Tuesday, November 20, 2012

10 Muharram - Ashura Opening of Heavenly Lights

10 Muharram - Ashura Opening of Heavenly Lights

This Thursday and Friday : 22-23 November 2012

Adab Hari ‘Asyuuraa [10 Muharram]
Mawlana Syaikh ‘Adnan Qabbani di Futuhaatul Haqqaniyyah

1. Salat 4 raka’at, membaca di tiap raka’at Surat Al-Faatihah, dilanjutkan surat Al-Ikhlas 11x. Menurut suatu hadits Nabi sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa aalihi wasallam, orang yang melakukannya akan diampuni Allah SWT dosanya selama 50 tahun, dan dibuatkan baginya minbar terbuat dari cahaya
2.   Mandi di hari itu
3.   Berpuasa di hari itu
4.   Doa’ di Hari ‘Asyuura:
70x Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakiil ni’mal mawlaa wa ni’man Nashiir ·        
Membaca doa di bawah sebanyak 7x: “Subĥaanallaahi mil-al miizaan wa muntahal ‘ilm wa mablagha r-ridhaa wa zinatal ‘arsy laa malja-a wa laa manjan minAllahi illaa ilayhi, Subĥaanallahi ‘adada s-syaf’i wal ‘arsy wa ‘adada kalimaati rabbina t-taammaati kullihaa. As-aluka s-salaamata biraĥmatika Yaa Arĥamar Raaĥimiin wa laa ĥawla wa laa quwwata illaa billahil ‘aliyyil ‘azhiim wa huwa ĥasbiy wa ni’mal wakiil ni’mal mawlaa wa ni’man nashiir wa shollallaahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin wa ‘alaa aalihi wa shaĥbihii ajma’iin”
5.       Satu jam sebelum adzaan Maghrib memasuki  hari ‘Asyuuraa (10 Muharram) duduk menghadap Qiblah, dan memulai menyempurnakan Adab Tariqah Harian, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan TAWASSUL dengan SAYYIDINA Al-HUSAYN dan SYUHADA’ KARBALAA, karena pada hari tersebut, telah syahid Sayyidi Syabaabi Ahlil Jannah [Penghulu Pemuda Ahli Surga] Imaamana wa Mawlaanaa cucu dari Sayyidil ‘Aalamayn Sayyidii Abii ‘Abdullah Al-Husayn beserta mereka yang menyertai beliau dari kalangan Sahabat maupun Tabi’iin, ridhwanullahi ‘alayhim ajma’iin.
6.       Membaca Surat Al-Ikhlas 1000x. Menurut suatu hadits, siapa yang melakukannya, Allah akan memandangnya dengan pandangan Rahmat-Nya, dan akan ditulis termasuk dalam kaum shiddiqiin.
7.       Setelah berbuka puasa ‘Asyura’, menitipkan puasa dan awraad yang telah kita baca kepada Nabi Muhammad sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam dalam penjagaan/khazanah beliau.

Apa yang terjadi di hari ‘Asyuraa
1.      Dipilihnya Adam ‘alayhissalaam
2.      Diangkatnya Idriis ‘alayhissalaam
3.      Tertambatnya perahu Nuuh ‘alayhissalaam di bukit Juudiy
4.      Allah SWT menjadikan Ibrahiim sebagai Khaliil
5.      Diampuninya Daawuud ‘alayhissalaam
6.      Dikembalikannya kerajaan Sulayman ‘alayhissalam kepadanya
7.      Disembuhkannya Ayyub ‘alayhissalam dari penyakitnya
8.      Dikeluarkannya Yuunus ‘alayhissalam dari perut ikan setelah 40 hari di dalamnya
9.      Dikumpulkannya Ya’qub dengan Yuusuf  ‘alayhimassalaam setelah 40 tahun lamanya berpisah
10.    Dilahirkannya Sayyidina ‘Iisaa ‘alayhissalaam dan diangkatnya beliau ke langit
11.    Menikahnya Nabi Muhammad sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam dengan Sayyidatinaa Khadiijah radiyallahu ‘anhaa
12.    Allah SWT menciptakan lelangit dan bumi, qalam, dan Adam, serta Ĥawwaa’
13.    Berbolak-baliknya Ashabul Kahfi dalam tidurnya dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain [satu hari yang terekstensi menjadi 300 tahun]

Sumber:  Al-futuuĥaatul Ĥaqqaaniyyah  susunan Mawlana Syaikh ‘Adnan Qabbaniy, hlm. 154-155

Muharram Adab

Four [4] sunnah rak'at on the day of 'Ashura, where after the Fatihah in each rak'ah recites "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad" eleven [11] times,

Allah will forgive his sins of fifty years, and will build for him a pulpit from light.

