Do Not Accept News without Investigating
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
20 August 2013 Lefke, Cyprus
Zhuhr Suhbah

As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ
Atee`oollaha wa atee`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.
Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:59)
And I say again, “A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem” another time to get rid of our egos and to get rid of our Shaytan. And I say, “As-salaam `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh” to those who are watching on the Internet and to those who are here.
I am speaking from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Muhammad `Adil al-Haqqani, Sultan al-Awliya, in spite of the noses of anyone--is that correct English?
This is Mawlana Grandshaykh’s second helper (Shaykh `Abdu 's-Salaam), Grandshaykh `AbdAllah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani’s (q) helper. I was with Grandshaykh 37 years and he is more (in service than me) five years. There was another helper who died at the age of 107 years, Sayyid Abu Bakr. Grandshaykh (q), may Allah bless his soul, said about Shaykh `Abdu 's-Salaam, and I was there, “He is from the Five Qutbs.” You heard that before? He might not say it as he feels shy, but he is from the Five Qutbs.
If someone has any question come and ask it, I will clarify it, related to that subject or another subject. But before we begin, (let me say) today I wear professional and formal (dress), with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim's stick. I intentionally took it from Mawlana’s room in order to come here professional and formal, not informal, formal.
Allah (swt) said in Holy Qur'an:
لاَّ يُحِبُّ اللّهُ الْجَهْرَ بِالسُّوَءِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ إِلاَّ مَن ظُلِمَ وَكَانَ اللّهُ سَمِيعًا عَلِيمًا
Laa yuhibbu ’Llaahu ’l-jahra bi ’s-sooi mina ’l-qawli illa man zhulima wa kaana Allaahu samee`an `aleema.
Allah loves not that evil should be voiced in public except where injustice has been done, for Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:148)
I hope there is an Arab person who can translate to English, but I will translate: Allah does not like to bring something out, something bad that passed before, except by someone who has been oppressed by an oppressor. Laa yuhibbu ’Llaahu ’l-jahra bi ’s-sooi, “Allah does not like to expose the badness, except, He gave the condition, where yes you can if you have been oppressed.
We have not only been oppressed, but we have been slaughtered and barbecued! We are what? Slaughtered and barbecued from some people, and also from some people who have authority in this tariqah. Not by Shaykh Muhammad and not Shaykh Bahauddin and not from the family (of Mawlana Shaykh), but by some other people who know themselves and this is making confusion everywhere.
And the Prophet (s) asked the Sahaabah (r), “Who is the bankrupt one?” They said, “He who has no money.” The Prophet (s) said, “No, the one who has no `amal (good deeds), because he backbites his sisters, his brothers, his uncles, his family, and his brothers in tariqat.” They said, “Even if he prays and fasts?” The Prophet (s) said, “Yes, even he prays and fasts.” Allah said in Holy Qur’an:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَأٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ
Yaa ayyuha ’Lladheena aamanoo in ja’akum faasiqun bi naba'in fa-tabayyinoo an tuseeboo qawman bi-jahaalatin fatusbihoo `alaa maa fa`ltum naadimeen.
O you who believe! If a corrupt person comes to you with something wrong, ascertain the truth unless you harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what you have done.
(Surat al-Hujuraat, 49:6)
“O Believers! If a hypocrite or wrongdoer comes to you with news in public,” and all of us, with Mawlana's barakah we hope Allah (swt) will write us in the presence of the Prophet (s) as believers. Allah is giving a general khitaab, a general message, a general declaration in Holy Qur’an, “O Believers! If someone corrupted came with fabricated news, fa tabayyinoo, look into it, check it in case it is wrong.” He (swt) didn’t say “believe it without checking it,” He said “check it.”
And I am saying to everyone, and this is Holy Qur’an and Holy Hadith, we don’t say, “We don’t want Shari`ah,” no, we want Shari`ah! That is the order, that Shari`ah is within the tariqah. Tariqah does not teach us to lie and make confusion. So if someone mu’min comes to you and wants to make a wrong declaration, because if he makes wrong declarations that person is a faasiq (a cursed one who violates Shari`ah)! Fa tabayyinoo, check it! Don’t check it from the one who said it because he will lie, so check it from your friends and your brothers, is it correct or not? Wa tusbihoo `alaa maa fa`altum naadimeen, because you might believe it and make an enemy of your brother who is innocent.
