Thursday, July 5, 2012

Laylatal Bara'ah

Laylatal Bara'ah
Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani qs
Fenton Michigan 4 July 2012

A'udhu billah mina 'sh-shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Nawaytu 'l-arba'een, nawaytu'l-'itikaaf, Nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'l-riyaada, nawaytu's-salook, nawaytu'l-'uzlah, nawytu as-siyam lillahi ta'ala fee hadha'l-masjid.

Alhamdulillah tonight is Laylatal-bara`ah or 15th of Sha`ban, and today is Wednesday and today they are doing it with Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani qs, may Allah grant him long life, doing tonight.  Tonight we will do it by reciting Yasin 3x and we are asking Allah swt to open our hearts and our minds and it is not easy.   It is not easy to see this what is going on in the world and we are part of the world.

So we are within changes that happening that will not leave laa hajar wa laa madar, it will not leave a stone, means mountain or desert, means a house in a desert or a tent, or on top of a mountain the people are going to feel the heat of the changes and the problems that are going to occur, as soon as possible and it is in Allah's Hands.

But awliyaullah have received many signals through last year and tonight on Sham / Mecca time, whose time is Awliyaullah's time, it is not everyone else's time, but it is the time of Mecca, Madina and Sham, that is the time they consider. And tonight Allah swt descended to the First Heaven and informed the Prophet (saw) and Awliyaullah what is going to take place.  

It is adab to say like that. You cannot jump above adab. Adab is to say, that Allah as mentioned in hadith, descends to First heaven, looks at what His servants are doing and reveals to the Prophet (saw) and from the Prophet (saw) to Awliyaullah what is going to happen in the coming year. That is the way Sahaba put it and that is how we put it. Adab is Adab. And adab is to be able to humble yourself as much as you can, not to say as if you are someone important.

Now we are asking in this night that Allah keep us on the threshold of awliyaullah and at threshold of the Prophet (saw). So what awliyaullah received the received already on their time, which is the time of Mecca / Madina / Sham and from these information there were signals to them that this year is going to be a tough year where too many problems going to erupt like a volcano.

When the storm comes, it doesn't leave anyone, good or bad. When it moves it hits everyone. You cannot say I am safe. No everyone is not safe, but with Allah swt mercy and with the Prophet (saw) mercy and with awliyaullah blessings, we ask to be safe. When Allah sent His punishment in previous nations it takes who is good and who is bad. An earthquake comes it takes who is good and who is bad. So we ask Allah and the Prophet (saw) and ask for sure not to be from those who are taken away.  

A big storm came and destroyed millions of electric power. And this storm didn't say this is a Muslim house and this is a non-Muslim house and this is mu'min house and this is fasiq house. It takes everything, equally. That storm that is coming is not coming in taking millions but taking whole countries away and changing the whole system not allowing any system to stay as it was before.   And awliyaullah are worried and secluding themselves as much a s they can to be away from people. Never was Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani qs away from people.

Now he is away from people in the physical realm, in spiritual realm he is with everyone. Awliyaullah are everywhere and are with everyone. As we mentioned in the issue of salawat, that they are going to be should to shoulder to the Prophet (saw). Those who are doing even one salawaat from what we mentioned of 18 of them or 20 or many others. Your reward is that your shoulder will be with shoulder of the Prophet (saw). That means that the Prophet (saw) will not be just one physical shamaail, everyone will be feeling he is with the Prophet (saw), shoulder to shoulder.

That is Prophet's miracle to be with everyone that loves him and does salawat on him. That is mentioned in many ahadith. Tazaahum al-aqtaaf. That is why in prayers in shari`ah they don't tell you to wide your feet, as they are doing today, but shoulder to shoulder, as to be no gap. But not the feet to be feet. The hadith of the Prophet (saw) says shoulder to sholder. That is why you make sure your shoulder is next to your shoulder.

Not bad adab that you put your toes with his toes and if you have eczema it goes to his toes. So this night awliyaullah received signals that everyone who does salawat on the Prophet (saw) 1000 x per day, his shoulder will be with shoulder of the Prophet (saw). Or with someone inheritor of the Prophet (saw). And what I mean awliyaullah are Sahaba and salif as-salih and those who up to today are going to feel something on their right or left shoulder - that is rubbing of the sholder of the Prophet (saw). And that Wali will not be rubbing the shoulder without permission of the Prophet (saw).

And that came tonight Sham time, Mecca / Madina time. That awliyaullah have been ordered for those who are best of the ummah to feel peacefulness in their hearts. So order came those who rubbed shoulders with awliyaullah or higher level with sahaba they will be safe. And that is prediction of Grandshaykh that out of 7, 1 will remain and 6 will go. And up to now awliyaullah were seeking mercy, saying O Allah reduce from 6. And now by their dua it is reduced to out of 5 one will stay, which is less, more in number. Less will go, and more will be living.