Takes the sunnah shower on 'Ashura he will not suffer sickness in that year except the illness of death, and

Wears the Kuhl on his eyes on 'Ashura he will not suffer sickness on that year.

Du'a of 'Ashura:

Recite "Hasbun Allahu wa ni'mal wakil, ni'mal Maula wa ni'man Nasir" [70 x],

And recite: "Hasbun Allahu mil-al Mizan wa muntaha- 'ilma, wa mablaghal rida, wa zinatul 'arsh, la malja-a wa la manja min Allahi illa ilaihi. Subhan Allahi 'adada-shaf`i wal 'arshi, wa 'adada kalimati Rabbina- taamma! ti kulliha. As-aluka-s Salamata bi Rahmatika Ya Arham Ar-Rahimin, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'Aliyyil 'Azhim. Wa huwa hasbii wa ni'mal wakil, ni'mal Mawla wa ni'man Nasir. Wa Sallallahu 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in." [7 x].

About an hour before the Adhan for Maghrib towards 'Ashura, sit facing the Qiblah and finish the daily Adab of Tariqah. And then make Tawassul with Sayyidina al-Husayn and the martyrs of Karbala, where on that day they died Shahid with Sayyidina al-Husayn and those who were with him, may Allah's favours be upon them. After breaking your fast dedicate the blessings and rewards of your fast and daily Awrad upon the Prophet s.a.w. for the oceans secrets that lie open on the 14th of Muharram.

Narrated from Ibn al-'Abbas r.a. that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the last day of Dhul Hijjah and the first day of Muharram, he completes a whole year's worth of fasting in that previous year, and Allah gives him penance for fifty [50] years."

Narrated from Anas r.a. that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the first Friday of Muharram Allah will forgive his preceding sins, and whoever fasts three days of Muharram - Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Allah will write for him worship and prayers for nine hundred [900] years."

Narrated from 'A`ishah Umm al-Mu'minin r.a. that the Prophet s! .a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the first ten days up till 'Ashura, he will inherit the Paradise al-Firdaus."

Fasting of 'Ashura is Sunnah Mu`akkadah, that which is highly desired. When the Prophet s.a.w. saw the Jewish of Madinah fasting on that day, he asked them for what it was. They told him it was the day Musa a.s. led the Bani Isra`il from Pharaoh. The Prophet s.a.w. said, "I have more love with Musa than you Jewish." So he fasted that day and ordered for its observance. This was part of a longer narration from 'A`ishah r.a.

The Prophet said, "Whoever fasts the 'Ashura (10th Muharram), Allah will write for him a thousand [1000] wishes and a thousand years of age, and will grant him the reward of a thousand martyrs, and will write for him the reward of Isma`il a.s., and writes for him seventy [70] palaces in paradise, and makes his flesh forbidden from the hellfire."

In another Hadith the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the 'Ashura, he will be granted the reward of a thousand angels. And whoever recites "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad" a thousand [1000] times on the day of 'Ashura, Allah will glance at him with the Eyes of Mercy, and will write him from amongst the Siddiqqin [The Truthful]."

In another Hadith the Prophet s.a.w. said, fasting either the day before 'Ashura or the day after it as well."

13th Evening of Muharram ( 14 Muharram Maulid Shah Bahaudin Naqshband qs )

Monday Night is also a month of great importance to Naqshbandi. Our Master and Imam of the Tariqah Shah Naqshband q.s. was born on the 14th of this month. It is thus important and most desired that the Ahl of the Tariqah congregate on the eve of this holy day for Khatm and Dhikr, and read the Mawlid al-Nabi s.a.w. in dedication to Mawlana Shah Naqshband, and also reading excerpts from his saintly life.

It is a tradition and practice of Mawlana Sultan al-Awliya' Shaykh 'Abdullah al-Daghistani q.s. to make Qurban of two sheep on the day of 'Ashura and distribute the meat to the poor and needy to the members of the Tariqah. He also did this on the birthday of Shah Naqshband q.s.

13th Evening of Muharram

Monday Night Naqshbandi Sufi Meditation Center is also a month of great importance to Naqshbandi. Our Master and Imam of the Tariqah Shah Naqshband q.s. was born on the 14th of this month. It is thus important and most desired that the Ahl of the Tariqah congregate on the eve of this holy day for Khatm

and Dhikr, and read the Mawlid al-Nabi s.a.w. in dedication to Mawlana Shah Naqshband, and also reading excerpts from his saintly life.

It is a tradition and practice of Mawlana Sultan al-Awliya' Shaykh 'Abdullah al-Daghistani q.s. to make Qurban of two sheep on the day of 'Ashura and distribute the meat to the poor and needy to the members of the Tariqah. He also did this on the birthday of Shah Naqshband q.s.