Shaykh Salim, is my English correct? He is my teacher. We are all friends in tariqah, we are all Mawlana’s children from different backgrounds, different races, different beautiful faces; all like flowers in a garden, different flowers. The verse continues:
وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا وَلَا يَغْتَب بَّعْضُكُم بَعْضًا أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَن يَأْكُلَ لَحْمَ أَخِيهِ مَيْتًا فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ
Wa laa tajasassoo wa laa yaghtab b`adakum b`adakum ayyuhibbu ahadukum an yaakulu lahma akhihi maytan fa-karihtumooh.
And spy not on each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? No, you would abhor it. (Surat al-Hujurat, 49:12)
Do you like to eat the raw flesh of your brother? You will be disgusted to hear such nonsense, such false declarations; some false argument; some false news, so check it! Don’t eat the flesh of your innocent brother by believing the faasiq. Is it correct, Dr. Munir?
We are still on the right page and speaking Qur`an and hadith, to clarify first about one important issue, which those who are listening here and watching and seeing each other, they can see the feelings, how it is flowing in the air, but those who are on the Internet, if they are reading a transcript they don’t feel the feelings, but if they see something they feel more than the ones who read transcripts.
First of all, I want to mention that there are many students of Mawlana Shaykh from different parts of the world. Is that correct, Dr. Salim? [Correct] From all parts of the world, is there any doubt? [No.] From all kinds of backgrounds, is there any doubt? [No.] Like flowers of different colors in a garden, how nice is it? Every flower has a nice smell and some flowers have no smell, but they are there; still they can smell from the ones that have a nice smell. Is it wrong? So everyone has a different culture in his country, is it correct? Shaykh Salim? I am looking at you because I take from your heart, you reflect to me. I love him, in front of everyone: I love him. Say you love me; I love you.
So everyone is from a different background: you go to far Far West, let’s say Chile or Argentina, or America or Canada or Panama or Mexico or El Salvador, and they have different cultures. South America has a different culture than North America and North America has different culture from Canada and there are mureeds there. There you put your name and if you are `alim, scholar, put “Shaykh” in front and everyone knows that. If you put something else, they don’t understand it, they will be mistaken. At the end (after their name) some people say (titles such as) “Professor” or “Dr.” There are too many ‘doctors’ that are not medical doctors; before we didn’t know there were other (types of) doctors. Now there are doctors in plumbing even! [Really?] Yeah, in plumbing they have to study plumbing engineering, electrical engineering; they are doctors. And scholars in Shari`ah have now become Doctors of Shari`ah, they changed. Muslims in Middle East countries don’t say anymore...if you look on the TV and you see an `alim coming from Azhar they say, “Dr so-and-so”, they don’t say “Shaykh” anymore or “Mawlana” or “Sayyidina”, because in Egypt any `alim they call him “Mawlana” or “Sayyidina” and let them bring someone who can deny that.
In the Far East, in the Indian sub-continent, every scholar is (known as) “Mawlana”, every `alim is “Mawlana”, and every one who cleans the masjid is “Mawlana”! You cannot say, “There is only one Mawlana” because they (mureeds) don’t know as the culture is different. Out of respect they might call him “Mawlana.” For example, if Dr. Professor Salim Spohr goes to Pakistan or India, or to North Africa, Tunisia, Algeria they will call him “Mawlana Salim, Mawlana Shaykh Salim, Mawla al-Hasan, Mawla al-Husayn, Mawlana...this shaykh, that shaykh.” You say that they are taking “Mawlana” out, they call him Grandshaykh and they say that I am taking “Mawlana” out (from Mawlana Shaykh’s title) and I am putting that for myself. They accuse me of that and I want to clear it up: anyone who is saying that, I am going in front of Allah on the Day of Judgment not forgiving him, I want my right on the Day of Judgment. Those who claim we took (the title) “Mawlana” out and Mawlana (Shaykh Nazim) is more than ‘Mawlana’, he is Sultan al-Awliya! If we believe more, he is the Ghawth as ‘Sultan al-Awliya’ and ‘al-Ghawth’ is the same name but “Gawth”means more, it means that is “the one who gives support.”
