By Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
7 November 2009
Lefke, Cyprus
7 November 2009
Lefke, Cyprus
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.)
akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,
wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Allah Allah, Allahu akbar al Akbar, Allahu akbar
al-Akbar. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)
O People! Be most respectful to your Lord, Allah Almighty as He is our Creator. Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah, SultanAllah. All
praisings and all glory for our Lord, Allah Almighty. He is the only
One giving praise and glory to someone. He is only giving it to the Seal
of Prophets, His real deputy through all Creation, Sayyidina Muhammad
(s). Zidhu ya Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan wa nooran wa surooran wa ridwaanan wa sultaana. Alfu salaat, alfu salaam on our Lord’s most respected, beloved and honored servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). As-salaamu `alaykum, O our master, master of our planet! Dastoor.
We are asking your heavenly support for reminding people about their
missions. Everyone must take their share from this speech. It is not
easy to reach the masters who are giving everything they have for the
honor of the most honored one in the Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad
(s). (Mawlana stands for honor of Prophet, then sits.)
to understand and learn. Those who are not learning are going to be
animals; (even) animals are not accepting them, saying, “You are not on
our level; your levels are under our feet.” We are asking forgiveness.
It is not directly one can reach Allah and say, “Forgive me.” For
everything they are making me address to people, they have a daleel, burhaan, a proof from the Holy Qur’an. Allah Almighty is saying,
“يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَابْتَغُواْ إِلَيهِ الْوَسِيلَةَ wabtaghaw ilayhi 'l-waseela - seek the means of approach unto Him,” (Suratu 'l-Ma'idah, 5:35)
That is making everything clear, if they are thinking about it and asking for an understanding.
one can learn something without a teacher! There must be a teacher so
that you may learn. To reach something through your learning, you are in
need of a waseela, a
reason; taking your hand and reaching your real being. We are making
this now because we are just cut off from our real being. People are
thinking, “Here we are in our real being.” No, no, no! Only the sun is
giving its rays on this planet, and everything is taking from those
rays. They carry the secret power of life from the sun to us! Our imitated beings have been appointed on this planet for some time.
We are taking energy for a limited life from the sun. If the sun is not
sending from its rays to the Earth we will finish. What would you think
if it was always night on this planet?
People! The main or real purpose they are making me speak is to make
you think! So many times Allah Almighty is says through the Holy Qur’an,
la`allahum yatafakkaroon, la`allakum t`aqiloon, “That they may reflect,” (that you may learn wisdom.) You must think about everything that you look at. SubhaanAllah Malik al-Mulk yaa Rabbuna! We are saying, As-salaamu `alaykum to our listeners. (Mawlana is interrupted.) What were we saying? SubhanAllah! If they are speaking on something and there is coming such a thing (distraction), it is cutting the power off. O People! La ilaaha illa-Llaah.
You have been created to be deputies. It is so difficult when the line
cuts off. It is useless and difficult to make a connection, a second
time. Astaghfirullah. As-salaamu `alaykum our listeners! Yet they are making me to speak on some important things first, then marasim, protocol
for the beginning of our association is not so important. Therefore, it
is important that they are opening and it is coming. When you are
making to close that down, some strange things come.
We are saying as-salaamu`alaykum,
O people, who have been created and honored to be the Lord’s deputies.
We are speaking about the Sun sending it’s rays on this planet and
giving life to everything. This is not our real life or our real
position; our real mission or being is not here. It is imitated life, an
imitated being here. It is essentially a mock (existence) here; the
true essence of each is not here. Do not think the Lord of Heavens gives that honor to you on such a planet. La yudhkar, it can’t be declared amongst Endless Oceans.
Allah Almighty is making a waseela for everything, a
reason or some proofs for understanding. He is putting that Sun here,
and this planet would be dead if its rays were not reaching it. All
those who are living on it are imitated creatures. Allah Almighty is
making that huge star for them. You may say ‘star’, but its name is
‘Sun’. People are saying ‘Sun’ because it is through space. It sends
rays and gives you something for your imitated being. It is made as a
practice; a tajruba, an
experiment. No Sun, no life. Then there is our real being, the deputy.
Our real being is carrying that honor. It is not like ourselves,
carrying to be deputies of Allah. How? How can it be that Allah Almighty
is making deputies, one meter, two-meter people? Are you never thinking
on such things? la`allahum yatafakkaroon. Allah
Almighty is asking you to think on it. You must think that it can’t be
through this size that you are going to be a deputy, it can’t be.
do yo think if a king or sultan is asking to dress a peasant to be his
deputy? A farmer or a shepherd, making him sultan and also his deputy,
then leaving him behind a flock or making him plough fields? How can it
be, a deputy of the sultan is going to be a shepherd or a farmer? What
is that?
Allah is making him a deputy, He is calling him, “Call that one. I am
dressing him in a dress of honor to be My deputy of Scotland, or Wales,
or Kent.” He is dressing him and sending him there and the Lord of
Heavens is saying to the angels, “I am making a new creation to be my
deputies.” He can do this? Allah Almighty is saying, la`allahum yatafakkaroon. “How? I am not granted a territory and He
is dressing me with that honor?” Allah Almighty’s deputy (is granted)
that endless honor. Through that endless honor he is granted endless
power and granted endless lights and endless oceans through our Lord’s
Dominions. No number or measure can measure it.
