Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Tale of two Drops of Water

A Tale of two Drops of Water


Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Friday Suhbah
6th May 2011
A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem
Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem
Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt
  • Man’s personality and identity is unknown to all, even to himself. Only His Lord and Creator truly knows him, for it is He who gave that identity of Deputy (Khalifa), to Man. This worldly life is no value, what is of value is the Station of being Deputies that has been bestowed upon us.
  • We must take an understanding from the teaching of the Prophets, an understanding that will grant us more honour in His presence. Try to understand something of what Allah Almighty granted you, oh Mankind. We have been called to try to reach some realities that bring much more honor and glory to us through endless Time Oceans. The Lord of Heavens is calling, “Oh People! Come and follow My Ways, and I promise you such honor and glory!”
  • Maulana says that it is like a Tree calling to the river water, to come and complete its journey in its fruits! Water has two choices when it flows in a river, it can flow through vegetation and become part of a fruit, or it can flow aimlessly to the ocean. If it accepts that call, the drop of water may attain an exalted position, in which it gives life to vegetation, flowers and fruits. The Lord of Heavens sent us Prophets who brought discipline, the Shari`ah; if you are keeping that discipline, you will take more and more honour. If not, you have wasted your life, you are going to end up in the ocean, without the benefit of attaining eternal life; you will be amongst the Spiritually dead ones.
  • Oh People! Use your minds, you must know what is important and what is imagination, what is a real jewel and what is an imitation. You must strive with all your might, to climb from one level of understanding to a higher one, from one Station to a higher Station, like a drop of water climbing up a tree. At each Station, more glorious enlightenment awaits your Soul’s pleasure and enjoyment. The drops of water who accept the call of the Tree, will be honored, for, when that special drop of water reaches its destination within the fruit, it acquires, not only a real taste and a beautiful appearance, it also attains something from the secret of Life, for every living thing comes from water.
  • The secret of life is water. The water of life is Love. And Love is what makes life sweet.The drops of water that nourishes fruits, are those who are really tasting that sweetness.
We made from water every living thing. (Surah Al-Anbiya 21:30)
  • But if you choose to laze your life away, turning your back on the Stations of Nearness to your Lord, you are going to be like that water running to the ocean. Unlike the water which struggles up through tree trunks and gives life to such a staggering amount of fruits, sewage water merely flows to the ocean, without going into any vegetation. It gives no life, and shares not in its secret.
  • Therefore, if a drop of water intends to flow through a tree, it needs to bow to nature’s authority and to follow the physical limits assigned to it. Try to follow such a discipline (Shari’ah), we must keep the discipline that our Lord, the Heavenly Creator, made for us; only then do we acquire honour.
  • Sadly, nowadays, most people are like river water that does not nourish a garden or its various trees, flowers, or fruits they are tasteless ones and are of no benefit to the living creatures around themselves. In these times, billions of drops of water have chosen to run to the ocean, they are not keeping that discipline to ascend the trees. Oh People! So many people are not keeping the Holy commands from Heaven, they are not keeping the discipline to make fruit, as all fruit needs discipline to thrive. Whoever keeps discipline is honoured and those who do not, waste their precious existence; they reach to their final destination, without attaining anything,
  • Therefore, try to make it to that fruit, so that you will be honoured with a specialty, that people will behold and say, “Mashaa-Allah.” If not, you are finished; you are never coming back here again, you will never be given another chance ever again, to acquire any honour. This is your only chance; your Lord is not in need of that honour, it is you who are in need of it.
  • In these times, where people want absolute freedom to do as their egos command, people do not accept any sort of rules or discipline in their lives, they do not want to be trained to acquire some part of heavenly honours. Whoever is not interested, it doesn’t matter; the ocean takes you in the end, and when you ask, “May we come back?”, the answer will always be, ‘No’, for, even if you return to this worldly life a hundred times, you will end up the same as before! So many regretful ones will ask to return to their worldly lives.
Couldst thou but see when the guilty hang their heads before their Lord, (and say): Our Lord! We have now seen and heard, so send us back; we will do right, now we are sure. (Surah As-Sajdah 32:12)
  • Honour is for that drop of water who accepts discipline, and for such a blessed drop, is an eternal harvest, for those fruits are forever! Sadly, so many people are heading to that Eternal life, not as fruits, but as ordinary water, they will never receive the benefit of what the Lord of Heavens has hidden in the Secret of Water.
  • Oh People! Come to accept divine discipline, to be happy here and Hereafter. If you are not accepting to be disciplined, you will destroy yourselves and others as well, and you will become of the dirty ones; like rubbish, you will have with no value.
  • Try to be a valued ones here and for all Eternity. If you are not accepting it, it doesn’t matter; you will be taken to the oceans, never to return. Oh People! Come to follow heavenly rules and leave what you are following of shaytanic rules. If not, you are going to end in the worst position! If you follow heavenly rules, you will be happy here and in the Hereafter; if not, it doesn’t matter, as you are going to lose every heavenly grant that was to be bestowed upon you. Leave shaytanic ways and follow heavenly ways that have been given to you from the time of Sayyidina Adam (as) to the time of our Prophet Muhammad (saw)!
Two drop of water 300x225 A Tale of two Drops of Water

