Happy Birthday
Mawlana Syaikh Muhammad Hisyam Kabbani qs
15 Maret 2013 - Fenton Michigan

Salam 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh to anyone who is there. Happy birthday, happy birthday. It means insha-Allah wilaada sa`eeda. Because what is the meaning of happy birthday? It is not celebrating birthday, but we say happy birthday, the day that you are in, is happy insha-Allah.
Birth, means the day earth gave birth to the daylight when the morning after ishraq comes, after Fajr, a new day comes, so happy birthday. Coming a new day that we hope it is happy. The birth of the day, that we are asking Ya Rabbee, the birth of that day makes us happy, and when the night comes happy birth night. Means Ya Rabbee, make that night a happy night. In every moment in our day or in our night it is a moment that Allah gave birth to that moment, increasing, making your life, in that moment, asking to make that moment in your life happy. yawmun sa`eed aw laylatan sa`eeda.
How, where Allah swt gave you five important moments in your day and part of the night. He gives you Fajr, He gave you Zhuhr, He gave you `Asr, He gave you Maghrib and He gave you `Isha. Five births that make you happy because you will be in these moments in the Presence of the Creator in His Divine Presence. Showing your worshipness and your tawheed, declaring your Oneness to Allah swt that no one you do sajda to, no one else but Allah swt.
So of course every moment in our life is a new birth to us. Because, I Allah swt stop giving you that birth what happens? You die, you leave this dunya. So it is not a birth for something that is dunya issue. No, if they understand, these people, in every moment you have to thank Allah swt for the birth He gave you in that day or that night. Not as they say bida`. We are showing once a year thanking Allah for giving us birth on that day and by praying and inviting people to dhikrullah, to a Mawlid and because majority of Muslim countries they remember the day they have been born in to show thanks to Allah swt and to invite poor people to eat and to go, but in reality it has to be every moment in your life to offer food to people and to say prayers. But that is what we can do.
Our birth is sacred. The souls of human beings are sacred: inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon. The secret of the soul that no one knows is coming to you as creation of a creature, at that moment making the body to move in the womb of the mother. That is the moment of the birth. That is not only the moment when you come out, but that is the moment when Allah is sending that soul which is not covered with any darkness.
yuli al-insaanu `ala al-fitra.
Human beings is born on innoncence.
Innoncnes in religious way means he is born sacred birth. Sacred because there is no sin. When the child comes out no sin, in the womb of the mother, no sin. So it must be the happiest moment in the moment of your life, the birth, coming to dunya with no sin. Only Prophets are ma`soomeen or ma`soomoon from sins, but at the momen we were created the `ismah was there. We broke it but Prophets did not break `ismah.
We were in day of promises, qaaloo balaa, we said yes when Allah asked,”Am I not your Lord”. Then no sin. When Allah wants to merge,
maraj al-bahrayni multaqiyaan baynahuma barzakhun la yabghiyaan.
Allah made the two oceans to meet but between them is a barrier.
The Ocean of Materialism and The Ocean of Akhira, the Ocean of Shariah and The Ocean of Spirituality. The Ocean of that sacred moment when you were in Divine Presence and He order the soul to go. Where to go? Does the soul know wehre to go or not? How it knows which womb it has to enter? How does the soul know go to that one?
In normal life, in the real life, they make statistics, how many births a day. They say in millions, I heard 10 million or that range, every moment or every day. Let us say 10 million, and I know it is more than that. How is it if they have been told "Go!" in one second how many will it be? How they go, how they know which womb they have to enter? Subhanallah!
And they don't make mistake. That one to that one, they dont make mistake. They go to the one Allah orderd. That means “Atee'oollah wa atee'oor-rasula”. They obeyed. These souls all of them ordered and obeyed when they are ordered by Allah to go and enter the womb of this mother or that mother. Who obeys deserves Paradise.
That is why yulid al-insaanu `ala al-fitrah. That is why children are born on innocense. Because when first order ,"Go there". They sami`naa wa ata`naa, we hear and we obey. They didn’t say I want to go to that other lady.
Do souls hear and see? Yes, they have power do to that, can see, can hear. Do they speak? Yes. Did you think how they speak? The words come and to show His Miraculous Power He makes each to speak a different language. And if all of them can do that and say yes, yes, yes. They are obedient.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon.
We belong to Allah and we are going back to him.