And Allah swt giving awliyaullah through the Prophet (saw) order to be ready this year for many changes around the world. Already we are seeing, we saw a year full of events. This year more events coming. They say that in the time of Mahdi (as), it is mentioned, that people will use sword. When Mahdi comes, he doesn't need weapons. He doesn't need sword even. By saying Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, as the Prophet (saw) mentioned every mu'min is going to hear it, even far away or nearby. Now that takbir as awliyaullah explained will stop all kinds of technology.

Everything will stop, and 2nd takbir everyone will be ready to move to Mecca / Madina and Sham. And whoever has a faith of iman, saying la ilaha ill 'Llah Muhammad Rasoolullah will be ordered to move to Sham to be with Mahdi (as). Wherever he is far he will reach. Third takbir, everyone will have a spiritual sword, not physical sword. They don't like to use technology whether sword or rockets or bombs. Only Allah will put in their hands heavenly technology like thunder. That is heavenly technology where when lightning comes and hits it destroys. A big lightning comes and takes whole city.

Storm came last week and destroyed millions of people's homes. This is sign you are near our revenge. And this sign to everyone that even most powerful country in the world with one heavenly storm they were not able to do anything in 5 minutes everything is gone and where is it gone? In tri-states, which are around that power. That is sign that be carefull, because Allah gives example with most powerful. He doesnt need to give with lesser ones like Russia, China. No give lesson to most powerful.

As in Quran when they said Sayyidina 'Isa (as) is son of God, Allah revealed two words it was sufificient. Kaanaa yaakulaana at-ta`am. They were eating food. You know yourself, you are in need for food, you are in need for toilet. That is balagha of Holy Qur'an. So how is son of God going to sit on toilet. New technology these toilets you can sit. Before it was a house, an outhouse. A hole and you have to squat on it. Before your parents or ancestors were squatting. So someone squatting must not raise his nose too much. kaanaa yaakulaan at-ta`am - means they were eating food so they were squatting.

So Allah swt giving an example of three states, major states, the capital of the major nation in world. Allah says I send my wind and I send My lightning. And five minutes is enough. If I give more than 5 minutes it will destroy you. Look at Japan. Look at Indonesia. Allah didn't say you are Muslim country. Allah giving ibrah, lesson to Muslims. Don't raise your neck and don't raise your nose. I give to Muslim and I give to non-Muslims, equal. To bring them back to Siratal Mustaqeem and to bring non-Muslims to guide them to Sirat al-Mustaqeem happnened in Japan.

If Allah wants to move it, He moves it. Too many changes coming. And Allah ordering awliyaullah to prepare themselves. and how to prepare themselves? Don't take it wrong. By praising Allah and praising His Prophet and praising His awliyaullah and by declaring His Oneness, laa shareek lahu. And all are His servants and the Prophet (saw) Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) is the servant highest servant.  So that lesson is coming very soon to everyone and don't think you are peacock, no you are noting.

So these are teachings for people to be careful of what is coming. And now Sayyidina al-Mahdi (as), they used to say what are you speaking about Sayyidina al-Mahdi (as). I remember over 50 years ago, Mawlana Grandshaykh speaking about Mahdi (as). And `Ulama sitting there I used to see them, they were stunned, why are you speaking about Mahdi (as)? And he said many times, one day he was in seclusion and his Shaykh Grandshaykh Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani (q), masha-Allah his presence coming quickliy and may Allah bless Grandshaykh and make us with him in dunya and akhira.

Ya sayyidee we took your words and it is our guarantee of safety long time ago.  And he said, Shaykh Sharafuddin qs passed by him in seclusion and said to him "Be ready tonight I am coming to take you." And passing midnight, passed by him in seclusion and said, "Come wtih me". And everything was ready in Istanbul. They went after midnight to a mosque in Turkish it is called Yeri Alti Camii. The Mosque underground. It is built from time of Sahaba and it is all arches. 

Grandshaykh said to Shaykh Sharafuddin qs, may Allah bless them both, where are we going. Shaykh Sharafuddin said, we have been ordered tonight to meet with Mahdi (as) and I am taking you with me. And we don't care what people say we care to be concise with what they taught us and to keep shariah and tariqah is shariah. In shariah the Mahdi (as) is coming and take baya between the Hajar al-Aswad and Rukn al-Yamani. And he is married and has 3 children and his father's name is as the Prophet (saw) father's name, and his mother's name like the Prophet (saw)'s mother's name.

And there are many ahadith on Mahdi (as), we can quote them one time. But awliyaullah have experience with signs of Mahdi as. And he said we are going to Yerii alti Camii. Went there to that masjid and he said I saw circles and circles of Awliyaullah are ready and present.  In a spiritual form. They are all filling the place. That masjid has three Sahaba, Hisham (ra) and Amr ibn Al-`Aas (ra), and one other I forgot his name. Two buried together and one buried separate. Sahaba reached there. You know that masjid. And he said awliyaullah filling the area.