  • By admiring the vastness of creation, Man sees himself in perspective, he is but a weak and insignificant creature, who had no means to understand, let alone influence inter-galactic events. Man must realize his weak condition, and that is achieved through constant reflection of the limitless powers of Allah Almighty. Constant meditation on these matters, tames the ego to see itself as servant, not as a Lord.
  • Yet in Man’s smallness and weakness, being an insignificant speck in the Universe, he has been given the mind, the heart and the Soul, and he is able to understand the rest of Allah’s vast creation, with it. Allah did not give Man Physical prowess to fulfil his Duty as His Deputy, He bestowed Man with the Spiritual preparation and gifts to attain that Station. Just as a bird is given wings, and a fish, fins, to survive and thrive in their respective worlds, Man too has been given the complete set of accessories and tools to be His ultimate servant.
  • In this beautiful Suhbah, Maulana is drawing out two journeys that a drop of water can take. It can, like sewage, just flow into the sea. In doing so, it gives no life to living things, it doesn’t produce vegetation, flowers or fruit, it has lived for itself, selfishly, without care for others or even for itself.
  • Such a droplet achieved nothing in his short life in this world he had been sent here to attain Deputyship, he had been dressed in the Secret of His Lord, but he chose to throw all that away, to seek the animal pleasures of this temporary life. He leaves this world, not as Allah’s Deputy, but as a heedless bankrupt, a drop of sewage water that the river is happy to rid itself of.
  • Or the water droplet can choose to follow Shari’ah, a life of Discipline, for His sake. Such a drop of water goes through much testing and training, but eventually, it tastes the sweetness of the fruit, and helps give life to it.
  • A fruit is very symbolic, as descriptions of Jannah (Paradise) in the Qur’an always mentions the vegetation and fruits, that are found within in. No sweet fruits or green vegetation is found in Jahannam!
The Companions of the Right Hand, what will be the Companions of the Right Hand? (27) (They will be) among lote trees without thorns, (28) Among Talh trees with flowers (or fruits) piled one above another (29) In shade long-extended, (30) By water flowing constantly (31) And fruit in abundance (32) (Surah Al-Waqi'ah 56:27-32)
  • Each fruit has a different taste a watermelon and a pineapple taste so different – and each fruit contains its own special store of vitamins, energy and pleasure. Allah created everything unique – for example, different species of bananas taste different, bananas from the same comb also taste different, and even different parts of the same banana are different! Subhanallah! Every drop of water in every fruit, will attain its own unique station of sweetness and its own special combination of vitamins and energy, yet each drop is in ecstasy, for the drops of water in the fruit are gathered with other droplets who have completed the same gruelling journey, they are in the company of the blessed ones, the fellowship of the pious!
Whoso obeyeth Allah and the messenger, they are with those unto whom Allah hath shown favour, of the prophets and the saints and the martyrs and the righteous. The best of company are they! (Surah An-Nisa 4:69)
  • The dressings of sweetness of all these blessed drops of water, have actually been extracted from the sweetness of the Pond of the Prophet (saw), and by tasting, each drop has been shown the door to knowing the Prophet (saw), the Door to the Ocean of Unity. They exist for his (saw) honour, and by knowing him (saw), they have attained honour, which is why Maulana began this Suhbah by quoting the Quranic Verse, “the prophet is within you.” (Surah Ali-Imran 3:101)
  • The drop that arrives at its destination tastes, and gives taste! It benefits and in turn, gives benefits too! Most importantly, it will understand the Secret to Life, as Allah Almighty said that He made every living thing from Water. Maulana said, “Water is the Secret to Life, and the Water of Life, is Love! Hence the Secret lies in Love,” not talking, writing or reading about it, no, but tasting it, just as that drop of water in the fruit is tasting. Volumes may be written here, but only the droplet who has tasted, knows and understands. And only one who possesses it, may give of it, that is why it is so intoxicating to sit in Maulana’s presence (for those who have been blessed to meet him), for one who has tasted and drowned in the Love, becomes a fountain of Love from which others may drink from, like a ripe fruit from which we may take taste, pleasure and refreshment!
  • Read these Verses of the Holy Quran, in which Sayyidina Ibrahim, asked for fruits!
And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled; He said: “I will make thee an Imam to the nations.” He pleaded: “And also (Imams) from my offspring!” He answered: “But my promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.” (124) Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and Isma`il that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round or use it as a retreat or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer). (125) And remember Abraham said: “My Lord make this a City of Peace, and feed its people with fruits such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day.” He said: “(Yea) and such as reject faith for a while will I grant them their pleasure, but will soon drive them to the torment of fire an evil destination (indeed)!” (126) (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:124-126)
After Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) was severely tested by Allah (he took the Way of Discipline), Allah raised him and his descendents as Imams (Guides, Knowers, Gnostics, Friends of Allah), and commanded him and Sayyidina Ismail (as) to ‘sanctify My House’, which means, ‘to teach mureeds the Way of Discipline, to clean their hearts of Ego, for the heart of Man is the House of God’. Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) prayed that Makkah be a City of Peace (mureeds who followed the Way would attain peace) and beseeched Allah to give those who believed in Allah and the Last Day, ‘fruits’. Despite Makkah lying smack in the middle of a desert, Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) did not ask for (tasteless) water, nor did he ask for (physical) food. Prophets are always seeking Spiritual nourishment for their Ummahs, and Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) prayed to Allah, that believers be given ‘fruits’ – symbolising a journey of taste, under the guidance of true Shaykhs, who had walked the journey themselves and attained the Secret.
A Scientific analysis of Maulana’s analogy
(This section is only for those who wish to see the beauty of Maulana’s analogy from a Scientific point of view. Many scientific terms are used, so please skip this section if you find biological analysis dry and uninteresting.)
  • It is significant that Maulana likened each human being to a drop of water, as our bodies are almost 80% water. Water is unique, as so many substances are able to dissolve in it, perhaps showing a human being’s ability to absorb so many different types of knowledge and understanding. Water is known as the Universal Solvent, and Man has indeed been given the Keys to the Universe, as Adam (as) was taught the Names of all things.
  • Maulana says that we are all drops of water flowing in a stream. That is a beautiful analogy of life. A river flows so quickly, time passes relentlessly; and even if we stand still, time doesn’t wait for us. So many of us are caught up in the day-to-day activities of our lives, before we know it, a decade has shot by, and we are still Spiritually as lost as we were, ten years ago.
  • The drop of water that takes the easy route, will simply flow to the ocean. The one that takes the hard route, the Way of Discipline, will eventually reap an everlasting harvest. In a hadees Qudsi, Allah revealed to Jibrail (as), that the Way to Jahannam is easy, while the Way to Jannah, is very difficult, for it is a journey that requires discipline – even to become a Commando or a Heart Surgeon takes years of training and dedication, do we think that we can acquire life’s ultimate prize, Union with the Lord, and tasting of the Hidden Treasure, with no effort?
  • An aimless, lazy human being will never attain any honour. Like the drop of water hurtling to the ocean, he is just following his whims and fancies, and seeks only to please his Ego. In the end, the drop of water unites with the sea, it becomes Salty, an analogy for the Sea of Tears that such a person will cry, in eternal regret for having thrown away his honour and Station, for he will never be given such a chance again. Like tears, Sea water is salty, and provides no refreshment or satisfaction to one who drinks it. Similarly, one who ends up there, will never find refreshment or satisfaction, no matter how much he weeps at his folly.
  • The drop of water that chooses to enter the tree, will start to move within the root cells, by a process called Osmosis. Water is the only chemical in the Universe that moves by this method. It moves to a region with greater dissolved substances, just like a mureed moving towards a Shaykh with greater wisdom and understanding.
  • Once inside the tree-trunk, water moves up a tree by moving up a system of pipes, called the Xylem. The Xylem is the only part of the tree that is dead, and the water droplets climb upwards by clinging to the sides of these dead vessels. It is amazing that Maulana chose this scientific analogy, as it shows us that water can only rise upwards, by holding onto the dead part of the tree. By holding onto the hand of a true Shaykh, one who is a true inheritor of the Prophet (saw), one who has ‘died before his death’ – a weak drop of water is able to ascend upwards against the pull of gravity, which symbolises his struggle against his ego and this dunia.
  • There are two other factors that help water climb – root pressure and transpiration pull.
Root pressure is the pressure of other water droplets that are also around it in the root. It is like a push-from-below force that helps the water droplet climb, like the effect of being in a jema’ah (congregation), hence Shah Naqshband’s (qs) saying that, ‘There is goodness in Association.’
Transpiration pull, on the other hand, is a force that is exerted by evaporating water from the top of the tall tree, it is a pulling force from the top, that is caused by the power of the Sun, which in this case is symbolises the Divine Pull, helping the Seeker to his goal. Indeed, ‘When a person takes one step to Allah, Allah takes ten steps towards him.’ (Hadees Qudsi).
  • Once the droplet of water reaches the fruits, it is then mixed with fruit sugar, and acquires a sweetness that can be tasted in the fruit. Fruit sugar, also called fructose, is the sweetest natural sugar in existence. It is made by a unique process called photosynthesis, where green pigment is able to take Sunlight, and make it into sugar. Green is also symbolic of Rasulullah (saw), and it is amazing that only green pigment can make food directly from Sunlight, since only the Ocean of ‘Muhammadur Rasulullah (saw)’ can take directly from the Ocean of ‘La ila ha illallah’, and bring that knowledge of taste, to all of Mankind.
  • That blessed drop of water (mureed), with the support of root pressure (Association/Suhbah), plods on diligently by holding onto the dead wood called Xylem (his Shaykh), and with the help of Transpiration Pull (Divine Mercy), defies gravity (pull of Ego/dunia/shaitan/hawa) to finally reach the Green Chlorophyll (symbolising Prophet), who places it in a fruit (its Station/Maqam as decreed on the Day of Promises), dressed in the sweetest sugar (Ma’rifah) and it is now part of a living fruit (it has attained eternal life with Him, Haqiqah). This is what Maulana meant by Discipline – it means submitting oneself to the strict training of Tariqah, in order to attain the Reality, Haqq.
  • That blessed drop of water now tastes the sweetness of faith, the sweetness of True existence in Him, by Him and for Him. It experiences the sweetness of being a Gnostic, a Knower. Alhamdulillah. It is now part of a living fruit, it has attained life, eternal life, and it will never die ever again, for water is the secret to life. That blessed droplet of water in the fruit is now a source of nourishment and vitality for those who taste of it, it brings happiness and blessings by its existence henceforth.
  • The droplet in the Sea? In stark contrast, the damned droplet in the Sea, tastes only the saltiness of its tears, for it is forever veiled from its Beloved, never to taste the sweetness of Unity. That salty droplet is Spiritually dead, and will remain forever so. Whoever drinks from it, will become more thirsty, more diseased and will eventually die.
There is no compulsion in religion. Maulana says, we are all free to choose our way, but remember – we must be prepared to live with the consequences of our decisions, forever. It takes a truly blind, foolish and short-sighted one to choose an eternal life of regret over an eternal life of sweet love. It’s your call – you decide which fate you prefer.