He is an inheritor from Allah (swt) and from the Prophet (s), that dressed him, it is not possible to become Ghawth without Allah dressing him to become Ghawth, no! We say Ghawth al-`Azham, Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q) is Ghawth, Sayyidina `Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (q) is Ghawth, and Sultan al-Awliya is equal to the Ghawth; that is higher than to say only, “Mawlana.” “Mawlana” is a normal title for any scholar around the world.
Yesterday, `Abdullah from France, whom I know very well, this poor guy, Masan, when you said to him (referred to me as) “Mawlana Shaykh Hisham,” what did he say? (Say) “Shaykh Hisham” or “Mawlana,” but you cannot say, “Mawlana Shaykh Hisham,” and this poor Pakistani guy from Nelson doesn’t know. Everyone in Pakistan, living in UK even, they say “Mawlana” to anyone, to the one cleaning the masjid even. You, `Abdullah, professor, no need to say that. Who put this in your mind, this false accusation against us? And this needs to be clarified, so I am clarifying it!
[Dr. Salim: I am not sure, I am not sure: anta mawlana f ’ansurnaa `alaa al-qawmi ‘l-kaafireen, in Qur’an you will see that Allah is attributed with this.]
أَنتَ مَوْلاَنَا فَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ
Anta mawlana f 'ansurnaa `alaa al-qawmi ‘l-kaafireen.
Thou art our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:286)
That is correct, that is what we were saying! You cannot say to anyone (address them as) “Mawlana” because Allah is Mawla al-Jami` and this is the literal translation of that ayah. But in some backgRounds, (for example) now in Lebanon you cannot say “Mawlana,” no one can call someone “Mawlana”. But there are different cultures around the world where it’s normal to them. You can teach them? Go around the world and teach them, then we will be happy, but if you cannot reach them and teach them, what will you do? They say it and you don’t like it. Anyone saying, “Mawlana Shaykh Nazim,” did Mawlana stop him saying “Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.” No, so the highest authority is not preventing people to say “Mawlana” to him! Some Pakistanis might say to anyone, “Mawlana.” In Egypt they say “Mawlana.” We don’t want to be like Salafi and Wahhabi, who say literally that if you say “Mawlana” you are kaafir! But the title Mawla al-`alamayn al-muhtaramayn, Sayyidina Abi ’l-Qaasim Muhammad, that (title) is evidence from the sunnah! Prophet (s) is Mawla al-Mu’mineen, Mawlana of Muslims and the inheritors from Prophet (s) are Mawlanas.
That is the evidence from the sunnah. When the tribes came to the Prophet (s), they said, “This is ‘Mawla Bani Asad’, this is ‘Mawla Bani Quraysh’, this is head of the tribe of Quraysh, ‘al-mawalee’, they are the heads, you can say that and you are not meaning “Allah”! You cannot jump so high, keep down. Some people use it, some people don’t use it. We are not living on an island, on Cyprus alone as Mawlana is everywhere! He spread the tariqah west and east! He has mureeds everywhere! They call each other “Mawlana” and “Shaykh.” So that is the first point. We don’t like anyone to call us “Mawlana” or to call me or someone else “Mawlana”, but culturally we can’t do more other than doing (explaining this) on the Internet. If someone has the power go and spread it, but don’t spread it to accuse some people of raising their level by saying, “Mawlana.” No, we are not raising our levels!