Ghufraanaka rabbanaa wa ilayk al-maseer.
Your forgiveness O our Lord and to you is the journeying.
So every human beings is born on sacredness, fitra, sacred. Either his parents make him that religion or that religion or that religion, so it is not Allah that make him that religion. His parenets are owner of the sperm and the egg. There is no shyness in religion. So the sperm and egg their life in His Hands. His parents make him, so if they were good, the child is good, if they were stuggling then they will be like that.
So the Prophet (s) said, human beings are born on innnocense. That soul is pure. And so every moment, Allah created the sun and every moment that light is coming as earth is turning. Is earth turning or not? The earth is doing different moments in its turning. If it is like that and then turning, there are passing moments. As it turns, every fraction of a second there is a moment, as they calculated, when they want to find how small a fraction of second there is 10 -22.
You cannot read that number, there is no more time then, only energy. Earth is turning, with what? What kind of energy. Allah giving from Ocean of Power, Bahr al-Qudrah, as it is turning light is coming one place night is leaving. in that moment thousands of souls are entering. From where? Why it comes only after 4 month? Why not after one week? Why not after one day? Why not after sperm and egg come together? Why does it wait four months for it to come?
Because Allah Muhayyar al-`Uqool. Because if He sent it when sperm and egg come together first, they can calculate when sperm and egg comes, but if He leaves it open, they don’t know when it comes. It comes when He wants it to come. Sending from where? Sending from the Divine Presence. “Qaaloo alastu bi-rabbikum qaalooo balaa”.
Did you calculate how fast to reach from Divine Presence to the womb of the mother? With what speed it takes to reach? How much is speed of light? 300,000 km per second. It needs how much to reach if you can calculate. It might take millions of year or billions. Some stars they are billions of light years. that is why scientists see newborn stars ,but they are not newborn, might be they were created 2 billion years ago. and it might be they are by now extinguished. and we are seeing their lightts now but they are no longer there. so that soul, is there.
Its light knows which womb it is going to go. it is like a plug. where it's plug for that soul and wevery plug is different and every soul has different plug. if the souls are billions of years distance, the souls are in ocean of souls, in Divine Presence. where is that ocean of souls? where has Allah put that ocean of souls?
do we know? no one knows. yes the Prophet (s) knows because he passed that and he went farther than that. he went to qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa where no one reached he reached.
And so where is that ocean? awliyaullah they know. from , what prophet gave them to know. so when they look at someone they look at that ocean, they know. you know precious stones, expecially diamonds, precious ones, there is new tech. that they put laser special light it does not harm the stone but they put a number now when you buy you have to check that number. all the specificiations of that stone are in it. so you go to any jeweler, if that is stolen, then they immediatly inform insurance companies and they trace it.
So awliyaullah when they look at a jewel, human beings are created clean as a jewel. awliyaullah look at your soul and they immediately know where you are living. that will identify to them what kind of a person you are. So that is why every moment there is a birth and that birth is the birth moment of that day. and Allah swt , it is not happy birthday the day you were born, yes may Allah make it happy, but as we said at beginning every moment there is birth of light. as the earth is turning there is a birth, and these births shows the light and then shows the night.
so when we feel it is a sacred movement, because it is coming from Bahr al=Qudraah, what do we have to say? shukran ya Rabbee. thank ing that He gave us a brith. and every moent is a birth, you can celebrate it by worshipping. else you are not showing respect that Allah gave you a moment of life, increasing it, increaseing it, and He can stop it any moment. until the moment He wants it back, He calls that soul.
Allahu akbar. When we were saying that every day there are millions of births every day, might be 10 or more, 20, 30 millions. and 20-30 milloin deaths. and these souls from where did they come? Coming from, we cannot say a place but from the Divine Presence , from Bahr al-Arwaah, the Ocean of souls, where when He asked us "am I not your Lord?" we said, "Yes our lord" coming from that presence to the womb of the mother. how does the soul know which womb to go and never makes mistakes. and when order come to soul to go to womb of mother, as that is sacred home, and Allah doesnt create except clean and pure, that purit in the soul also has to go to the purity of the womb. so it knows which one it has to go in. they dont make mistakes. reaching .