This 46 minute Suhbah in English can be viewed at www.Saltanat.org, Click here to watch the Suhbah. Click on Juma Sohbat 06 May 2011 (en). Should the video no longer be there, please look for it under the video archives of the Saltanat TV site.
Saltanat TV is the Official Site of Maulana Shaykh Nazim that is sanctioned and approved by him personally.


Spiritual Pengobatan: Adab untuk Mencari Opening Batal dalam Hidup, oleh Syaikh Adnan Kabbani

Spiritual Pengobatan: Adab untuk Mencari Opening Batal dalam Hidup, oleh Syaikh Adnan Kabbani

DSCN3887 247x300 Spiritual Medicine: Adab for Seeking a Clear Opening in Life, by Shaykh Adnan Kabbani
Oasis Cinta Ilahi ...
Litani berikut (adab / wirid) adalah bagi mereka yang mencari apapun Pembukaan Jelas, baik itu:
  • Spiritual di alam, seperti akan berpakaian dengan berkah dari Allah SWT dan Rasulullah (saw)
  • Fisik (duniawi) di alam, yang berkaitan dengan bisnis, pekerjaan, pekerjaan, dan juga untuk menjadi sukses.
Ada jenis Malaikat ditunjuk oleh Allah SWT, bagi orang yang membaca seratus kali sehari, masing-masing sebagai berikut:
La illa ha illallah (100 kali), dan pada akhirnya, katakanlah, Muhammadur Rasulullah (sekali). لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
Mashaallah (100 kali) ما شاء الله
Alhamdulillah (100 kali) الحمد لله
Shukranlillah (100 kali) شكرالله
Subhanallah (100 kali) سبحان الله
Astaghfirullah (100 kali) أستغفر الله
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (100 kali) إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
Hasbunallah wa ni'mal hu Wakeel (100 kali) حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
Tawakkal tu 'alallah (100 kali) توكلت علي الله
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah hil aliyil azhim (100 kali) لآحول ولآقوة الأبالله العلي العظيم
Kemudian membaca Ihda Naqsybandi, "fit Ila sharafin-nabi, salla-Allahu` alaihi wa sallam wa aalihi wa sahbihil-kiraam wa ila arwaahi ikhwanihi min al-anbiya-i wal-Mursaleen wa ila arwaahil a immatil Arba `wa ila arwaahi mashaykhina -tariqati-n-Naqshbandiyyati-l-`aliyya khaassatan ila ruhi Imamiyah-t-tariqah wa ghawthil-khaliqat Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshaband Muhammad al-Uwaysi al-bukhari, wa ila sultanul-awliya Syekh Abdullah al-faiz ad-Daghestani wa ila shaykhina Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani wa ila hadhratin ustadzina wa ustadzi ustadzina, wa siddiqiyyun, Al-Fatihah. "(sekali)
Ihda Spiritual Medicine: Adab for Seeking a Clear Opening in Life, by Shaykh Adnan Kabbani
(Klik pada gambar di atas untuk gambar yang lebih besar)
Allah SWT akan membuka semua pintu Surgawi untuk orang yang melafalkan ini litani / adab, dan semua malaikat akan melayani seperti satu, orang yang melakukan wirid ini di atas.