When awliyaullah are present it means there is a meeting. And then Prophet (saw), spiritually, it is a vision, coming and then the Prophet (saw) in a spiritual presence. Not a physical presence. They can be in any presence they want, even heavenly presence. You can even say I saw a dream of the Prophet (saw). Can anyone say no. No, the Prophet (saw) said who saw me in the dream saw me in reality.

Then he said that behind Jabal Qaf the biggest group of mumin jinn, Allah said, Qaf wal-quran al-majeed. That Qaf symbolized Jabal Qaf that is behind the hadd ad-dunya there are creations that we cannot see. These eyes can see physical issues, behind that is full and the sultan of Jinn, Sayyidina al-Hazzaaz, as soon as the mother of al-Mahdi (as) on 7th day you have to make iqamah, he brought him, coming from behind Qaf mountain from behind hidden horizon coming to house of Mahdi (as) in Mecca and brought him to Yeri Alit Camii in Istanbul and there the Prophet (saw) make adhan in right ear and in left ear made iqamah and called him Muhammad al-Mahdi (as), he said I attended that with my teacher and my shaykh and at that time I knew he was born. Then he left and we cannot see anymore.

And the only two physical ones were Grandshaykh 'Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani (q) and Grandgrandsyaikh Sharafudin (qs)  and the rest were spiritual appearance. As soon as they put their hand to the Prophet (saw), then that scene was gone and that is a spiriatul vision.  and though that time he was born, still the time he reached will be 40 years. Whatever age, they have constant age, they don't change and he is appearing with that age. Even it goes to 200 years he is that age. And when Allah wants something it is kun fayakoon. From that time he saw Mahdi (as).

When Grandshaykh left dunya in 1973, we were in a very sad situation and after some months. I mentioned that before, but we share it here. I was always doing Dhikr in the attic.  And sitting there by myself covering with a sheet and doing dhikrullah and now I feel it now as it happened, like a big vision appeared. And Grandshaykh Abdullah (q) may Allah bless him came and Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani qs came and then all Awliyaullah Naqshbandi Golden Chain appeared and then all Naqshbandis appeared in their spiritual forms. All of them putting their hands over each other and Grandshaykh Abdullah (q) ordered me to put my hands and I am seeing them under all of them, then Awliyaullah appeared and then Sayyidina Shah Naqshband and Sayyidina Abdul-Khaliq and then Mahdi (as) putting his hands over all and then the Prophet (saw) putting his hand over all and then Grandshaykh said, now you take baya, real baya, confirming the previous baya to Grandshaykh.

And Grandshaykh Abdullah (q) doesnt give baya to anyone only to two. And then I put my hand and Mahdi (as) hand on top and then the Prophet (saw) hand on top. And Mahdi (as) reciting ayat al-baya and then reciting Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq. Then that scene disappeared. So Mahdi (as) for awliyaullah is living. When he comes is in Allah's hands, Allah will order. But there are signals that they recieve on the Night of 15th of Sha`ban and what they are informing this night to followers is be ready for that big storm that is going to change everything. And don't at that time, regret.

Do your things as much as you can professionally and perfection. Perfection is only for the Prophet (saw) as Allah's servant and Perfection is of Allah alone. And struggle with yourself as much as you can to be perfect. And everyone going to be with Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani and may Allah grant him long life we must always pray that Allah give long life to our shuyukh. That is like we always pray for our mother and father to have long life, as they are our parents. And awliyaullah are our spriitual parents, and they guide us to right way, and their presence is rahmat, as it first comes on them and then is distributed. they are rahmat for eveyrone.

So we say may Allah give him long life, we don't want to see Mawlana Shaykh Naqzim qs to go from this dunya before Mahdi (as) comes. As he will present us to him. We don't want to be in last rows, but if we are in any row that is good at least we are in a row. And we want to be with Awliyaullah in their row, wa hasuna oolaaika rafeeqa. Prepare yourself and you know that is. Don't say I have a problem. Grandshaykh Abdullah qs used to say prepare for 3 months. Store food for 3 month, that doesn't perish and use slowly and replace it. But don't leave it to become bad. Use it and replace it. And beware from Shaytan as he might trick us any moment. Those people are going to be safe who believe in awliyaullah and who believe Mahdi (as) is coming.

There are many people who laugh at us. And Allah said in Holy Qur'an.  Tadhakoona qaleelan wa tabkoona katheeara, You will laugh very little and cry lot. We are going to laugh lot, insha-Allah that Allah give us happy life. You know yourself and you know your desires. Try to keep them as much as possible balance and rest we leave to Allah and the Prophet (saw) and to awliyaullah. Wa min Allah at-tawfeeq bi hurmati 'l-Fatiha. Insha-Allah with baraka of the night of nisf shaban and laylat al-bara`ah Allah will save us dunya and akhira.

Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq

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