The Devils Time
Sultan Awliya Mawlana Syaikh Nazim Adil Haqqani qs
3 Januari 2013 - Lefke Cyprus

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Lillahil Hamd. Allahu Akbar Kabira, wal Hamdulillah Kathira. Wa Subhana Allahi bukratan wa asila. La ilaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa lillahil Hamd. Do you make them recite this? Do you make them recite in this form? Get accustomed to doing this. There are some important instructions that I may tell you briefly. Now..dastur ya Mawlay..Fatiha. I heard that..Bismillah r-Rahman r-Rahim. You go out at night to drive around in Lefke. Is it true? Are you going out, driving around after Isha time? Why are you doing this? Prophet (s) said about this, "Do not let your young ones, children go out after maghrib (sunset) prayer." "Ahbisuhum, lock them." For what? That time, li annu shayateen yantashirun baadal ghalas. What is 'ghalas'? It is the time when it gets dark and shaytan spread out, scatter around. "Ahbisu shababakum". Keep your young ones after maghrib because it is the time when shaytans spread out in the streets. Darkness descends and in the darkness the heaviness of the night crushes you. Their heaviness harms you also. "It is the time shaytans desperse." Hold on to your young ones after sunset. What a beautiful order. This is the reason for all troubles on Earth. "We can't manage (with our salaries), we can't have fun, can't live our lives, we can't manage with our money." Well if you go out in the streets after the sunset..What about our children, grandchildren making dawriya after maghrib time? It is the dead time of the day.
If you want to go out, at the time when the sun starts to rise like this it gives life. If you are going to make dawriya, pray ishraq and make a dawriya. Then come and sleep in duha time (before noon). You don't suffer from any disease or troubles nor do you suffer the evil of shaytans. These are great instructions. This is a great instruction. When the darkness of the night falls, it crushes man. "Wa ja'alna al-layla libasaan" (78:10). It says I made the night as a cover for you, that you may cover and find comfort in it. "Wa ja'alna an-nahara ma'ashaan" (78:11). Life opens to you in the day time. It is closed at night time. At night time, pray Isha and take your rest. Subhan Allah.
The shepherds know, the shepherds know faridun. Subhan Allah. Those animals when the sahar (dawn) time enters the cattles stamp, they say. They don't sleep anymore. They stamp, stamping means they wake up and move. No cattle graze in the mountains before dawn, they don't move, they sleep. The cattle stamp at dawn, they say. Meaning, they stand up and walk. They had bells in old times also, would walk all together as a group. Because the most blessed time of the day is the dawn. A person receives all the blessings. Those holy animals know this. They stamp, stand up and start walking. The shepherd at that time follows them. The animals know the night time, its heaviness. They don't move, they sleep to not draw that heaviness on to themselves. At dawn time they stamp, meaning they stand up and walk. Before they had jingles, bells on their necks. They would start walking all as a crowd. The shepherd would get up too then. It is the dawn time. After the dawn we are in our homes at dawn, not in the mountains. But the expansion of the day, the sun rises with a new life. I watch from here. How beautiful does it rise, how beautifully it gives nur. At night time the day sets like this, in a sad way. when it is rising, it rises in nurs. It rises like a bride. Astonishing. People sleep at that time.
There is no shepherd left now, no farmer. Why? Because they are awake all night long. They go rotten in coffeshops or in other rubbish places like those. There is no spirituality left in them and illnesses walk all over them. "It is the dispersing time of the jinns", said the Prophet (s). "Hold on to your youth after maghrib. Don't let them out", because it is the time shaytans disperse. They crush the people. It is like this in the apparent and Awliyas also see it this way spiritually. It is the word of the Prophet (s). This word can correct this world. Don't go out at night because at night shaytans run wild outside. They look for people, to hunt them. The crushed body, the body that go tired all day wants to sleep. They don't let it sleep by force! Don't look to us when we are up late. We are staying up late too. But we are not outside. We stand in service to our Lord. We don't go out in the streets.
Therefore, the time to go out is when the sun rises like this, you may go out then. It gives fresh life, O my son in-law, my honourable son in-law, my honorable grandson, it is not good to go out after maghrib. It crushes the body. Take your rest after maghrib. Early in the morning, pray ishraq and make a dawriya. The new day dresses a new dress on the body. A new body comes, a new life comes into your body for a new breath. For this our ancestors would never sleep after dawn. In the late morning they would plow, take care of their gardens. They would take, collect and bring what they needed and take a nap for a while when they come home at noon time. It is qaylula.