Spiritual Medicine: Adab for Seeking a Clear Opening in Life, by Shaykh Adnan Kabbani

Spiritual Medicine: Adab for Seeking a Clear Opening in Life, by Shaykh Adnan Kabbani

DSCN3887 247x300 Spiritual Medicine: Adab for Seeking a Clear Opening in Life, by Shaykh Adnan Kabbani
An Oasis of Divine Love…
The following litany (adab/wirid) is for those seeking any sort of Clear Opening, be it:
  • Spiritual in nature, such as to be dressed by blessing from Allah Almighty and Rasulullah (saw)
  • Physical (Worldly) in nature, pertaining to business, work, job, and also to be successful.
There is a type of Angel appointed by Allah Almighty, for one who reads a hundred times daily, of each of the following:
La illa ha illallah (100 times), and at the end, say, Muhammadur Rasulullah (once). لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
MashaAllah (100 times)  ما شاء الله
Alhamdulillah (100 times) الحمد لله
Shukranlillah (100 times) شُكْرًالِلَّه
Subhanallah (100 times) سبحان الله
Astaghfirullah (100 times) أستغفر الله
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un (100 times) إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Hasbunallah hu wa ni’mal wakeel (100 times)  حَسۡبُنَا اللّٰهُ وَنِعۡمَ الۡوَكِيۡلُ
Tawakkal tu ‘alallah (100 times)  تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلَي اللَّه
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah hil aliyil azhim (100 times) لآحَولَ وَلآقُوَّةَ اِلَّأبِاللَّهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِيْمِ
Then recite the Naqshbandi Ihda, “Ila sharafin-nabi, salla-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam wa aalihi wa sahbihil-kiraam wa ila arwaahi ikhwanihi min al-anbiya-i wal-mursaleen wa ila arwaahil a immatil arba` wa ila arwaahi mashaykhina fit-tariqati-n-Naqshbandiyyati-l-`aliyya khaassatan ila ruhi imami-t-tariqah wa ghawthil-khaliqat khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband Muhammad al-uwaysi al-bukhari, wa ila sultanul-awliya shaykh Abdullah al-faiz ad-Daghestani wa ila shaykhina Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani wa ila hadhratin ustadzina wa ustadzi ustadzina, wa siddiqiyyun, Al-Fatihah.” (once)
Ihda Spiritual Medicine: Adab for Seeking a Clear Opening in Life, by Shaykh Adnan Kabbani(Click on the image above for a larger image)

Allah Almighty will open all the Heavenly Doors for the one who recites this litany/adab, and all Angels will serve such a one, the one who is doing this wirid above.


Spiritual Pengobatan: Adab untuk memecahkan penderitaan yang tampaknya tak teratasi, oleh Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Spiritual Pengobatan: Adab untuk memecahkan penderitaan yang tampaknya tak teratasi, oleh Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Maulana Syaikh Nazim mengatakan bahwa ada situasi dan masalah, di mana tidak ada jumlah ibadah, tidak ada jumlah do'a, tidak ada jumlah berdoa (memohon), tidak ada jumlah amal, tidak ada jumlah Maqams mengunjungi, dapat memecahkan - melakukan ' yang tidak akan diangkat, dan masalah tidak akan diselesaikan oleh Allah SWT.
Jika ada yang berpakaian dengan penderitaan yang begitu mengerikan, kemalangan, 'bala, atau musibah, atau menderita kesulitan dalam rezeki (rizqi), atau jika ia berada dalam situasi yang sulit atau menderita, atau jika ia memiliki penyakit serius seperti kanker atau penyakit yang dokter tidak bisa menyembuhkan, atau ia tidak mampu melahirkan anak-anak, (atau jika seorang wanita tidak dapat hamil), atau jika ia menghadapi apa pun yang tidak tahan, atau sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan pemerintah (dan mereka tidak memecahkan masalah bagi dia), atau jika ia ingin semua masalah itu harus dipecahkan, Maulana Syaikh Nazim mengatakan bahwa satu-satunya obat untuk semua jenis masalah yang serius, adalah baginya untuk melakukan adab berikut, atas niat apa dia menghadapi (misalnya harus dilakukan dengan niat karena Allah untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, atau untuk menyembuhkan penyakitnya, atau membuka Pintu dari Rizqi, atau untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah sulit yang dia hadapi yang dia maupun orang lain, dapat memecahkan , atau untuk melahirkan anak-anak dll)
Maulana mengatakan, "Tidak perlu pergi ke orang, pergi ke Allah SWT, membaca berikut, setiap hari, selama 40 hari."
Membuat niyyah (niat) untuk masalah yang Anda inginkan bagi Allah untuk memecahkan dalam melakukan praktek ini, kemudian membaca berikut:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
3 kali Syahadat Shahadat (Ashadu an ilallah Lailaha, wa Ashadu Anna Muhammadan Rasulullah)
اشهد ان لآ اله الا الله
و اشهد ان محمد رسوله
Astaghfirullah, 70 kali
أستغفر الله
Kemudian membuat presentasi, Ihda Naqshbandi, ila sharafin nabi wa alihi wa wa sahbihi hadrati ustadhi ustadhina wa siddiqiyun, Al-Fatihah. 1 kali Ihda 300x150 Spiritual Medicine: Adab to solve seemingly insurmountable miseries, by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani (Klik pada gambar di atas untuk gambar yang lebih besar)
Kemudian duduk dan terus membaca Astaghfirullah, 300 kali
أستغفر الله
Bagi pasangan yang ingin hamil, mereka harus, selain adab di atas, juga membuat niat, bahwa ketika istri sedang hamil, mereka akan melakukan dua Pengorbanan (Qurbans), sebagai suatu adab, pada jiwa Sayyidina Shah Naqshaband dan Sayyidatina Nafisah Thohirah . Begini caranya: Setelah dia dinyatakan hamil, mereka melakukan Qurban pertama, dan setelah melahirkan, dalam 7 hari pertama (atau pada hari ke-7), mereka melakukan Qurban lainnya.
Orang yang menjaga adab ini, Allah SWT akan memenuhi niyyah (niat) yang dia lakukan itu.
Bahkan suami dan istri yang tidak dapat hamil, akan mampu melakukannya, dengan adab ini, dalam waktu dua bulan untuk melakukan adab ini. Allah akan menyembuhkan mereka dan membuat mereka bayi, sama seperti Ia lakukan untuk Nabi Sayyidina Zakariyya (as).