Therefore, here we are all imitated deputies, or we are namdhat,
like a person who is prepared to be a king, like a crown prince.
Although we have a crown on our heads to give us the honor to be Allah
Almighty’s deputies, such people are all imitated. Ninety-nine percent
of their ways and lives are like that of an animal. There is nothing
they are thinking; only eating, drinking and riding on their wives. What
is this? Allah created and granted them the honor of being a deputy and
you are not seeing any difference between them and four-legged animals.
Are you in the same category? Our
category is over the category of angels. Therefore the angels are
saying, “O our Lord, why are you giving these ones to be your deputies?”
Angels have the highest category. Allah Almighty informed them, “I am
bringing a new creation over your creation. He is going to be my deputy
and his honor is going to be above yours.” The Holy Qur’an is speaking
of this:
قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلاَئِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً
قَالُواْ أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاء
وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا
لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ
idh qaala rabbuka lil-malaaikati innee jaa`ilun fi’l-ardi khaleefatan
qaloo ataj`aloo feeha man yufsidu feeha wa yasfikudimaa’ wa nahnoo
nusaddiqu bi-hamdika wa nuqaddisu-lak qaala innee `alamoo ma la
thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.”
They said, “Will you place therein someone who will create mischief and
shed blood while we do celebrate Your praises and glorify Your (Holy
Name)?” He said: “I know what you know not.” Suratu ‘l-Baqara (2:30)
of us may say, “I am a deputy.” How can we say this? Do we have no
shame? Therefore, they are saying now and are making me to address
people to give some opening for realities that are through the Holy
Qur’an. You must think about it. If you reached the position of a real
deputy, this world couldn’t carry you. The important point is alif-laam. Allah
Almighty’s territories and divine dominions are countless, and there
are endless oceans through endless dominions. He is saying, “I am making, fil `ard.” Which `ard? We
are knowing this now, but if there is only one Earth, and only Mankind
who are going to be deputies, is there not any other globe for Allah
through His endless territories? And when we are on this planet, are we
doing a real deputy’s function? Which of us is claiming to be a deputy
of the Lord? Can he make his hand go up to the skies? Can he
carry stars? Which one? And they are making such an addressing, a
teaching, and giving an explanation or tafseer,
a commentary. It is the first step. We can say it is the highest
position for glorifying that we have been granted; such an unexpected
and never-understood power.
People! Therefore, Sayyidina `Ali (q) said, “You are thinking you are a
small being, but who is looking to you? You are like a universe! Tadhunoo annaka sagheerun wa feeka `awaalim, Do you think you are a speck when a whole universe is concealed within you?” We
are speaking on this now to show our position. We have been granted
such high ranks and divine attributes. We have also been dressed because
a deputy must have from heavenly attributes. To be dressed according to
their globe, not by attributes that belong to Allah, haasha! But
where we have been appointed, we are dressed also with such honor and
attributes that belong to heavenly attributes and heavenly Honor Oceans.
Where are we, what do we know? Nothing! O Mankind, may Allah
forgive us. I know nothing, but they are making me address all nations,
east and west. Don’t look at who is speaking, but to what that one is
speaking. Think about it, that is important. Thinking is the key to
closed or locked treasures. If you are thinking, it may open something
for you. If you are not, you and an ant will be in the same category.
People! Try to understand and learn! Try to think about who you are and
if you are real deputies. Are we not going to die, be buried, and
become dust? Only the Creator knows the real being of His deputies,
where they are, what their situation is and what are their realities,
what their honors are and what their colors are also; different colors.
On this planet there are black, white,
yellow and red colors. Is there a green color? In that level of heavens
no two colors are the same. There are billions and trillions of
different colors. That is our Lord’s power. Allah jalla jalaaluhu, jallat-`azhaamatuh, wa la ilaaha ghayruhu, subhaan sensin.
can we say anything about Your Reality, O our Lord, when we are not
knowing about ourselves? How are we knowing about our Lord, the Lord of
Creation? O People! Give some time for understanding because there are
levels for people after this life. When they are passing from this
planet and are stepping on their real planet through the heavens, you
may understand what we were doing, what we came to see, to be, and what
they were asking us to be.
People! Daily, try to give even five minutes or ten minutes. I hope
that the Lord of Heavens is giving something for the understanding of
all people through an opening from His holy book, the Holy Qur’an. This
is a small fountain now, but behind it are coming oceans. When Mahdi (a)
is coming and then Jesus Christ (a) is landing on this planet, they
should understand.
We are not finding time to say to our listeners, As-salaamu `alaykum. Don’t sleep, hear that! It is something from heavenly singing.
(Mawlana Shaykh sings.)
Singing, singing, singing, singing
Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuuu
Dome, dome, dome, dome
Astaghfirullah! Fatihah.
(45 minutes) Allah Allah. Enough. Marhaba! You are all clever ones. Allah, Allah.
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