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim bi qadri `azhamati dhaatik fee kulli waqtin wa heen.  

You read one time, that is 100.000 times salawaat and you read 2 times it is 200.000 time and you read 10 times it is one million times. Look at that salawaat we mentioned it last time but with repetition we get more rewards. If you read it one time Allah will waive 100,000 sins. 100,000 sins. Don't say I don't have 100,000 sins. We have millions and millions of sins. You cannot count the sins. Every breath you have coming in and out you have sin from your ego, your pride, your arrogance, you think you are highest, the professor, the academian, the teacher, the shaykh. Everything is molded with arrogance. The Prophet (saw) was the most, he is not the most but he is the humbleness, humbleness is him. He is the one who never... He said, O Allah dont leave me to my ego for the blink of an eye. Allahuma laa takilnee ila nafsee tarfata `aynin wa laa aqal min dhalik.  

Don't say I am clean, I am brushing my teeth. You brush them as much as you like, because it is going in with arrogance and coming out with arrogance. The only breath that is clean is that breath done with salawat on the Prophet (saw) or when praying or when doing istighfar. Other times our breath is full with breath that is not nice. So every time we do this salawaat Allah will forgive us 100,000 sins of the big sins, min al-kabaair. Anyone read it one time Allah will forgive him his big sins. There are the great sins and there are small sins. With one salawat Allah takes away even 100,000 big sins. And with 2 salawat take away 200,000 big sins and with 3 salawat take away 300,000 and with 10 take away 1.000.000  

Allāhumā šalli `alā Sayyīdinā Muħammadini ’s-sābiqi li ’l-khalqi nūruhu wa raħmatan li ’l-`ālamīna zhuhūruhu `adada man maļā min khalqika wa man baqīya wa man sa`ida minhum wa man shaqīya šalātan tastaghriqu ’l-`adda wa tuħīţu bi ’l-ħaddi šalātan lā ghāyata lahā wa lā muntahā wa lā ’nqiļā’a šalātan dā’imatan bi-dawāmika wa `alā ālihi wa šaħbihi wa sallim taslīman mithla dhālika Allāhumma šalli `alā Sayyīdinā Muħammadini ’Lladhī malā’ta qalbahu min jalālika wa `aynahū min jamālika fa-ašbaħa fariħan mu’ayyadan manšūran wa `alā ālihi wa šaħbihi wa sallim taslimān wa ’l-ħamdu lillāhi `alā dhālika

That took away 100,000 sins away. And for me 200,000 because I read it twice. That is in Kunooz al-Asraar page 30. And that is equal to 100 salawaat. alalhuma `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad (s) wa `aala aalhi salatan tazin al-ardeen wa-samawaati afraadi qurratil-`alamee wa ad`af dhalika innaka hameedun majeed. As if you read 100 times and it is said if you recite 1000 times on the day of Jumu`ah will see in his dream Allah, his Lord, can Allah be seen in the dream. Yes. the Prophet (saw) said I saw my Lord, coming smiling to me.

When Grandshaykh Abdullah last seclusion I did, he asked me did you see anything special and I said yes, and I say it not to be special not to be proud. I said that towards the end of my seclusiopn I saw a light. I am not seeing but I can see from the coming, I am called to approach and sitting and I am seeing there is tajalli, manifestatoin and it is said that is Allah speaking, not with any language but as if I am hearing, "Come approach you have been forgiven" and I looked behind me and I saw on the horizon people coming and coming but not able to come all the way through and all with turbans and I saw myself and Mawlana and my brother and this manifestation of heavenly presence is reaching.

So yes you can see that heavenly presence that Allah sends to you and he said, "He will see in dream his Lord or an angel or the Prophet (saw) or he can see his place in paradise." That was showing a place in paradise that I saw. Allah can keep and can take that is all in Allah's hands. Allah can give more even. And insha-Allah who does that 1000 times that salawaat Allah will give you to see His Manifestations of His Prophet or your place in Paradise. And if you don't see then try 5 weeks.

Allahuma salii `ala Muhammad an-nabiyy al-ummiy jaz-allahu `an Muhammadin maa huwa ahluh.

Very easy, I will repeat it : Allahuma salii `ala Muhammad an-nabiyy al-ummiy jaz-allahu `an Muhammadin maa huwa ahluh.  And different salawaat insha-Allah we contine tomorrow next time and we mention the benefits that we began mentioning last time. And don't say "We repeat" yes we repeat as these salawaat are repetition of other salawaat that have been put together. Allah said salloo `alayhi. Allahuma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) hatta yarda Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) wa yardaa rabbahu.

And some people asking now what is going on now, there is no suhbat since one week. So I was traveling, that is why but insha-Allah these coming days and weeks going to be lot of suhbats and insha-Allah after we finish the benefits of salawaat on the Prophet (saw), we begin with importance of Dhikrullah. May Allah forgive us. [Khatm]


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