Spiritual Medicine: Adab to solve seemingly insurmountable miseries, by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Spiritual Medicine: Adab to solve seemingly insurmountable miseries, by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Maulana Shaykh Nazim said that there are situations and problems, in which no amount of worship, no amount of do’a, no amount of praying (beseeching), no amount of charity, no amount of visiting Maqams, can solve – the do’a will not be lifted up, and the problem will not be solved by Allah Almighty.

If anyone is dressed by such dire miseries, misfortune, bala’, or musibah, or is suffering from difficulty in sustenance (rizqi), or if he is in a difficult situation or is suffering, or if he has a serious disease like cancer or an illness which doctors aren’t able to cure, or he is not able to beget children, (or if a women is unable to get pregnant), or if he is facing anything he cannot bear, or something related to government (and they are not solving the problem for him), or if he wants all his issues to be solved, Maulana Shaykh Nazim said that the only medicine for all these kinds of serious matters, is for him to do the following adab, upon the intention of what he’s facing (eg to be done with the intention for Allah to fulfill his need, or to cure his illness, or to open Doors of Rizqi, or to solve the difficult problems which he is facing which neither he, nor anyone else, can solve, or to beget children etc)

Maulana said, “No need to go to people, go to Allah Almighty, recite the following, daily, for 40 days.”
Make niyyah (intention) as to the problem you wish for Allah to solve in performing this practice, then recite the following:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ
3 times Kalimah Shahadat (Ashadu an Lailaha Ilallah, wa Ashadu Anna Muhammadan Rasulullah)
اشْهَدُ انْ لّآ اِلهَ اِلَّا اللّهُ
وَ اَشْهَدُ اَنَّ مُحَمَّدً رَسُولُه
Astaghfirullah, 70 times
أستغفر الله
Then make presentation, the Naqshbandi Ihda, ila sharafin nabi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa hadrati ustadhi ustadhina wa siddiqiyun, Al-Fatiha. 1 time Ihda 300x150 Spiritual Medicine: Adab to solve seemingly insurmountable miseries, by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani(Click on the image above for a larger image)
Then sit and continue reciting Astaghfirullah, 300 times
أستغفر الله
For couples who wish to conceive, they must, in addition to the adab above, also make an intention, that when the wife is pregnant, they will perform two Sacrifices (Qurbans), as an adab, on the souls of Sayyidina Shah Naqshband and Sayyidatina Nafisah Thohirah. Here’s how: Once she is confirmed pregnant, they are to perform the first Qurban, and after delivery, within the first 7 days (or on the 7th day), they are to do the other Qurban.

The one who keeps this adab, Allah Almighty will fulfill the niyyah (intention) for which he is doing it.
Even a husband and wife who are unable to conceive, will be able to do so, by this adab, within two months of doing this adab. Allah will cure them and make for them a baby, just as He did for Prophet Sayyidina Zakariyya (as).


Spiritual Pengobatan: Adab untuk bantuan dari penderitaan & kemalangan, oleh Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Spiritual Pengobatan: Adab untuk bantuan dari penderitaan & kemalangan, oleh Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Adab untuk bantuan dari penderitaan dan kemalangan
Sekarang jika ada
  • memiliki masalah yang tidak dapat dipecahkan atau
  • memiliki penyakit yang tidak bisa disembuhkan oleh semua dokter dan semua jenis obat atau
  • telah diselimuti oleh penderitaan atau kemalangan atau
  • telah telah 'bala turun atas dia atau
  • (Seorang pria) ingin menikahi seorang gadis, tapi dia tidak menerima lamarannya,
  • (Seorang gadis) ingin menikah dengan pria tertentu, tetapi ada banyak kesulitan dalam cara untuk menikah dengannya,
semua jenis kemalangan, memiliki satu obat - Mawlana Syekh Nazim menginstruksikan bahwa adab berikut dibacakan 100 kali masing-masing:
La ila ha illallahul Malikul Haqqul Mubeen Muhammadur Rasulullah Sodiqul wa 'dil ameen
لا اله الا الله الملك
الحق المبين
محمد رسول الله
الصادق الوعد الأمين
La ila ha illa anta, subhanaka Inni kuntu minazh zholimeen (Tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau: Maha Suci Engkau: Saya memang salah-pelaku)
لا اله الا انت سبحنك
انى كنت من الظلمين
Ya Ghaliba ghaira maghloob, Inni maghloobun fantasir (O Ye yang tidak bisa dikalahkan, saya salah satu mengatasi: jangan Engkau kemudian membantu saya) يا غالبا غير مغلوب
انى مغلوب فانتصر
Allahumma Solli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad, qallat heelatee, adriknee ya Rasulallah, bijaahika indallah
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد
قلت حيلتي ادركني يا رسول الله بجاهك عند الله

Spiritual Medicine: Adab for relief from miseries & misfortunes, by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Spiritual Medicine: Adab for relief from miseries & misfortunes, by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani

Adab for relief from miseries and misfortunes
Now if anyone
  • has a problem which cannot be solved or
  • has an illness that cannot be cured by all doctors and all types of medicine or
  • has been enveloped by miseries or misfortunes or
  • has had bala’ descend upon him or
  • (a man) wants to marry a girl, but she is not accepting his proposal,
  • (a girl) wants to marry a particular man but there are many difficulties in the way to get married to him,
all these kinds of misfortunes, have one cure – Mawlana Shaykh Nazim instructed that the following adab be recited 100 times each:
La ila ha illallahulMalikul Haqqul Mubeen Muhammadur Rasulullah Sodiqul wa’ dil ameen
لا اله الا الله الملك
الحق المبين
محمد رسول الله
الصادق الوعد الأمين
La ila ha illa anta, subhanaka inni kuntu minazh zholimeen(There is no god but Thou: Glory to Thee: I was indeed a wrong-doer! )
لااِلٰهَ اِلَّاۤ اَنۡتَ سُبۡحٰنَكَ
اِنِّىۡ كُنۡتُ مِنَ الظّٰلِمِيۡن
Ya Ghaliba ghaira maghloob, inni maghloobun fantasir(O Ye who cannot be vanquished, I am one overcome: do Thou then help me)  يا غالبا غير مغلوب
اَنِّىۡ مَغۡلُوۡبٌ فَانْـتَصِرۡ
Allahumma solli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad, qallat heelatee, adriknee ya Rasulallah, bijaahika indallah
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد
قلّت حيلتي ادركني يا رسول الله بجاهك عند الله