Second, Grandshaykh, may Allah bless his soul, said that the mufti of Islam in his country came to Sayyidina `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q) and said, “Yaa Sayyidee, I want to be your mureed.” He was Shaykhu ’l-Islam. Shaykhu ’l-Islam. When you say “Shaykhu ’l-Islam,” what does that mean? The highest level of Muslims in the country. He was coming to Sayyidina Khawaja `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q) saying, “I want to become your mureed.” Does that lower his level? No, it doesn’t lower his level, but in the eyes of people it does. In the eyes of shuyookh it doesn’t lower his level as he is coming, accepting a mureed to be a mureed, not to be Shaykhu ’l-Islam, although that was his title.
So the shaykh said, “Okay, you want to be mureed to me, I am looking where to put you.” Look at the organized structure in tariqah, he is looking for a place to put him in, not like us here with everyone in the same garden. He is looking for a place to put him in. So he said, “We need wood, because it is very cold in winter. We need wood for fire, so I give you a donkey, a rope and an axe. Go to the mountain, cut the wood, put it on the donkey and bring it.”
So he is Shaykhu 'l-Islam and what can he say? He is coming to be a mureed and for mureeds it is like that. He went in the alley and the people began to see him, saying, “He is Shaykhu 'l-Islam?”
“Yeah! That is Shaykhu 'l-Islam.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Shaykhu 'l-Islam!”
They didn’t understand it, their level they cannot take it, but the shaykh is looking forward, he is looking far, seeing far, and he wants to polish the people by seeing that Shaykhu 'l-Islam is doing this, he wants the people to understand by seeing this from Shaykhu 'l-Islam, humbling himself, not only humbling, but humiliating, because you have to humiliate the ego, not only humbling as the ego is never going to be humble. Even if you make a gesture of humbleness, still the ego will say, “No, don’t do it!” You have to humiliate it, you have to break it with an axe. So when he gave him the axe and the wood and the rope, it means he was saying, “Go and cut your ego with that axe; humiliate yourself in front of everyone, and I am seeing forward to your future.”
So he went half the way and came back and said, “Yaa Sayyidee, can you give me better job? People are humiliating me.” And it is a humiliation, but he is Shaykhu 'l-Islam and was not seeing in front of him. The shaykh is seeing, the teacher is seeing, the Ghawth is seeing, the Sultan is seeing, Aqtaab are seeing! Whomever the shaykh gave the title of Qutb, if the shaykh gives something he doesn’t take it back. He might give it to you now, before or after. It is up to him, but he dressed you with that title and no one can take it. When Allah gives you something He will not take it back as Allah is Generous, why He has to take it back when He gives it to you? For those who are inheritors:
أَلا إِنَّ أَوْلِيَاء اللّهِ لاَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ
Alaa inna awliyaaullaahi laa khawfun `alayhim wa laa hum yahzanoon.
Behold! Verily on the Friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Surah Yunus, 10:62)
The Inheritors of prophets, the awliya sitting upstairs here, they give and that is it, they don’t take it back. A generous person gives you a book and they don’t say, “Give it back.” If they give, they give, and even if you run away they don’t take it back!
So the shaykh, Sayyidina Khawaja `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q), knows where he is taking him, but Shaykhu 'l-Islam cannot see that as he has no kashf, no vision. So Shaykhu 'l-Islam said, “Yaa Sayyidee, can you give me a better job? All these people here are humiliating me.”
He said, “Yes, no problem, I give you now instead of this, I give you another job. Go and collect stones and put them in the bathrooms in the city, downtown, because that will be...” before when they want to take wudu they used stones to clean themselves where today they clean with toilet paper. “Go and collect these stones and put them in the bathroom, then go in evening and collect the dirty ones and throw them. That is a better job for you.”
This story is from Daghestan, it is Grandshaykh’s (q) story.
And he said, “Yaa Sayyidee, the first job was better!”
Shaykh `Abdul-Khaliq said, “No, I gave you the option to do the first job, but you didn’t want to take it. Now you have to do this.”