Asma’u Syuhada’u Karbalaa’
A’uudzu billahi minasy syaithanirrajiim
Allahumma salli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammadin wa ‘alaa aalihi wasahbihi ajma’iin
Yaa sayyidis saadaati wa nuural mawjuudaat!
Yaa man huwa l-malja-u liman massahu dhayyimun wa ghommun wa alam,
Yaa aqraba l-wasaaili ilAllahi ta’aalaa,
Wa yaa aqwal mustanadi,
Atawassalu ilaa janaabika l-a’zham bi haadzihis saadaati wa ahlillaahi wa ahli baytika l-kiraam,
Li-daf’i dhurrin laa yudfa’u illaa bi-waasithotika wa raf’i dhoyyimin laa yurfa’u illaa bi-dalaalatika,
Yaa sayyidii yaa Rasuulallaah wa bi-sayyidii:
1.       Ĥadhrati Sayyidi s-Syuhadaa’ Al-Ĥusayn radhiyAllahu ‘anhu
2.       Sa’iid ibn al-‘Aash
3.       Abuu Bakr ibn Muĥammad
4.       Thalĥah ibn ‘Abdullaah
5.       Ja’far ibn ‘Uqayl
6.       Manshuur ibn ad-Dhaĥĥaak
7.       Sadiid ibn Muzh’im
8.       Zaayid ibn ‘Aliyy
9.       Muroodas ibn al-‘Asytar
10.   Ma’zhum ibn Musallamah
11.  ‘Abdullah ibn Muĥammad al-Ĥanafiy
12.   Muslim ibn al-Ĥakam
13.   ‘Aamir ibn ‘Abdullah
14.   Abuu Manshuur Al-Haasyimiy
15.   Abuu Malhab al-Faarisiy
16.   ‘Abdurraĥmaan ibn Al-Waajiriy
17.   ‘Auf ibn ‘Abdullaah
18.   Isĥaq ibn ar-Raasyid
19.   Syaibaan ibn Jubayr
20.   Ibn Wahb
21.   ‘Abdullah ibn Sa’iid
22.   Abii Mulkiyyah
23.   Aswad ibn al-Aswad
24.   ‘Abdul Waarits
25.   Kariib Ĥushayn
26.   Yaĥyaa al-‘Iraaqiy
27.   Muĥammad ibn Muthrafiin
28.   ‘Abdul Wahhaab al-Kuufiy
29.   Dhariir ibn Dhiraar
30.   ‘Abdullah ibn Muĥammad
31.   Bakiir ibn ‘Abdullah
32.   Muĥammad ibn ‘Abdullah
33.   Shofwan al-Ĥaarits
34.   Nu’maan an-Nakh-‘iy
35.   Abuu Muslim al-‘Iraaqiy
36.   ‘Abdullah ibn Yuusuf
37.   ‘Abdullah ibn Islaam
38.   Naafi’ ibn Jubayr
39.   Abii Ĥubayb
40.   ‘Aqiil ibn Zayd
41.   Mukhtaar al-Akwa’
42.  Tsaabit ibn al-Mukhtaar al-Kuufiy
43.  Sulaymaan ibn Bilaal
44.  ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Awf
45.  Thaawuus al-Yamaniy
46.  Yaziid ibn Mahraan
47.  ‘Abdullah ibn Ka’b
48.  ‘Abdullah ibn Khuzaamah
49.  Yaziid ibn ‘Abdullaah
50.  ‘Aamir ibn Sa’d
51.  Tsawr ibn Zayd al-‘Iraaqiy
52.  Zakwaan as-Shaadiq
53.  ‘Aaqib ibn Thaawuus
54.  ‘Abdurraĥmaan ibn Az-har
55.  Yaziid ibn Zurayb
56.  Ibn Kaysaan
57.  ‘Abdul Kariim al-Kuufiy
58.  Abuu Burdah
59.  Muĥammad ibn al-Mutsannaa
60.  Abuu Daawuud al-Ishfahaaniy
61.  Abuu Zakariyyaa

Ridhwaanullaahi ta’aalaa ‘alayhim ajma’iin.

Catatan: transliterasi huruf Ĥ atau ĥ adalah untuk huruf ĥaa’ (antara jiim dan khoo’) pada aksara Hija’iyyah; sementara huruf H atau h biasa adalah untuk huruf haa’ (setelah huruf waw) pada aksara Hija’yyah.

Sumber: Al-futuuĥaatul Ĥaqqaaniyyah  susunan Mawlana Syaikh ‘Adnan Qabbaniy, hlm. 208-209

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