Rajab The Month of Allah
Sultan Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani qs
10 May 2013 Lefke Cyprus

Salawat on our Prophet(sws). This month is Rajab Shahrullah. It is a magnificent month. It is carrying the name of Allah (swt) - RajabShahrullah (Month of Allah). And that is why - Ayyuhal Mu'minun wa Ayyuhal Muslimun wa AyyuhalMukhlisun Be careful, praise & glorify Allah this month. This is the month for Allah (swt). Shahrullah (Month of Allah).
Every day, from 100 upto 1,000x La ilaha illAllah and say from 100 to 1,000x Salawat Sharif and 100x Ya Hafeedh. Don't let one day passwithout praying. If something befalls you, it is your fault. Don't go out without covering your hair,scorpions will bite you at night. Big spiders will appear. Illnesses will come. You won't be able tosleep. The taste of life will be gone.
Return to the Orders of Allah (swt), O Muslim ladies!This is an announcement from us. Don't say I didn't inform you. Don't say - Sheikh said... I am saying the orders of Allah (swt) and Prophet (sws). Beware! And then if a trouble, affliction, accident, or punishment comes to you, it's your fault.
Prayat least 2 rakats! Don't go out without covering your hair. Don't walk with menwho are not related to you. Or else you will bepunished. Don't dress up and adorn yourself when you go out. Modest/ chaste women don't adorn themselves and go out in the streets. Tawba Ya Rabbi. May this holy month beblessed for all of us.
100x La ilaha illAllah, 100x Salawat Sharifa. Or 40x La ilaha illAllah, 40x Salawat Sharifa. Wipe your face with your hands. Pray atleast 2 rakaats, and be safe.
It is the end of times. If something happens, it is your fault. Don't go out in the streets with men who are not related to you. Don't go outwith fancy dresses! Don't move/ twist your hips when you walk! And do not go out alone! Don'tsay - I have a boyfriend! And boys shouldn't say they have girlfriends or else they will be impotent both will be useless, the girl and boy. Be careful about this too. Salamullahi Alaikum. Assalamu Alaikum. Assalamu Alayna wa ala 'Ibadillahi s-Salihin. Fatiha.
Wa min Allah at Tawfiq
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