So he went to the city taking the bucket, going to the ocean bringing some stones and taking them there, and the children saw Shaykhu 'l-Islam and said, “Oh! He is going crazy.” So he went back to Sayyidina Khawaja `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q) and said, “O Sayyidee, that is too much humiliation for me. Can you give me something better? And he said, “Yes,” and this is Grandshaykh’s (q) story, “because you said that, now you go and collect the stones, clean them and make sure they are clean, and then put them back in the bathroom.” He recognized now that there is no way to ask and that he must go and surrender. Children were throwing stones at him and cursing him saying, “Shaykhu 'l-Islam lost his mind.” He went back to Khawaja `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q) and the story continues, but we want this part of the story: He said to him, “Yaa Waladee, I was dressing you. I cannot dress you with something that is not clean. I want to clean you first, to polish your ego and to bring your inner side up. I want to bring out that enlightenment, the noor that is in your heart. I have to cut your ego down, as you cannot come to me with your ego,” at that moment he submitted and he dressed him and he sent him out to the world, to spread tariqah. That’s why the tariqah moved from Daghestan all the way to India, to Central Asia, the Middle East and all over the world with the barakah of Sayyidina Khawaja `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q). There are many other stories like that, which I will not mention here. This is part one of the lecture.
But I want to say that those who understood that, what I did two days ago, was humiliation for me, must know this is not a humiliation. Your eyes saw it as humiliation, but in reality there is something hidden there, a big treasure. When you look for the treasure you don’t mind for the dunya. Humiliate yourself. What happened to Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami (q)? When Allah said to him, “Go and humiliate yourself to be a dump for My servants,” do you know that story or not? When he was approaching and approaching and knocking at the door to see a vision, to be nearer to the Beautiful Names and Attributes, nearer to the Divine Presence, he heard a voice from an angel saying: “You want to be in the Divine Presence? Go and make yourself a dump to My servants.” That means “Let them throw on you all kinds of accusations. Let them throw on you all kinds of garbage and be patient. That is where you will get the treasures.” Then Allah dressed him with a dress that is from Allah’s Beautiful Names and Attributes which you are never going to see, if we are going to speak about “this is humiliation or not, this is honor or not.” We can claim that what we see or don’t see...
I am claiming in the masjid of Mawlana, Allah give him long life, that what I see, you don’t see, and I am seeing with the power that Mawlana dressed me with, the name Qutb al-Mutasarrif. If you don't want to believe it go to Mawlana Shaykh and tell him to pull that name out. You cannot take names out. What Mawlana gave of the name Qutb al-Mutasarrif is there. If you don't like it go and hit your head with the wall. I am not claiming. He said it many times, and I will tell you what he said. He said it to me and it is well known everywhere, and it is taped. We don't need to tape even, but these ignorant people are like Salafis of tariqah today, or Wahabis of the tariqah, they want everything literal. Awliyaullah don't put things literally. When he says something that is it. He said, “Qutb al-Mutasarrif,” then it is Qutb al-Mutasarrif. He said, “You are from ar-Rijaal al-Ishraaqiyoon,” those who are going to be ready for things that are going to happen to change the world from fighting to peace. And he said, “Your name is Madad al-Haqq, Hujjatullahi ’l-Mukhlis.” That is the first name of ar-Rijaal al-Ishraaqiyoon. If you cannot accept it, go tell Mawlana to take it out, I am surrendering. He said it, he said it.
Grandshaykh (q) gave me two names from wazirs of Mahdi (a): Thaamir al-Haqq Zayn ul-`Abideen and Muraad-Allah adh-Dhaakir from al-A’immat al-mudabiroon. If you don't like it, what can I do for you? Nothing. It is not my problem. So if awliyaullah want to give, they give. So my look was forward and your look was limited. You can say what you want to say, but I want to tell you more: my baya` is from two, not from one only. It is from two grandshaykhs. Don’t say, “O he said ‘Mawlana is Grandshaykh.’” Shut up! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is Mawlana Shaykh Nazim; he is Grandshaykh, he is Sultan al-Awliya, He is Ghawth. He is grandshaykh above every shuyookh in this dunya. He is sultan over every person on this dunya. He he is al-Ghawth and he can support anyone. I believe that. If you don't believe it, it is up to you.
