Muslimsufi : Laylat Isra Miraj, Prise Him and Salam To Prophet (saw)

Laylat Isra Miraj, Prise Him and Salam To Prophet (saw)
Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani qs
Jumat 15 June 2012 - Michigan
'alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh. Alhamdulillah rabbil-`alameen
was-salat was-salam `ala ashraf al-mursaleen wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi
ajma`een. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.
I feel when I
am going to say something that from Grandshaykh's Abdullah qs teaching
or from Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim's qs teaching I feel we are not
appropriate to speak because of our attachment to dunya. And we can see
how they spent their lives, Allah (swt) making for them dunya slave to
them because of their love to Allah and love to the Prophet (saw). But
for us, we are not in that circle of lovers of Allah and the Prophet
(saw). It might be we are imitational, yes we are trying, but I don't
feel we are those people.
And I will quote this hadith
from the Prophet (saw) from Abi Rayhaana (ra) the companion of the
Prophet (saw) who said, I heard the Prophet (saw) saying, `an Abi
Rayhaana sahib an-Nabiy sami`tu Rasoolullahi yaqool laa tara `aynan
an-naar bakat min khashiyatillah. He said that I heard the Prophet (saw)
saying, an eye will never see Hellfire as long as that eye is crying
and tears are coming from khashiyatillah, not fear, but awareness of
Allah or khashiya. I feel something to be unhappy with me. That is the
meaning. I do something and I know someone is not happy with me.
I feel not really doing what needs to be done. So he said, I heard the
Prophet (saw) saying that an eye will not see Hellfire as long as that
eye has awareness and fear and feelings that Allah is not happy with it
so that eye is crying. Are we crying? Sahaba when they used to not be
able to see the Prophet (saw) for a day, the cry. Tears come from their
eyes. Pious people if they were not able to see dreams or to fear Allah
and love Allah and love the Prophet (saw) , they cry. Are we crying? No.
So that shows us that we are not, because of our attachment of dunya,
dunya will not let you to be a servant to Allah it wants you to be slave
for her.
And the Prophet (saw) said, that eye will not
see fire as long as that eye was did not sleep in the struggle for the
Way of Allah. When someone feels he is not struggling enough and
preferring akhira on dunya, those pious people they cry. We we don't
care. So that is why I was saying that when we feel sitting and
speaking, we feel that khashiya, of Allah is not there. Because of our
invovlement, and people today they only think how much am I making? How
much I have? How much I can make more?
And Allah swt for
those who submit to Him, He made dunya to them. Not we are slave to
dunya. And we mentioned many times that the Prophet (saw) took his
companions to Mount Uhud and it was sunrise and he said, put the sun at
your back and what you see in front of you is your shadow in front of
them because the sun was in the back. And he said, If anyone of you can
catch your shadow I give my jubbah. And they run, they run, they run,
and they tried to catch their shadow and they were not able to do that.
Can anyone catch his shadow? Until they reach the mountain and the
shadow is on the mountain. Then he (saw) said, "Run to me". And they ran
to him and their shadows were running behind them. And he (saw)
said,"Anyone running after Allah and Me will find dunya running after
him, and who turns his back on Allah and Me will find himself running
after dunya and never catching it".
So for a Wali when he
says only salam 'alaykum, it is enough to spread the light of Islam. But
we, when we say salam 'alaykum it is empty, nothing goes with it. That
is why to be connected to a guide who is conneted to the Prophet (saw)
for people will direct them to awareness.
And tonite is
Laylat al-Isra and Mi`raj in many countries and it is Laylat al-Isra and
Mi`raj in other countries. So we are observing that tonite and that is
the night which Allah blessed His Prophet (saw) with it. And Allah
praised Himself by Himself by saying,"Subhanallah alladhee asraa bi
`abdihi laylan min al-masjid alharam ila al-masjid al-aqsaa". So this
night 27th of Rajab was the night of Monday and that is why it is an
important day, Monday, where the Prophet (saw) was born on Monday and he
was sent as messenger for Humanity on Monday, and he went in the
journey of is Laylat al-Isra and Mi`raj on a Monday, and he left Mecca
towards Madina on a Monday, and he entered Madina on a Monday and he
died on a Monday. That is why he is emphasizing on the importance of a
Today they say, don't emphasize the importance of a
day. Not there are days it is important to keep. that is why when he as
asked (saw) about fasting on the day of Monday, he said, that is the
day I was born. (Hadist Muslim). He (saw) gave importance to the day he
was born. And he (saw) gave importance to 27th Rajab, Laylat al-Isra and
Mi`raj a Monday, and he Prophet (saw) was born on Monday, and he was
sent as messenger for Humanity on Monday. And he left Mecca towards
Madina on a Monday, and he entered Madina on a Monday and he left dunya
on a Monday.
And Alhamdulillah that Allah blessed us with
the tajalli of this night as that is a general manifestation on mumins
and muslims, the Night of Israa wa'l-Mi`raj. Allah swt has said that,
"Subhanallah alladhee asraa bi `abdihi laylan min al-masjid alharam".
Praise be to Allah who began the Prophet's night journey from the Masjid
al-Haraam, the Masjid al-Makki. And all of Mecca is Haram. Haram is a
place where you cannot commit a sin. So the Ka`ba, all around the area
is Haram, whereever you stand, the streets are haram, and where you
cannot do anytihng wrong. In the interpretation of that it is said your
heart is your haram.
