The Rescue of The Oppressed
Sulthan Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani qs
14 July 2012, Lefke Cyprus

(Moulana stands up and does takbir). O people fear Allah! Otherwise you will have a punishment which is not possible to remove in this world or in the hereafter. (Moulana does salawat and ask for Shafa'a, then sits down).
We are saying Audhu Billah min al shaytan al rajim, Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Every matter that does not begin with Bismillah it is never successful. The order to the Prophet "wa dhakkir! Fa'inna adh-dhikra tanfa'u al-mu'minina, O Muhammad (s)" (51:55).
(Moulana stands up) "Wa dhakkir! Wa dhakkir!" (Remind, remind). Don't you understand O Egyptians and the rest of the Arabs? (Moulana sits down). "And remind, for verily the reminding profits the believers" (51:55). Alhamdullah, we are believers. And every order that comes from the side of our Prophet (s) we listen to it and obey.
O Arabs! O believers! And they have an authority on the nation. Listen and take wisdom. If you take wisdom then pay attention and inform people. O Mufti of the Mosque of Al Azhar. The honourable Mufti Effendi (religious leader) Allah honoured him to be the Mufti of Al Azhar Al Sharif, the Mufti of Egypt. And his fatwa (legal opinion) no doubt are ongoing and not rejected. I am a poor and weak servant, weak servant, sometimes I am given inspirations that are necessary for the whole ummah and are necessary for the people with legal opinions, to give their legal opinion and to order the believers with their legal opinion. Subhan Allahil Aliyil Azim.
I received something or an inspiration in my heart. It is indicating a matter that in Islam has great importance. What is it? I am a weak servant, I do not know anything. But these inspirations sometimes..this inspiration Subhan Allah, it has such an importance. "Frame", what does it mean? the title meaning this, when I get an inspiration about an important matter, we say preface, or 'title' is best, it has a great importance. Maybe no one thought about it from the Muslim nations and the (other) nations and the Muftis about this point. An inspiration came to me saying..its title is "to rescue the oppressed". Rescue the oppressed. I want to ask the people who give Islamic ruling, is it obligatory, is it a sunnah or is it if we like to rescue the oppressed? Is it a matter that has a great importance especially in our times now.
In our days now we want to make use of it. The people who have power, the ones with authority they must rescue the Muslims. It is a duty and an obligation. The ones who do not take this matter seriously they will fall in the hands of the oppressors. This is an important matter for the Muslims nation especially the Arab nations. I am asking the head of the legal opinion, Mufti Effendi of Azhari Sharif. We should do as we like or is it an obligation on us to rescue the oppressed? This is an important matter, we do not want anything else. We ask, are there oppressed people? Yes! you cannot count how many they are. And they are asking for help. They say "where are our rights! Or where are our leaders, or where is Islam to save us from the hands of the oppressors?" Thousands of people, millions of people are screaming, shouting, calling, "O our Lord is there someone who can save us from this hardship that we have fallen into in the hands of the oppressors? Rescue us! Save us! This is Haqq. Egyptians know this or they do not know? The Turks they do not know? The scholars of Sham they do not know? Iraq they do not know? Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) they do not know? To rescue the oppressed, is an obligation or not? Or is it left to us to do as we like? Who have power to rescue the oppressed from the hands of the oppressor and does not, he is rejected in this world and will be thrown in hell in the hereafter.
This is the most important of matters that was inspired to me since 2 days, since Jumaa (Friday) to remind all the Muslim nations that have power that the Muslims in the land of Sham are oppressed, they have nothing. This means they do not have power to throw away the oppressors and are waiting for "who will rescue us! O who can save the desperate ones! O who can save the desperate ones! Rescue us!" They are calling like this. Where are you O people of Egypt, people of Saudi Arabia, people of Iraq, the people of hypocricy, Libya and the rest of the Muslim countries? Where are you? And also Iran, why they are not looking at the slaughtering of the oppressed that are in the hand of the oppressors and they are not saving them? This is a very important matter! This attracts Divine anger on them. The wrath, a wrath from Heavens shall come upon them. One day their situation will be like the oppressed in the land of Sham.
This is a warning to all Muslim nations to answer, to rescue the oppressed in the land of Sham. This is a very important matter. Maybe it never came to anyone's mind but this is an order, it is an order of Shariat, an order of the Prophet (s), a Heavenly inspiration to "rescue the oppressed." It is an obligation on us. If it possible to save them and we do not rescue them then comes on us a punishment from Heavens in this world or in the hereafter. This is an important matter. This Jumaa may be the last Jumaa for the blessed month, the glorified Shaban.
After the night of Bara'at it was inspired to my heart, and since two days, to remind the Muslim world, the Kings and the leaders and all the Muslims to rescue the oppressed from the hands of the oppressor. Where are you! Where are you? You are busy with "I want to be president, no I want you to be president." Is this it? This is a Heavenly order from Allah? Or is it to rescue the oppressed? This is a very clear Shariat ruling to rescue the oppressed from the hand of the oppressors. To rescue the oppressed seeking help. They are asking help, "who can save us from the hands of the oppressors. Allah's curse is on them, those who are oppressing and those who have power and authority and are just watching and are not paying attention to us and they are leaving us in the hands of the worst of unbelievers.