I have to say that, which may Allah save us from saying “I”, and anyone who wants to sit on this chair, can come and sit. I can claim, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that I have one original baya` that no one has, in 1958, even before Shaykh `Abdu ’s-Salaam came to Mawlana Shaykh when his first khaadim, helper, was living, Shaykh Abu Bakr, living untill he was 107. I was young and I came to Grandshaykh (q) with my father and my brothers and we took baya` directly from Grandshaykh that no one has taken; even Shaykh Muhammad and Shaykh Bahauddin. And then after that we took baya` from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim directly, may Allah grant him long life.
And one baya` took place in a vision. Grandshaykh (q) had a book that Grandshaykh Shaykh Sharafuddin (q) had written. It has all the names of awliyaullah, the names of Sayyidina al-Mahdi and his ministers, the khulafah of Mahdi (a) and his deputies and ar-Rijaal al-Ishraaqiyoon, A’immat al-Mudabiroon, and Shuyookh al-Islam, and 313 walis that are on the footsteps of 313 messengers. Grandshaykh, may Allah bless his soul, gave me the book and said, “Write it and make copies from it.” There was no copying machine at the time. I copied the book and duplicated it making five copies. Then I gave it back to Grandshaykh, may Allah bless his soul. When I was writing the book, suddenly I felt Grandshaykh appear as I am writing, and he said, “Extend your hand.” I put my hand on his hand and then I saw Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and he put his hand, then I saw 40 grandshaykhs of the Naqshbandi Order and that was in Ghaar Thawr in Mecca. I put my hand and these 40 shaykhs appeared, then I saw 124,000 Sahaabah, then 124,000 prophets, and then the hand of the Prophet (s) was on top of them reciting, “Allahu Allahu, Allahu Haqq. Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq. Allahu Allahu, Allahu Haqq.” And he said, “This is a gift for you.” No one got it like that.
Allah knows best, if I am lying I will be responsible on the Day of Judgment. If I am not lying then you are happy, because you heard it. I am proud of my baya` to Grandshaykh and from Mawlana Shaykh the two sources, that is Dhu’n-Janahayn. And I saw Mawlana Shaykh Nazim many times when we go to visit some Shadhili shuyookh and Mawlana Shaykh put his hand tabarrakan and he told us to go and visit other shuyookh for barakah. When I put my hand to Shaykh Muhammad, that is for barakah, for him and for me. If they understand they understand, because I am seeing more than them. That is a boost for Shaykh Muhammad, as Mawlana ordered me to look after him and support him.
Like today a shaykh comes, he is Shadhili, or Ba-Alawi and and says, “Take baya`,” that is for barakah, not for changing shaykhs. I do not need to change my shaykh to Shaykh Muhammad, my baya` is for Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, not with Shaykh Muhammad. Mawlana is alive. All baya` has to be to Shaykh Nazim; all baya` that is being done, from any deputy, from any representative, for any son, that baya` is to Mawlana Shaykh. No baya` can be accepted except to Mawlana Shaykh. Even if you put the hand of a young one and recite the ayah of baya`, it is to Mawlana, not for him. When I made the baya` it is not for Muhammad. If I do it for Muhammad it is wrong. I don’t need to do it, I have the baya` directly with Mawlana and Grandshaykh (q). If you don’t want to do it it is up to you, but you have it with Mawlana Shaykh, you have it with the source! I don’t understand. Do you go to the source of water or you go to the tap? I don't understand, but you want to put your ego down, you have to step on it with hard feelings, because there is something there waiting and you need the key. Humiliate yourself; anyone can be humble for a certain reason, to be taken up to Mawlana Shaykh. You humble yourself to any doorman, if he tells you, “Take baya` with me and I’ll take you up,” what do you do? Ten baya` take and go up.