So what does that mean? the first moment in your life, the first moment when Allah orders your soul you say: sami`na wa ata`anaa, you dont say "no I wont go" but you obey. there you are swiming in that divine beauty ocean of al-KHaliq, that is a Divine Name. so you are obeing and not disobeying. even Iblees obeyed, then he disobeyed. that is why the Prophet (s) said, yulid alinsanu `ala alfitra' human beings are born on obedience. first `amal you do is what? obedience. Marriage is obedience and it is a sunnah. so when marriage husband and wife when they enter their room, sins are going from them dropping. obedience, as much as you touch sins are going. so we are doing 2 obediences we cannot control. first when we came and last when we leave and in between it is a struggle. we came pure. we are leaving as devils? no impossible, must be clean.
That is why do you think Allah gave the Prophet (s) shafa`a only in akhira, or in every moment there is shafa`? tu`aradoo `alayya `amal ummatee. there is shafa`a every moment. and every moment there is someone leaving the dunya from ummat an-Nabi (s). dont you know that when you are giving your last 7 breaths, the Prophet (s) is present. When you say at-tahiyyaatu lillah in prayers, he is present when you greet him. and do you know what when soul is going out, what is doing? only He wants from us obedience. I am giving you five moments in your day for obedience. fajr, zhuhur, `asr, maghrib, isha. so that is why you should pray early in the time.
Awliyaullah say you must pray in first hour of its time. and dont delay aafter adhaan. awliyaullah, normally by Shari`ah, in every prayer you direct your face to Ka`aba. fa la nuwaliyannakum qibalatan tardahaa. we gave you a diretion of prayer that you love. that is Ka`ba in Mecca. And so we are directing to Ka`ba. we direct ourselves to Ka`ba but we don't see. awliyaullah say more than that. they give to teir followers to encourage them more, they say if anyone, Allah granted to ummat an-Nabi (s), where Allah granted to ummat an-Nabi (s) five prayers, it means Allah will give to them heavenly look, and Allah is ghafoorun raheem when you say Allahu akbar, you will be forgiven. prayers aare day and night, in that day and night, half day and half night, will go to Allah swt with your sins forgiven due to your five prayers.
So that soul that is coming in is accepting obedeiency to Allah swt. from where is it coming? from the moon, from the sun? from where? from bahr al-qudrah and from bahr al-arwaah. it is an ocean of souls. so if it is like that from inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon, because that ocean is pure , and how much distance is that soul coming to reach the womb of its mother. If a star we are seeing is 2 billion light years away and we are seeing the light now, and it might not be existing anymore, it is extinguished. as if we are seeing this star and really it is notthere. it takes time ot reach us.
Now soul is from Bahr al-Qudra and that is not in this universe. star is in this univers. the Prophet (s) went to qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa we dont know how far is that. Allah said qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa and we believe. the soul comes from the divine names of Allah swt, that is where they are created, an they come from beyond this universe. and how long do they take to reach the womb of the mother. is it far faster than speed of light which is 300,000 kps. speed of soul in front of speed of light is nothing. this is an example, between brackets
Let us say that as soon as sperm and egg come together the soul begins to travel and in four months it reaches. now stars take billions of light years to travel. so what speed is it traveling this is to understand how the soul travels. By Allah's order it does not need four months. when Allah says to it "go!" it immediately comes to the womb. and it does not ask where to sleep. when you have guest coming to your home, you have to prepare the rooms and one room is for more higly aristocratic, and others...
And so the soul does not say no. the Prophet (s) never in his life said "no" sami`na wa ata`na, we listen and obey. when Sayyidina Israfil blows on the Trumpet it is enough to take the life of everyone on earth. when Allah says "come bakc to Me!~" do we say no? no tyr to say no. quickly the soul will be ready to go. this is a prsion. it was in bahr al-qudra, the ocan of power. so immediately it likes to go out.
Allah sent Buraq to the Prophet (s). does the Prophet (s) not be able to go without buraq? no but Allah wants to show that everythign is by cause and effect, asbaab, the means. Why is buraq better than Gibril? did buraq go to qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa ? so does he (s) need means or no? the one who reached qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa does not need means to come from his home to Allah's Presence where Allah invited him , we don't know. it is something beyoned mind. when Allah says "come!" it goes without saying "no". It reaches where it lands if we can say that, where Allah wants it to reach. does it need a vehicle? a buraq? it doesnt' need. it obeys the order.