Maulana’s response to “Innocence of Muslims”

Maulana’s response to “Innocence of Muslims”

24th September 2012
A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem
Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem
Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt
Dastur Ya Rijal Allah, madad!
3001246 poster innocence muslims 642 Maulanas response to Innocence of Muslims
Hadees: If matters are not in the hands of the rightful ones, wait for the last hour
Maulana began by saying that he was deeply sorry, that there were no more people who gave advice to the Ummah, leaving them in the hands of the lowest kind of people, the Sufaha. Who are the Sufaha? It is derived from the word, Safih, which means the worst of people. They are people whose actions are devoid of reason and goodwill.

Rasulullah (saw), the Beloved of the Most Merciful, the pride of all creation, the Master of the Beginning and the End, said, “If matters are not in the hands of the rightful ones, wait for the last hour.” If responsibility/tasks are given to those who are not competent, it means it has been placed in the hands of the Sufaha, the lowest kind of people – the scum of the earth – who are neither honoured by Allah (swt) nor by the Prophet (saws).
Prophet Yusuf (as) said,
وَمَاۤ اُبَرِّئُ نَفۡسِىۡ‌ۚ اِنَّ النَّفۡسَ لَاَمَّارَةٌۢ بِالسُّوۡٓءِ
“And I free not myself from the blame. Verily, the ego is inclined to evil.” (Surah Yusuf 12:53)
He is a Prophet (as), free from blame, yet he admits that his ego leads him to evil. What then about the ego of common people? What about the ego of the Sufaha?

Hadees: Religion is advice
Maulana said that he had not wanted to comment on the film, “Innocence of Muslims”. But since no one had stepped forward to give clear directions to the believers, and because the response from the Muslim world had led to many sorrowful incidents, Maulana is giving some advice now, as the Holy Prophet (saw) had said, “Religion is advice”.

Although advice it is not welcomed nowadays, Maulana’s conscience forces him to speak, so as to fulfill the legacy of that hadeeth, not because he sees himself as superior to his brothers in faith. “I am a weak servant,” he says, “Alhamdulillah to He who honored me with long age, and ornamented me with reason, Islam and awareness. I wouldn’t have said a word, but this is something I was ordered to do, to speak to the Muslim World and to advise them to return back to Islam, to the Order of Allah!”

Hadees: Listen and take wisdom
Maulana said that he was deeply sorry about the events that have befallen the Arab countries. It has been embroiled in an escalating and brutal Arab Spring that has claimed many innocent lives, and is now the scene of violent demonstrations that has destroyed the peaceful coexistence between the Christian and Jewish religious communities in Muslim countries.

Prophet (saw) always said, “Listen and take wisdom, for if you (are humble enough to listen), you will benefit.” Listen to the words of Allah (swt), to the orders of Allah (awj). Maulana said, “I wish I was able to stand up every second, to respect and honour Allah’s words and orders, but I have become old and weak, and I beg my Lord (awj) to have mercy on me, since I cannot give enough honour to our Lord Al Haqq (swt) and His Prophet (saws).” So listen to this advice…

Hadees: There is no harming nor reciprocating harm, in Islam
The Prophet (saws) said, “There is no harming nor reciprocating harm, in Islam.”
“La darar wa la dirar fil Islam.”
These are only two words (darar/dirar) but, they can teach the whole world; it teaches them lessons, educates them and gives them manners.

Turkish saying: If a dog ate its own filth, it could never dirty the ocean
Maulana said that while the Muslim world doesn’t accept or condone what was done to insult our religion and the Holy Prophet (saw), he quoted a Turkish saying, which, loosely translated, means, “If a dog ate faeces, it could never dirty the ocean.”

(Maulana means that, even if a dog ate its own excrement, and passed it out into the Ocean, it could never dirty it. Which is why it is always allowed for us to take ablution from the sea – despite all the droppings of birds, fish and other living things that discard their najis in it – all these creatures’ droppings have never managed to soil the purity of sea. So the excrement of one dog, does nothing to the Ocean – it is still clean and pure, unaffected by this tiny drop of dirtiness.)

When a dog eats filth, only the dog gets filthy, no one else
If one dog (the film-maker), ate excrement (did a crude and vulgar act of making a movie which purposely chose to depict Rasulullah (saw) in a manner that was in complete contrast to his actual beautiful conduct), would the Ocean of Islam, (would the Holy name of Rasulullah (saws), whom all the worlds stand to honour), get dirty? No! What the film-maker did, can never tarnish the perfection of Islam, or sully the honour of Rasulullah (saw)!

Why did we get influenced by ‘the dog who ate his own excrement’? Why did we dirty the world by repeating his filthy words? Let him eat his own filth. What the dog ate, will ‘eat’ him up instead (i.e the dog will suffer, diseased from the filth that it consumed). That film maker is a devil, curses will come on him. Each human being’s action, will be recorded in his own book, and he will be repaid in full, for what he has done. So we Muslims must take the stand, “What does that dog’s action have to do with us? Nothing! What it sows, it will reap.” Why would we need to punish him?

Unfortunately, when one dog ate filth, millions rose up in anger to spread the filth from East to West…
But, unfortunately, for the sake of this dog and its filthy words, millions of Muslims stood up and rioted, they spread out in the streets and made aggressive demonstrations. They burned. They destroyed. They killed. They defaced. Whether it was for truth or not, a believer cannot do things that are forbidden in Islam. Shame on those who incited their fellow Muslims, provoking them to react in a manner prohibited by Shariah – causing harm – whereas the Holy Prophet (saw) had said, “There is no harming nor reciprocating harm, in Islam.”

