The Big War
Sultanul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani qs
16 May 2013, Lefke Cyprus

Buyuk Harp, 15 May 2013
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. This holy month has begun. The manifestations of this holy month have come with mightiness. Rajab is the holy month that carries the name of Allah (swt). Rabbul 'Izzah, who is Shadidul Batsh those nations that He was going to overwhelm, in this month, He swept them away. This is the information we have.
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. That is why - "Fa Firru 'Ila Allahi." (51:50). Oh people run to Allah (swt). "Ya Man La Marja'u Min-Hu illa Ilayhi." There is nowhere to seek refuge, except at Allah's (swt) door. Those who seek refuge in His Great Prophet (sws), and Ummuhan Sultan (Hala Sultan), they will be safe and protected. If not, there is a lot of distress. This month will become very intense. And this is a sign of Divine revenge. So that those who have gone astray, will be punished in this month. They won't be left without punishment. Mankind has crossed the limits. They forgot their servant hood, they forget their identity. They forgot their creator. And that is why they have turned against each other, they are fighting one another, people are now ready for fighting. And this is a sign of a big war. It's called Armageddon (malhama kubra). Many people will die. With the cursed weapons that they made themselves, mankind will almost be finished off. May Allah (swt) protect us.
So where is salvation? "Fa Firru 'Ila Allahi 'Inni Lakum Minhu Nadhirun Mubinun" (51:50). Is that right? Run to Allah (swt). "Ya Man La Marja'u Min-Hu illa Ilayhi". There is no salvation other than turning to Allah (swt). If not, they will be cut like wheat. So that their punishment will not be left for akhirah (here after), they will suffer their punishment on earth.
Oh scholars, Oh righteous ones, be aware. Teach those who do not know. Because it is not a joke during this month of Rajab. And the fire that started in Syria will bring Armageddon. It will be the greatest human loss ever. We seek refuge in Allah. "Fa Firru 'Ila Allahi" (51:50). Run to Allah (swt). "Ya Man La Marja'u Min-Hu illa Ilayhi" Allah's mightiness, when we say mightiness, the Divine Power that no one can stand against, that storm is coming. Run to Allah (swt). You know the tornado, a strange tornado like that is coming. Most people will be gone. "Illa Man 'Asamahu Allah". Other than those that Allah (swt) is protecting, the others should fix themselves. If not, a tornado cannot lift a rock, but the breeze can lift a leaf.
That is why everyone should stay where they are. They shouldn't go here and there. They should cancel their travels. Those away from their homelands should return. If there is some commotion where they live, they should stay in their houses and not go out in the streets. There's danger. Nowadays, all people are outside their homes. What they are doing is wrong. The whole world is out in the streets. If Divine might, Divine anger comes on them, not one person will be left. Let's beware. And that is why now without an important reason they shouldn't go from one place to another. They should guard their house. And there is no need to come to Cyprus. And those in Cyprus should return to their homelands.
People outside of Cyprus shouldn't come here. Those outside of Cyprus shouldn't come. And those in Cyprus, without a reason 'bi ghayri sabab', shouldn't leave. They should guard their homes morning and evening. Those who listen can listen.
Those who don't listen, they will carry the responsibility of what will come. Ladies shouldn't go out and adorn themselves. Young people shouldn't wander around without anything to do. If something befalls them, it is their responsibility. Men who go out, after they finish their work, they should only go from mosque to home, from home to mosque.
Those who don't do this, there is danger for them. "Fa Firru Ila Allahi"(51:50). During all these troubles, those who run to Allah will be saved. If not, no one will be saved. Such a fire is coming down. "Wa Yudhiqa Ba`dakum Ba'sa Ba`din"(6:65). You will fight one another. Punishment won't be sent down to you from heavens, but you will attack one another and find your punishment like that. Don't go out! Don't leave your homes! Don't let young ones out after sunset! Close down bad places. If not, a curse will come down on those who don't close them down. May Allah forgive us.
It is a holy month, we have respect for it. If not, heavens'revenge and grudge is waiting, it will strike. One with the other. War will sweep them away. The weapons they made will bring mankind to a state of extinction. Hafadhana Allah. Ya Rabbi, that is why Cypriots, if there is no need, they shouldn't leave Cyprus. And no one outside of Cyprus should come here. No Europeans or anyone else should come here. They should keep themselves in their homes and houses. From the mosque to home, from home to mosque. Fatiha. No one from Egypt should come. No one from Turkey should come. Everyone should stay in their homelands. They should protect themselves. They shouldn't be a burden to anyone.
Permission has been taken away. There is no permission. They should guard their homes and houses. The time for wandering, traveling around is finished. Protect yourselves. Aman Ya Rabbi, Aman Ya Rabbi.
Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq
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