Why did Allah sent buraq to the Prophet (s)? ta`zheeman lin-Nabi (s), not because the Prophet (s) cannot come without a buraq but to honor him, to send him a vehicle, murkab, to be transported mu`azzazz mukarram, honored and raised high. To come up to Paradise. It is not difficult to Allah to bring the Prophet (s) to His Divine Presence without any vehicle, come and he will be there. but in order to give a display, and magnificence. Because soul, when order comes it immediately returns to Divine Presence. but Allah wanted to be a special honor. so when shaykh Sahib comes to visit, they say o our leade with parades and drums.
So when buraq came it is to be honor and respect. Look there when they elect someone to be head of their church, they made so much. we cannot givfe the show of greatness for or Prophet (s). importance is the show, the parade, to show him (s) respect. Allah Almighty showed him respect how do you not show him respect.
Look Ottomans, some were good and some were not but whenever the name of the Prophet (s) was mentioned they stand up and they give respect, even king or emperor. and they built up the place of the Prophet (s) and they have mihrab and they have a place near the Prophet's grave for the reciters to recite Holy Qur'an. I rememeber seeing these quraa reciting Holy Qur'an. and I remembrer when king used to come to the door of the Rawda, they go crawling on their chests with perfume from ward, roses, especitally from Isparta, roses that are rred and special strong smell, and they make perfume on a mat and he crawls inside and with that sponge spread it everywhere on the rawdah. where is that now? no one caring.
So ta`zheem an-Nabi (s) waji `alaa kulli Muslim wa muslima. the showing of greatness of the Prophet (s) is obligatory on every Msulims and Muslima. since Allah did ta`zheem to the Prophet (s), no one can say it is shirk. did Allah make shirk? He didn't say He is my partner, he said He is my `abd. and the Prophet (s) so happy with what Allah gave him of that title. So t`azheem does not affect shirk. and the Prophet (s) is happy to be `abd. whatever ta`zheem you give to the Prophet (s) it is not shirk. did you ever see any Muslim say Zhuhr prayer to the Prophet (s). did you hear anyone make intention I am intending to pray to the Prophet (s)? did anyone do `Asr prayer to the Prophet (s) or Fajr or `Isha pryaer to the Prophet (s).
O Muslims Allah ordered t`azheem an-Nabi (s). He ordered us. Inna Allah wa malaa'ikatahu yusalloona 'ala an-Nabi ya ayyuhalladheena aamanoo salloo 'alayhi wa sallimoo tasleema. How many angels are ordered to pray on the Prophet (s). al angels, not just the ones who are already created. Allah is al-Khaliq, He creates every moment. you cannot say He stopped making angels at any time. So angels that He created, angels that He is crrently creating, angels that He is going to create. and they are not created like us, with marriage and husband and wfie, but Allah knows best how He is creating them but every angel He created is under the order of Allah reciting salawat on the Prophet (s).
And people think that angels are sitting like us and reciting salawat allahum salli alay Sayyidina Muhammad (s) .. or Salawat al-Fatih. No each one is reciting his own individual salawat and not one is the same as the other. and there are how many? billions, trillions, quadrillsion. and every one of them reicitng salawat different from the other angel and every time he does salwat is different from the other time he did it. Azhamat an-Nabi (s). And what did He order us? so simple. ya ayyuhalladheena aamanoo salloo 'alayhi wa sallimoo tasleema.
Sallo `alayh, you will get the benefit of all salawat of the angels. but we are so ignorant, by listening to shaytan whispering on our ears, shirk,shirk. this is finished. the time that the Prophet (s) mentioned that the signs of Last Days is approaching is not approaching anymore. we are in the Signs of Last Days. it is haram , haram , haram to open the grave of not a wali, but ordinary person. What do you think about a wali? I saw when they opened the grave of S`ad ad-Deen al-Jibaawi, one of descendants of the Prophet (s) and one big wali at everyone knows that. And they sent bulldozer to take his grave and it broke and they tried again it broke. And they sent to grandshaykh to get answer, between them my uncle head of scholars of Lebanon. And grandshaykh said, sit all night and make salawat. then in morning they went and tried to open the grave, without any problem and they open his kafan and face as if the day he was bureid, his cheeks were pink and they took him to another place to bury him. how. Allah prohibited the earth to eat flesh of the prophets. And the awliyaullah are inheritors of the prophets. So Allah prevented earth to eat them as wel.