 Maulanas response to Innocence of Muslims

What the filmmaker did, was an act of evil; what the Muslims did were also acts of evil! One disbeliever (the film maker) acted in a manner that incurred Allah’s Wrath, and in return, millions of believers reacted in a manner that also incurred Allah’s Wrath!

Is there no one who will actually heed and obey the Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet (saw) that says, “There is no harming nor reciprocating harm, in Islam”? Instead of listening to the words of the Prophet, they listened to the words of shaytan.

By doing what we did, Muslims spread the evil that one dog did, all over the world. Instead of taking Rasulullah (saw) as our teacher, we have taken this evil-doer as our guide, following his example, and spreading his filth from East to West! The Lord of Glory revealed to his Prophets (as) and especially our Holy Prophet (saw), all that we needed to know. Rasulullah (saw) taught us everything, but we didn’t learn anything! We only learned what the disbelievers and obscene people did, and we are walking on their path! God Forbid!

Ironically, the Muslims did not demonstrate for what is happening in the Muslim countries, for example, for the injustice taking place in the land of Sham (Syria). In a Hadeeth Qudsi, it is reported that Allah (swt) said, “The Land of Sham is Kinanat-Allah,” – it is the treasure house of Allah. It is so easy for them to make a huge commotion for the sake of this shaytan (who produced the offensive film), but for the sake of Sham, they cannot. Shame on them.

 …making Islam in the eyes of the world like a beast, a beast who harms!
By reacting how we did (with violence), Islam became, in the eyes of the world like a beast, a beast who harms, and who tramples mercilessly on the rights of people. Especially the use of bombs that they used to harm people, they are forbidden from the start! Allah (swt) does not approve of this, nor His Beloved (saw)! And not the conscience of anyone who has a conscience!

016242111 40100 Maulanas response to Innocence of Muslims

The harshest claim against a Muslim, will come from non-Muslims, whose rights were violated!
Referring to the damage to Churches and Synagogues that angry Muslims mobs set upon, Maulana asked, “What have you done, oh Muslims?”

What made it permissible for you to burn, to violate the property of people and to harm them? Do you not know that Muslims are forbidden from doing harm, the Mighty Shariah says!
On the Day of Resurrection – Yawm Al Qisas – Allah (jazza wa ‘ala) will not leave the rights of any creature unfulfilled, everyone will be given his due rights, in full. The harshest claims that will be extracted from a person, are the rights of the non-Muslims from a Muslim.

The unbelievers who have been wronged, will not forgive the Muslim, and they will say “O our Lord we do not accept his apology. We will take his faith (iman), then we will accept his apology and forgive him.” The heaviest matters on Judgement Day will be this!

And because the pious Muslims of the past knew this, they always treated the non-Muslims – their honour, their wealth and their souls – with the highest respect. This is the reality. Therefore throughout the centuries that the non-Muslims lived in the Muslim countries, they lived happily and proudly; keeping their religions according to their beliefs. Their Churches or Synagogues, never did Islam touch them! History witnesses the justice in Islam, the purity of Islam, the honour of Islam, the integrity of Islam, the dignity of Islam, and the dignity of Muslims!

So who taught the Muslims today to act barbarically to unbelievers? For what one dog did, millions of 
‘Muslims’, behaving like beasts, did things that their own mighty Shariah forbade them to! And in doing so, they brought upon themselves, the harshest claims on Judgement Day, a claim upon their faith in Allah, for oppressing the People of the Book. There will be Divine retribution for such acts!
There are however, true Muslims amongst us who didn’t react with ego. They are the men of Allah! If they say ‘Allahu Akbar’, nothing would work anymore, neither bombs nor planes! Where are these Muslims? Where are those who neither harmed anyone nor themselves? They are the ones who know that Allah will defend the believers. Sadaqa Allahu Al Azim.

Maulana calls on us to repent
Maulana said, “If I made a mistake (with this advice), ask your Lord to forgive me, I am but a weak servant, for He and His Prophet (saws) will punish me if I erred. But if I didn’t make a mistake (ie if this advice is correct), and you deny it and act in opposition to it, then Allah will punish you! We are ashamed in front of our Prophet, ya Rabbana, forgive us, O Master of the beginning and end, intercede for us with your intercession, we repent and return back to You. Tawba Ya Rabbi.”

Maulana warns us that we will taste punishment from each others hands
Maulana said, “O Muslims, did you learn these evil actions things from the fools among the disbelievers and obscene ones? You learned from them and you left the path of Islam, you turned your back on the good manners of Islam, and took their evil path instead! And so, Allah (swt) paid you back with your own hands! Nauzu Billah, Ya Rabbi!”

Maulana advised all Muslims, to leave the crooked path and to return to the straight path, because the path of evil leads only to destruction, and to nowhere else. If you continue on it, not a single one of you will remain!

The Prophet (saw) said, “Don’t send upon my Nation punishment from the Heavens or from beneath their feet.” And so Allah granted him, but if they continue going along the path of these devils, then Allah will send punishment to them according to this Holy Verse:

قُلۡ هُوَ الۡقَادِرُ عَلٰٓى اَنۡ يَّبۡعَثَ عَلَيۡكُمۡ عَذَابًا مِّنۡ فَوۡقِكُمۡ اَوۡ مِنۡ تَحۡتِ اَرۡجُلِكُمۡ اَوۡ يَلۡبِسَكُمۡ شِيَـعًا وَّيُذِيۡقَ بَعۡضَكُمۡ بَاۡسَ بَعۡضٍ‌ؕ اُنْظُرۡ كَيۡفَ نُصَرِّفُ الۡاٰيٰتِ لَعَلَّهُمۡ يَفۡقَهُوۡنَ
Say: “He hath power to send calamities on you, from above and below, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance – each from the other.” See how We explain the Signs by various (symbols) that they may understand. (Surah Al-An'am 6:65)

Allah makes Mankind taste the violence of each other as punishment (like the protests that occurred).
So turn back in repentance to Allah, and uphold the mighty Shariah. O Muslims, and if you don’t return back, then:
اِنَّ بَطۡشَ رَبِّكَ لَشَدِيۡدٌ
“Verily the Vengence of your Lord is severe!” (Surah Al-Burooj 85:12)
“Take care – Oh Muslims in the east and west!” Maulana warned.