Our Prophet also would go to the gardens of Madina Al-Munawwara in the late morning and would sleep this qaylula sleep. I heard of this, "they are doing dawriya at night." There is no meaning in making dawriya at night, there is darkness in it. Heaviness descends, illness come on people. Even for me going out after asr time has no taste according to the Shariat because the day is setting. "If you are going to make dawriya, make it in day time", it says. I may go out when the day rises. It doesn't leave any illness or weakness in our bodies. The trouble of whole world is this night life. What made the whole world foolish, light-headed? What made the whole world lose its peace, is their going out at night. If you close this, the world is a bed of roses. Is this true or not? It is like this. Now the body..wake up by the night. Pray ishraq, walk even if it is only 10 steps. Walk in the direction of sunrise. "A new dress, O Lord, may You dress on us also from the thawb al-afiyah (the dress of wellness) from the sun O Lord."
If you watch the rising of the sun saying this, you will be like a lion! You will not need any pills or doctors. I heard of this, heard of it yesterday. They said, "They are outside, they are making dawriya." I said "Yahu..", I didn't say anything but I was given instructions at night. They said, "They walk around in vain and are crushed. They should sleep and wake up early. In the ishraq time, they should walk 10 steps in the direction of sunrise." Do this and see, you don't suffer any groin or abdomen pain. But all people prepare for the night. They make preparations to go out at night. They cancelled the day time. Night. Therefore illnesses are abundant. Theft, shamlessness is abundant. Economic collapse, from the houses to the states, all of them have fallen into this trouble. One secret of the Prophet (s) can save them. Subhan Allahil Alyil Azim. I heard of this, I said "I wish I had the power and strength to go and have a look." Many times I was doing dervish work before, so called dervish. In the places, villages we went to, we would make dawriya after fajr prayer. If we were going to travel, we would travel at that time, fresh air. You are satisfied with what you eat, don't need any pills or medication. If people did this, they would never need doctors, O son. You will be like a lion, walk in the sunrise direction for 5 minutes, or 5 steps. Walk around and make a dawriya and come back. The night "Wa ja'alna al-layla libasaan. Wa ja'alna an-nahara ma'ashaan." (78:10-11)
We made the night as a cover for you, so that you cover, sleep and rest. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbar. There is no one left who say, know or do these things. The whole world is out of joint, why? Because of this night life, because of this night life. This is not the order of Islam, this is not the life style Allah Dhul Jalal wants. And because of this, they suffer troubles. I want to say much more but this is enough. Now go to sleep and go out after the ishraq prayer, make a dawriya. And the sun already comes fresh till 9am, 10am until it comes all the way to here, they call it zenith, to the highest point in the sky. It gives life until this time, after this it starts to decrease. The lights (nurs) the sun brings, the zenith, when it comes to the highest point in the sky, it starts to lessen. It radiates, gives so much when it is rising from here. How is this? I have heard of this at night and didn't say anything. But in the morning came this warning to tell to the people. This can save the whole world. It can save the whole world.
There is no night life in Islam. No one can be found in the streets after Isha. Everyone is in their homes and wakes up with fajr prayer, offers his service and come back to his home with maghrib prayer. O Lord, may You send us from Your sincere servants one who will teach us the order of Islam, who will show us this way. We are left bewildered, not knowing what to do. You are charged with energy at this time. After noon time, you finish your energy. People have no energy and because of this they are all sick, troubled. The hospitals are full of patients. In every house, everyone in it is ill. If they could do this one thing, they would not need any doctors or judges. Most of the events taken to court happen at night time. All murders, all dirtiness are inside the night. Therefore, it says don't go into the night. Don't let your children into the streets after maghrib. Allah. What a beautiful Prophet, O Rasulullah! May you send us the holy ones who will teach us these. How beautiful it is, this instruction. Do you like it? I said, "How come?" They said, "They make dawriya around Lefke." Astonishing, is that time the time to make dawriya? They said "It is like this. It is the fashion now, after maghrib, after Isha everyone should go out into the streets. This is the instruction of shaytan, so that people suffer, they get sick. So that they have no money left in their pockets. They have no peace left. They have no love for their families..