My baya` is to Mawlana Shaykh directly, my baya` is to Grandshaykh directly, from Sayyidina al-Mahdi (a) directly, I don’t need to renew my baya` with anyone, you want to renew, you renew, it’s up to you, but I did that to unite, to make people happy, because the fitna is too much: “Oh! He made himself shaykh.” Yes! I am shaykh, do you want anything? I am not only shaykh, I am, as Mawlana said, Qutb al-Mutasarrif, you want anything from me? And not only that, as Grandshaykh (q) said, Madad ul-Haqq Hujjatullahi ’l-Mukhlis, Thaamir ul-Haqq Zayn ul-`Abideen Muraad-Allah adh-Dhaakir. You want anything? You want? Say. You are happy with your toys, you go play with them: websites, Facebook, Twitter, go play with it. I am happy with a Heavenly Twitter, I am happy with Heavenly baya`, I am happy with heavenly visions, I am happy with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and with Grandshaykh, I am happy with Sayyidina Mahdi (a). I saw Sayyidina Mahdi (a), you didn't see Mahdi (a) and it is time to say it in public! I saw the Prophet (s) and you didn’t see the Prophet (s), and I have the Holy Hair of the Prophet (s), the long hair of the Prophet (s) that you don’t have. I have some amaanah from Prophet (s) that you don’t have, not to make me proud, no I am not, you saw me I humiliated myself. I have baya` with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, why do I have to take baya` through Shaykh Muhammad. You know why? To give him power, to boost him, to make people to unite, that’s why. If you don't understand the meaning of baya`, you are so retarded, sorry to say that. To those who don’t understand. May Allah not question us, because the Prophet (s) said to Sayyida `Ayesha (r), “Pray that you don't be questioned.” That is Sayyida `Ayesha (r), Ummhat al-Mumineen, the Mother of Mu’mins! Prophet (s) is telling her, “Please ask Allah not to question you,” because what did he say in the hadith?
Sayyidah `Ayesha (r ) related from the Prophet (s) :
من حوسب عذب
Man hoosiba `udhdhib.
Who will be judged will be punished for sure. (Bukhari)
Man hoosib `uadhdhib, “If anyone is questioned he will be punished,” he is even telling Sayyida `Ayesha (r), to the beautiful lady, his lovely wife, that Allah made her love in the heart of Prophet (s) and he said to her, “Anyone who is asked will be punished!”
What about us if he is telling Sayyida `Ayesha that? How do you make fitna when you know you are going to be punished? Anyone who is making fitna, don’t be confused by asking, “Who is that person Shaykh Hisham is speaking about?” “Leave Shaykh, that Hisham is speaking about,” no person, that is in general, too many sicknesses with everyone. I am proud of what Mawlana gave me, but not proud of my achievements. No, we have to do better. We brought Mawlana to speak at the highest level, to speak at the White House, in Congress, we put conferences, we brought him seven times to America, he was on CNN, C-SPAN, Fox News and broadcast everywhere. Did you do that? The first application to be registered in Malaysia for a charity, may Allah bless her soul, with Hanim, she is a lawyer, 107 centres in Indonesia, in Uzbekistan, in Tajikistan. I brought Mawlana from the top in private jets, private planes, for the honor of Mawlana. I was able to do that for myself, but I brought Mawlana Shaykh. I wrote over forty different books, the life of awliya. Why are you upset? You must support me, because you love Mawlana Shaykh! I accept to be a donkey, even to carry you! A donkey carries loads. Awliyaullah make their best mureeds donkeys in the spiritual meaning, which means to carry the loads of others. Carry my load, I carry your load, it will be easier, we carry. I carry your load and if you carry your load it will be easier.
So my baya`, I repeat, will never be taken away, it is with Grandshaykh (q) and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. I am not taking baya` to anyone. Mawlana is alive, so what are you speaking about baya`? May Allah (swt) forgive us. If you have more questions, there are too many we have! We are a small group, why do we have to fight with each other? Although we are considered a big group around the world. And do you know who was writing the suhbah of Grandshaykh (q), every word, when he opened his mouth? I was that one and I taped all of Mawlana Grandshaykh’s (q) suhbah, all of them are on tape. And in 1985, one person appeared from Germany called Mustafa, I don't know him. He had a turban and jubba. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim was with us in Beirut and he spoke with him in Turkish.
Mawlana said, “Where are the tapes? He said give all of them to him.”
I said, “They are there.” This is not 1985, it was 1987.