Good tiding from Rasulullah (saw)
The Prophet (saw) was asked by his Companions,”Who will lead after you, O Prophet (saw)?”
Rasulullah (saw) replied, “There will be after me, Khalifas.”
They asked again, “And after the Khalifas? “

Rasulullah (saw) replied, “After the Khalifas, will come Princes, then after the Princes, will come Kings, then after the Kings, will come tyrants. Be wary, Oh servants of Allah (swt) from following and supporting these tyrants, for there will come upon you, what will come upon the tyrants!
And then the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “After the tyrants, a man from my family, will come, and he will fill the earth with fairness and justice, just as it was filled before that, with unfairness and oppression.”

Maulana said that Rasulullah (saw) granted us good tidings with that hadeeth. He said, “I want to witness Mahdi (as), become the Sultan of the Muslim world and of all the world! Be prepared to receive Mahdi (as) – there is no one else to await! No salvation for you without Mahdi (as)! May Allah (swt) support him, and make him appear as an answer to our prayers, for the honor of His Prophet (saw)!”

Maulana then concluded with this do’a, “Send us a King, Ya Rabbi, to fight for Allah’s sake. O our Lord, Subhansin, Sultansin. Ya Rasulullah, forgive us. Send us a King, Ya Rasulallah, to fight for the sake of Allah (swt). That’s what we wish for! We wish for a King! There is no King remaining! All the Kings are busy with themselves! They left the path of Haqq, they left the advice of the Prophet (saw). Send us the promised King, Mahdi (as) to save us from the hands of disbelievers, of obscene, of ignorant and of unjust ones. Aman Ya Rabbi. Tawba Ya Rabbi. Tawba Ya Rabbi. Send us a King to unite us, al-Fatiha.”

This 31 minute Suhbah can be watched here on Saltanat TV, Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Official Channel. The video posted on Saltanat TV has translations in many languages (German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, English and Bahasa).


Pengobatan Spiritual : Penyembuhan dari gangguan jin

Pengobatan Spiritual : Penyembuhan dari gangguan jin

Oleh: Sheikh Adnan Kabbani


msa1 1024x531 Spiritual Medicine: Cure from Jinn disturbance, by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani


 Gangguan oleh jin

(Jin adalah makhluk tak terlihat diciptakan dari nyala api Seperti Man, mereka juga menikah dan bereproduksi,. Dan ada juga orang percaya dan tidak percaya dari antara mereka. Mereka sering dikirim oleh kejam, orang beriman, menyebabkan gangguan pada kehidupan dan pernikahan dari orang-orang yang mereka anggap adalah musuh mereka)
Ketika seseorang berada dalam situasi yang sulit, maka obat spiritual untuk gangguan jin, adalah meminta korban untuk membaca, atau Anda dapat membaca untuknya, atas namanya, sebagai berikut:

Apa yang harus membacakan atau transliterasi
Zikir dalam bahasa Arab

Ayatul Kursi ( QS. Al-Baqarah 2:255 )
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والهكم اله واحد لآ اله الا هو الرحمن الرحيم
الله لا اله الا هو الحى القيوم لا تاخذه سنة ولا نوم له ما فى السموت وما فى الارض من الذى يشفع ذا عنده الا باذنه يعلم ما بين ايديهم وما خلفهم ولا يحيطون بشىء من علمه الا بما شآء وسع كرسيه السموت والارض ولا يوده حفظهما و هو العلى العظيم
7 kali

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahilladzi la yadhurru ma'asmihi shai'un fil ardhi, wa la fissama'i, wa hu adalah sami'ul-Aleem
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم
Dalam nama Allah, Yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang. Dalam Nama Allah, yang dalam Nama apa-apa dari langit atau bumi dapat membahayakan, Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.
3 kali

Ayatul Kursi ( QS. Al-Baqarah 2:255 )
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والهكم اله واحد لآ اله الا هو الرحمن الرحيم
الله لا اله الا هو الحى القيوم لا تاخذه سنة ولا نوم له ما فى السموت وما فى الارض من الذى يشفع ذا عنده الا باذنه يعلم ما بين ايديهم وما خلفهم ولا يحيطون بشىء من علمه الا بما شآء وسع كرسيه السموت والارض ولا يوده حفظهما و هو العلى العظيم
7 kali

Al-Fatihah (QS Al-Fatihah 1:1-7)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العلمين) 1 (الرحمن الرحيم) 2 (ملك يوم الدين) 3 (اياك نعبد واياك نستعين) 4 (اهدنا الصراط المستقيم) 5 (صراط الذين انعمت عليهم) 6 (غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضآلين ) 7 (
1 kali

( QS Ya Sin-36:58 ) Salamun Qawlam Mir rabbir Raheem.
سلم قولا من رب رحيم
"Perdamaian! Kata (dari salam) dari Tuhan Maha Penyayang!
15 kali

Nama Allah: Ya Wadood
Oh Mencintai Satu
100 hingga 300 kali
Siapa pun yang pikirannya belum sepenuhnya diatasi / dikendalikan oleh jin, membacakan nama Allah, 'Wadood Ya' antara 100 hingga 300 kali sehari, akan membuatnya akrab dengan jin, dan tidak membahayakan lagi dari Jin akan menimpa siapa saja yang mengucapkan ini setiap hari , karena pembacaan ini akan melindunginya.
Allah akan melindungi orang yang mengucapkan Nama Suci 'Ya Wadood', dengan berpakaian dia dengan keakraban untuk jin dan Manusia.
Catatan: Maulana Syaikh Nazim juga disebutkan dalam suhbah sebelumnya, bahwa pembacaan Ayat berikut ini (Ayat), sementara meniup sekitar diri sendiri, juga akan segera menghilangkan keberadaan jin:

Apa yang harus membacakan atau transliterasi
Zikir dalam bahasa Arab

( QS Ya Sin-36:8 ) Waja 'ALN min bayni aydeehim saddan wamin khalfihim saddan fa aghshayn l fahum hum Iroon sebuah YUB s
وجعلنا من بين ايديهم سدا ومن خلفهم سدا فاغشينهم فهم لا يبصرون
Dan Kami telah menempatkan sebuah bar di depan mereka dan bar di belakang mereka, dan selanjutnya Kami telah menutupi mereka, sehingga mereka tidak dapat melihat.
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Cures Lebih Spiritual dari Haqqaniyyat Futuhat Sheikh Adnan Kabbani, akan diposting segera.
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