Allah gave everyone a haram within
himself that he must not let shaytan to enter. In the heart there is a
place for shaytan to enter and the Prophet (saw) said, I am the only one
that was able to ride on my shaytan. And that means everyone else is
struggling. And the best place is the heart, as in Ka`ba, the most
important part, while all of Ka`ba is important there is one place that
the Prophet (s) kissed, and that is the Black Stone, and they say the
Black Stone was originally white, green-white and because of the sins of
people, it became darker and darker, and it is carrying the heaviness
of millions of people who are going and visiting Ka`batullah, the House
of Allah.
And it is said that the Black Stone (Hajr Aswad)
when it was descending from Paradise, wherever there was light coming
from that Black Stone, whereever that light reaches as it was coming
down to Ka`ba, that area become haram. That is why they say hudoor
al-Mashaykh, to be in the presence of a Shaykh will give you a light
because that Shaykh became a haram, because he is filled up with light
of the Prophet (saw) and as the Sahaba, where the Prophet (saw) said,
"My Companions are like the stars, whichever one you follow you will be
guided". Because they became a haram. Their being in the presence of the
Prophet (saw) gave them holiness, gave them something that manifested
on them from the Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes. So they became
different people and whichever you want to follow you will be guided.
Awliyaullah they have nothing to fear, they are like haram. When you
approach them, you are like sitting in a heavenly place as they are
after akhira , not after dunya, and Allah turned shaytan away from them.
And ibn `Abbas said that when Sayyidina Adam (as) was brought on earth
from Paradise he went into sajda, asking Allah for forgiveness, and
after 40 years in sajda not raising his head, Allah sent Jibril (as) to
him. Telling him that Allah accepted his repentance. fashaka ila allahi
ta`ala ma faata minal-`arsh. He complained to Allah that in Paradise I
used to encircumambulate the `Arsh and here I have nothing to
encircumambulate. And so Allah sent the Bayt al-Mamoor, Allah has sent a
copy, or a reflection of the Ka`ba in Paradise where the angles are
making tawaaf, end sent him one on earth in order not to miss his
encircumambulation, he sent him the Ka`ba.
And this is all
to show how much Allah gave to Ummat an-Nabi (saw) and the secrets in
Surat al-Israa. It was, that reflection of the Ka`ba that came on earth
was a red ruby, completely how big is it, it was a red ruby has a red
color emitting from it. And it has spread all over the earth lighting up
what is between the East and West and and the shayateen were running
from that light as it was finishing them. When they run away, they run
to above the earth and they were looking and when they tried to reach,
and that light coming, Allah prevented them by angels.
that will show us how much there are sacred and secret information that
we ignore or we don't know, we are ignorant about it. And these
Awliyaullah that put tafsir of Holy Qur'an show us how much we are in
need to learn and to give respect to the one that Allah swt has
mentioned that "I am praising Myself," Allah is saying that "Bringing My
servant in a Mi`raj to be in My Presence." That is not easy that
is,"Kun fayakoon". No one can do that. So that is why Allah is saying
"Subhanallah alladhee asraa bi `abdihi laylan min al-masjid alharam".
one can make someone to go to qaaba qawsayni aw adna and come back and
his mattress is still warm, and he went to heavens and he checked
Hellfire, and he was in qaaba qawsayni aw adna. And even Gibril (as) was
not able to be with him. So pious people understand that surah meant
them, as the Masjid al-Haram is the status of the heart, which is not
allowed for the bad desires to overtake the heart, as you cannot do a
sin in front of Ka`ba, you cannot allow your heart to be affected with
your bad desires.
May Allah swt guide us to understand
that our heart is a place which is sacred that Allah swt has put light
in that heart as the Prophet (s) said, "Ma wasi`anee samaaee wa la
ardee wa laakin wasi`anee qalbee `abdee al-mumin".
Allah make our heart a place where the manifetation of Allah's Allah's
Beautiful Names and Attributes will reach there and Allah mentioned he
made that journey at night from the Masjid al-Haram to the Masjid
al-Aqsaa, the farthest place you can reach. And they described Masjid
al-Aqsa as the Maqam ar-rooh. Anyone has to make mi`raj, as everyone is
eligible to follow the footsteps of the Prophet (saw) and the Prophet
(saw) can take him in a Mi`raj up to the capacity of that person,
through his soul and through his heart. That is why everyone who speaks
the language of spirituality define, the soul and importance of the soul
and the importance of the heart.
May Allah swt guide us
to reach the heavenly Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes knowledge
and be away from shaytan and be more near to the Prophet (saw). May
Allah forgive us bihurmatil-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatiha. These minutes
before Maghrib are best time to make ziyara of the Prophet (s) holy
hair. And then we pray Maghrib and then we pray Salat at-Tasabeeh and
then salawat and qasida. Wa min Allah at-Tawfeeq bi hurmati 'l-Fatiha.
will bring the holy hair of the Prophet (saw), but you have to make
respect and discipline. So no kissing my hands; only kiss hair of the
Prophet (saw) and move. Kiss and move so we can finish in this time,
before maghrib 15 minutes.
Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq
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