There is no one left who has love for his family. Before everyone was in his home, would spend time with his family and sleep after praying Isha. Now there are all kinds of shaytan instruments and those who invent them are the followers of shaytan too. What can you do? Their darkness fall on us too. Sometimes I sit there and watch to see if there is any happy news. But no good news comes O son, no good news. Always troubles, always murders, fights, killings..This is not human life. These are not suitable doings for man. These men have lost their humanity and turned into shaytans. Shaytan runs after the people to harm them.
Now all the people are doing evil, shaytani things to each other. They wait for the nights. And at night the streets are full of women and men. O Lord, may You forgive us. Go out, a new day may come. A new life may come. A life may come. Go 5 minutes like this till the creek. If you have power, walk a little bit more in the direction of sunrise. Life comes on you. I asked "Where are they at night? We have never heard of it". "Of course, you never hear. They make dawriya", they say. Even I, myself, don't find any taste in that night time dawriya. There is no taste when the sun is setting. I want to go out and walk when the sun is rising, that I go downstairs and walk. Our bodies are refreshed, renewed, it feels good. The animals in the mountains know this. They sleep in the darkness of the night and wake up at dawn. We can't be like this! These people, all they suffer is because of the calamities shaytan taught them, it brought them into this. Technology, may their technology be destroyed! They will burn the world, will kill millions of people. Their civilization and technology is this, these is the teaching of shaytan, it is killing of innocent people.
Today's people, 20th century's so called civilization is this. Their doing is this. They didn't invent something that gives benefit to the people. They went to China..My son in-law may laugh a little bit. He sits very seriously, so I may say a little. Sometimes it comes to my heart. When they invented these trains, some open eyed ones went to China and were speaking about the benefits of trains. "We will build railways for you and this way you can travel 10 days distance in one day." The old Chinese man said, "Ok. If we travel 10 days distance in 1 day, then what will we do the remaining 9 days?" And now the people are like this also. All of them are on fire. They rush, hurry! What is it for? This is all we eat and all we dress. Why are you rushing, struggling? If you don't make any good work, if you have no good work in your one day, how can you call yourself 'a man'? How much more can be said, volumes of books can be filled from this, O my sons.
Therefore be careful with this. If you like now you can go and take your rest. When the Ishraq time is over go out and make a dawriya. Even if you walk 10 steps only, a new life comes. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. "It is the dispersing time of jinns", it says. The night belongs to jinns. They don't come out day time, night time belongs to jinns. If they touch once, they touch very badly. May Allah forgive us. May He send us from His beloved servants who will show us our right paths. We are left without learning anything and whole word is walking to fire upon the instructions of shaytan. Aman ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba astaghfirullah. May Allah protect you. Don't go out at night. In the day time, in Ishraq time, even if you walk until noon, before the sun reaches its zenith it is ok. After the noon time, its strength starts to decrease. The sun gives what it should give till here, they call it 'the zenith', the centre of the sky. After that, it starts to decrease. You can't take. Fatiha. May Allah send us His servants who will teach us these things. Alla Allah..Allah bless you, may your hands be kissed.
If the sun is rising, it is good. But the power that a walk will give after it has risen is totally different, it is new. He (swt) dressed the thawb al afiyah on the sun. Allah Almighty dressed the dress of health and wellness on the sun. O Lord, may You dress it on us also. Wa lillah al Hamd. May your end be good. May you live according to Islam with your children. Ok Mehmet, read for me. (video get cut)
Shukr Allah, Alhamdulillah. May He show us good days. May we be granted to keep the way of the Prophet (s), O Lord. O Lord, O Lord. Fatiha. (video gets cut)
All are like stones, statues. You say, say..but to whom are you speaking? There is no alive man left anymore. Allah Shukur. Ya Muhawwil al-hawl wa al-ahwal, hawwil halana ila ahsanil ahwal. How beautiful is the order of Islam. One word of it can save the whole world O Rukiye, just one word! "Don't let your children out after the sun sets", is the meaning of the Hadith. "Don't let them out", it says, don't let them out..It is over now, it is of no benefit anymore..What is to come is coming. It is coming. Aman ya Rabbi, may goodness come on us.
Wa min Allah at Tawfiq
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