And similar in Singapore, the govt is not Muslim, they are Chinese. they could not remove the Maqam of Habib Noh. and so the made road around it it is curved. and Imam Jazouli, I visited his grave in Marrakech. he was buried and 70 year later they came to move his grave. his body was fresh as the day he died. Shaykh Muhammad Amin Al-Kurdi in Baybars buried there and they had to move his body. and they could not. they did the same thing, made association to make salawat. and they were able to move him and his body was same as when buried 70 years ago.
And now they blow up the awliyaullah tomb and they are celebrating and saying "O where is that wali?" and laughing. that wali is in paradise and looking at yo in the fire and there are some awliyaullah they are al-kummal they ask Allah to make them as normal people their bodies to decompose and there are those whom grandshaykh said, their bodies to be removed from their graves and moved to Damascus, Jabal Qasiyoun, a holy place. And how does the soul know which earth to go too, this earth or that earth, there are 7 earths.... we did not touch on that.
This man does work on Celebrating Mercy.com. Let them drop everything, people know how to pray. let them focus on `azhamat al-Nabi (s). the greatness of the Prophet (s). people dont know about greatness of the Prophet (s). except those who read books. but those who do not need teachers. Those who live and have connection with the Prophet (s). they can bring more to the Life of the Prophet (s). that is what we need people to do. insha-Allah one light and the other light.
Yahudi, Maseehi, they are Allah's creation. what we say, the ones who believed, did not change the `aqida of Sayyidina Musa (as), and who believed in Sayyidina 'Isa (as), we love them and accept them. wehere are they. insha-Allah comign soon. dont think this world will stay same. big change coming. the one who makes earth to turn around its axle, with what kind of fuel it turns. what makes it turn? does gravity make it turn around sun, and make it turn aournd its axle. doe gravity make moon turn around sun? what kind of qudra is there?
Life of the Prophet (s)? what he did to deserve, we cannot use that word deserve but how did he get honored to visit qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa ? was it something divine that was ordered before, or because he was born in Mecca and so on. it was because the Prophet (s) is something special. is it because his eyes are something beautiful? his eyebrows? it must be something. we don't know. but what we do know, and some might say that is not correct hadith, but what we believe is the first thing Allah created is the light of the Prophet (s).
And ibn `Asakir, he said everything is created from light of Muhammad and he explained it. so Allah created that light from His light, so finished. that light is divine, ismullah an-Nour. when Allah creatd the light of the Prophet (s) from that light, from His Light, that light is from the main light. so it is what? It is holy, it is Divine. it is something we cannot understand. we call it divine, some scholars say dont say that. but we say it is from siffat an-Nour the attribute of Allah an-Nour, the Light.
Allah light of heavens and earth. mathala noorihi, the example of His light , it is not His light but it is the Example of His light, is a bundle, of light, in the middle of which is a lamp. that lamp is the Prophet (s). That is a lamp coming from the source, it is not the source but it is the lamp. Allah is Creator and the Prophet (s) is the creation. la ilaha ill 'Llah Muhammad rasoolullah. the whole creation is withing the circle of Muhammad Rasoolullah. nothing can be with Allah, no creatoin. no partnership, finished. but everything is in siffat al-`abdiyya. The description of servanthood ,everything is servant to Allah, inclding the universe, stars, trees, human beings, jinn and creation we don't know, all are `abd. who is the `abd responsible for everyone. who is the one whose name is mentioned.
His name is Rasoolullah. in kalimat at-tawheed. He didnt say la ilaha ill 'Llah Moosa Rasoolullah. from beginning. even Sayyidina Adam (as) saw name of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) everywehre and he asked forgiveness for sake of Rasoolullah. Rasoolullah is messenger to whom? to everyone, to all creation. I was a hidden treasure I wanted to be known so I creatd creation. they knew me through Muhammad. that doesn't mean Muhammad is partner to Allah. He is sincere servant. He is the only true servant, no one reached the level of servant else we would be in qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa.
So Sayyidina Adam (as) wa man doonahu tahta liwaaee yawm al-qiyamah. I am master of children of Sayyidina Adam (as) and no pride. yet at end what did the Prophet (s) say? allahuma laa takilnee ila nafsee tarfatu `ayni wa laa aqal min dhalik. we have to put our head under the soil and knock our head. like you knowcked your head.