They are saying this and that, they are against Islam anyway. Meaning that all the powerful nations, they are non Muslims. And they are happy since the Muslim people are fighting and killing each other. And they want to erase from existence the Muslim religion. No way! It is impossible, it is impossible. Even if 70 powerful nations it is impossible for them to defeat Islam. Allah (swt) is the Victorious over all! Allah is with us!
O Muslims! O scholars! O fatwa people! O leaders! O Kings where are you? Today you are in the world. Tomorrow you'll be under the ground in your graves and Allah (swt) will ask you "why you did not use your power against the unbelievers who were oppressing My believing servants?" Is this enough for you Egyptians, people of fatwa in Egypt, in Turkey? In Turkey the Turks say "I don't know Arabic". Who knows Arabic, Saudi Arabia and they are silent. Iraq and they are silent. Baghdad also they are silent. Also Jordan is silent.
The Jordanian Kings have the authority for the Islamic Khalifa. We must support Sultan Abdullah against all the unbelievers and support him till the order of Allah reaches him with absolute victory over disbelief forever. Then only Islam remains, the religion of Islam, the religion of Haqq, up to Judgement Day.
O Muslims, O scholars! This is a reminder for you. I am not reading this but it is inpsired to my heart. The last Jumaa it came very very strong and who does not pay attention to this, will come on them a punishment that they may not reach the end of Ramadan. This is "and remind, for verily the reminding profits the believers." (51:55).This is a warning to the ummat in general, to the Turks, Iran, Iraq, the Arab Kings, the Saudi people, Sudan, all of them are responsible. They are carrying a great responsibility. So Allah's order to His Beloved is "remind, O My beloved Muhammad (saws) (Moulana stands up) stand up and warn! (x3). (Moulana sits down). Warn and don't fear. Allah's Prophet (s) came not holding a sword. And today the name of Islam is in the lives of 3 millions of people who say La ilaha Illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah (saws) (Moulana stands up and sits).
Where is India? Where are Russian Muslims? Where are Afghani Muslims, Iranian Muslims? India, China, in East and West. What are they doing? What are they thinking? All of them just think "I want to be president." "No, you be president." The punishment is coming on you in a few days. O you the ones who carry the responsibility of the Ummat, even the least responsibility, you will be punished by Allah's persmission, the Lord of Heavens. Allahu Akbar! (Moulana stands & sits). Allah's order prevail, Allah is the Conqueror! Whoever is with Allah, will conquer. Otherwise coming upon you what is harder than what came upon Sham! He will burn you with all types of weapons! Nuclear! Atomic. So take your caution, you are warned.
O responsible ones, O Kings and leaders, the ones who are carrying the responsibility for the nations, the responsibility of Islam, the religion of Islam, you have to support the Khalifa, the station of Khalifa from the descendants of the Prophet (s). He is existing and waiting for your support to teach those tyrants a lesson immediately! Long live the King Abdullah. He is supported from Heavens and waiting the support of the people of Islam in the East and West. Go O Sultan to Sham! It is open for you, you are the Sultan for Sham don't fear. Only fear Allah and no one else! Alhamdulillah I have informed. Whomever understands good for them! And whomever don't understand, all the types of punishment will come on them! You will regret and no regret will benefit you at the last moment!
O our Lord save us and support us with Sahib Al Zaman. Support Sahib Al Zaman. Our Khalifa is Sultan Abdullah from the descendants of the Prophet (S). O my Lord, support him! Support him with the support of Heavens so that he can get revenge on all disbelievers. Don't fear, even if you are 5 people only, you are the prevailing ones!
O Muslims, O good Muslims. Astaghfirullah. O my Lord, I have declared! I have declared. O my Master RasulAllah (Moulana stands up) I have declared. We are asking Your forgiveness. (Moulana sits down). Tawba ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah.
Don't play games with Islam. O non Muslims, don't play. Don't think that Islam is on falsehood! No! Hasha! Coming after it a great and serious power, not from Earth, no, but from Heavens! You will regret and be erased from the face of the earth as a group. Allah Allah Allah..Judgement Day won't come before two great groups fight. A great war will be between them. They claim the same thing. This is a Hadith about Armadedon and the opening of Constantinople in 6 months, and in the 7th the anti-christ will come. The Sahib az-Zaman will erase the anti-christ and those with him. Tawba ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah...A weak servant ya Rabbi, strengthen our weakness with Your content O our Lord. O people of Egypt leave argument amongst yourselves. You say, "this one wants to be president", we don't want this we want to save those calling for help!
O saviour of the helpless save us! O saviour of the helpless, save us O our Lord! Save us our Lord! If You don't save us, who will save us our Lord!If You don't save us, who will save us. We don't have any saviour but You, O our Lord! Fatiha. Tawba ya Rabbi..Assalamu Alaikum. Think O believers, O our presidents, or else death is close to you! Allah Allahu Akbar. We repent and return to You our Lord. Fatiha.
My Arabic is very little but you O scholars, understand what I mean. Give bay'at to the Khalifa and walk behind him. You will prevail over all the world from East to West! Because Allah is with you! Allah is with us. Subhanahu wa ta'ala, ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Thank you...
Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq
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