Mawlana said, “Give it to him. All of them”
I said, “Mawlana! This is Grandshaykh’s teachings! I cannot give.”
He said, “No, give all of them.”
I said, “Can’t we keep some of them?”
He said, “No everything all of them, he will fix them.”
What did he want to fix with them? Nothing! They are tapes, the old style tapes, this big, reel to reel. The machine we used to record is in Grandshaykh’s house in Damascus. That is what happened. My hands were shaking, I didn’t want to give them to him, but Mawlana insisted. He never showed up, the tapes are gone, all of Grandshaykh (q) tapes with all kinds of knowledge. Why Mawlana did that? If I had doubt then I would say, “Why he did that? He didn’t see what he was doing.” I don't doubt Mawlana Shaykh, I know there is a wisdom. He wants to tell me something spiritually, to focus on me now, focus on me now: “You cannot connect to Grandshaykh in the grave. I can, so you focus on me. When you focus on me I take you there. If you keep the tapes now, it might become a distraction to the mureeds. Focus on one windmill.”
There used to be a water wheel that brings the water up, and Grandshaykh `AbdAllah used to say--and I don't want them to make a mistake sitting in the mosque of Mawlana, and they say I am calling him Grandshaykh--Grandshaykh used to say, “Don't try to water two fields with one water wheel,” neither will be watered well.
Mawlana said, “Since Grandshaykh left dunya I can reach him, you cannot reach him, focus on me. That person came to show you what you want take, but we have the knowledge directly.” I didn't want to do it. I had to step on my ego to do it because it is rare to have Grandshaykh’s tapes; 500 tapes of the large tapes, and in each one there might be ten lectures. I stepped on my ego, but there was compensation coming in the future. It is not easy to give the name (title) of “Madad al-Haqq” or “Qutb al-Mutasarrif”. It is not promoting myself.
Salim Spohr is so welcome, so beloved to Mawlana, Mawlana gives to his heart, is it not? We cannot say, “No.” He speaks on behalf of Mawlana Shaykh, we cannot say, “No.” Then he is khalifah of Mawlana Shaykh. We cannot say, “No.” Sayyidina Khalid al-Baghdadi, one of the greatest shaykhs of the Naqshbandi Order had 299 khalifas and everyone went with his own branch now, they don’t all of them unite, now too many khalifas, but they are all supported according to their capacity.
May Allah make our capacity strong enough to carry Mawlana Shaykh’s knowledge in order to let that pipe be connected, his pipe is ready, it needs only our pipe to connect with it. May Allah connect our pipes...we cannot connect it, it is difficult. May Allah, with the barakah of these beautiful people here, connect our hearts together and connect our hearts to Mawlana Shaykh directly, inshaa-Allah. And our baya` is with Grandshaykh Shaykh `AbdAllah ad-Daghestani (q), is with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, and we renew our baya` all of us together by extending my hand, and it is to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, inshaa-Allah: Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadu ‘r-Rasoolullah...Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq. Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq. Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq…al-Fatihah.
(Someone kisses Shaykh Hisham’s feet.) You see? Can I stop him? Did I tell them to do that? No. That is the problem, that is what Wahabis say and they put pictures on their website, the picture of Mawlana Shaykh standing and they say it is “a mureed making sajda to the shaykh, they are making kufr.” You have to answer, but our people are not answering, they are only fighting amongst themselves! I answered, “Mawlana is old, then he needed someone to put on his shoes.”
Salim Spohr: Sometimes there is no need to answer.
That’s the other philosophy, mashaa-Allah, that is good, correct, that’s what they say, “If you leave the dog to bark, he will die by himself from barking.” That’s correct, but sometimes when you see too much division within the same group then you have to clarify things. When I am seeing around the world in the travels and I see the fitna and differences, here and there, you have to give an answer. Salafis-Wahabis, I used to answer them too much, now I don’t care. Y’Allah, as-salaamu `alaykum.
Baya` is for Mawlana Shaykh Nazim only! For no one else. We don’t change our baya`, from everyone it goes to him and my baya` is from three sides. As-salaamu `alaykum.
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