I feel happy, because I feel I dont deserve this, but I see 2 of Allah's servants coming and that means there is something they are going to honor us with their dua. I belong at the shoes at the door.
innamaa bu`ithtu li utammium makaarim al-akhlaaq -
I have been sent to perfect human behavior
Celebrate Mercy visitor: We had a day in November, called "Global Salawat Day". Many Naqshbandis participated, we had over 100 million of salawat pledged by attendees, after maghrib. from Dala'il al-Khayrat and any salawat they like. we do the program twice a year, once in Rabi` al-Awwal and once in Ramadan.
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani: alhamdulillah good job! do you know story of Muhammad Talmaysani?
He finished the recitation of 100,000 Dalail al-Khayrat and he saw the Prophet (s) in a dream congratulating him. all his life reading Dalail al-Khayrat and he finished reading it 100,000t times. and the Prophet (s) said to him: Ya Muhammad , I will give you one salawat as if you read 800,000 Dalail al-Khayrat. because there are some specialties in every salawat. that is why I mentioned that angels never repeat a salawat. So he dictated to him this salawat:
Allahumma salli `alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadini 'l-faatihi limaa ughliq, wa 'l-khaatimi limaa sabaq, naasiri 'l-haqqi bi 'l-haqq, wa 'l-haadi ilaa siraatika 'l-mustaqeem, wa `alaa aalihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi 'l-`azheem.
So we collected these salawat in a small book and everyone of them has a specialty. we will send that to you. so making salawat is very accepted. I knew one person, not here, overseas. he calls me every now and then. I finished 2 million salawat. I finished 1 million salawat. He goes to the beach, after Qiyam al-Layl and he sits and does salawat. and up to time of Ishraq, and that is all he does. he recites these salawat we compiled. and I asked him do you count all these salawat. [mawlana demonstrates: he moves tasbeeh very fast and recites allahum salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammad (s)
Very good work, may Allah bless you. Allah bringing things back to the way they should be. when I first came here in 1990, I wnt to mosque. and imam giving Jumu`ah kutba. and he is attacking mawlid of the Prophet (s). and he is blind. wa man kaana fee hadhihi `amaa kaana fi'l-akhirat `amaa wa addalloo sabeel. And that is the way each mosque, and from that time we begin our campaign. we began me, you, Abdur Rauf and ... so we put campaign and we said we are going to hit them hard. we made brochure and its subjects were mawlid, tasawwuf, tawassul, dhikr. and very summarized. and we printed 500,000 and sent to all our centers.
And we distributed on eid day exactly to hundreds of mosques. and we continued our movement our campaign to do that. at that time they called it Seerah and now they are accepting to say it is Sufi. Now those who reject sufism, they are now heads of sufis. One time I went to ISNA conference and Abdullah Idris, it was in 96. and they have in convention center in Chicago. we had booth and we printed 1000 copies about different subjects, about Mawlid, about turbans, about kissing hands of elders, and we were passing these free. And they opened ISNA conference and people coming to our booth and most of them from Pakistan and India, Bangladesh background of Ahl as-Sunnah wa 'l-Jama'ah and they are believe in tasawwuf.
And so they were coming to the booth. and then they want to close the booth. why? these literature are not accepted. these are all from ahadith of the Prophet (s) and with full footnotes. and they said, "you have to close it" and I said, "I never will close it". I brought all African Americans and they surrounded the booth and then Abdullah Idris came to me and said "let me talk to you privately" his father was there who is founder of ISNA.. so he said, you must take these books. It is sunnah, you cannot keep knowledge to yourself. you must spread that know. we are spreading the teaching of the Prophet (s).
He said, I want to tell you something. I am a sufi. but here we cannot say we are sufi. he said, please close. I said, because you said you are sufi, I will close it now but I will open tomorrow. so from beginning we have problems with ISNA. So I dont go there anymore. but we focus more on Europe,and Spain, and overseas, England, Singapore. here it is square-headed. in England it is easy. most of the Muslims are Ahl as-Sunnah wa 'l-Jama'ah. When I said 80% it is not as they present it CAIR and others. they want to come against us. I didn't say 80% of Muslims but I said 80% of mosques controlled by Wahabis. and I said "majority of Muslims dont accept that" and Robert Crane, made a statement, I asked him, and I said this is what I am saying, 80% and he said not 80% but 100% are controlled by Wahabi bakcground. Alhamdulillah it is changing now. but whenever they hear my name they are afraid. I am not fighting. happy to see you, honored.
Wa min Allah at Tawfeq
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