“Wahai Muslim! Ambillah cahaya Qur’an dan fadilahnya sebagai sebuah mahkota. Jika kalian tidak membacanya, letakkan Qur’an di atas kepada kalian setiap hari dan biarkan cahayanya menembus seluruh tubuh dan sistem saraf kalian. Itu akan mempengaruhi kalian dan membuat hari kalian menjadi lebih kuat dan bertenaga. Tetapi apa yang kita lakukan? Kita meletakkan Al-Qur’an di lemari dan berkata, “Kami mendapat manfaatnya.” Di beberapa negara seperti di Indonesia dan beberapa negeri Arab, mereka menjahit sampul untuk al-Qur’an dan menggantungnya di rumah mereka sebagai berkah. Di sini, saya tidak pernah melihat al-Qur’an digantung. Kalian melihat orang-orang membaca al-Qur’an di masjid, tetapi ketika selesai mereka meletakkannya di lantai! Itu bukanlah adab yang baik, karena dengan demikian kaki mereka akan lebih tinggi daripada al-Qur’an ketika mereka salat. Al-Qur’an harus berada di atas kepala kalian! Orang yang menghormati al-Qur’an, Allah akan menghormati mereka pada Hari Kiamat, dan orang yang tidak menghormati al-Qur’an, Allah akan menghinakannya pada Hari Kiamat. Semoga Allah (swt) mengampuni kita dan menjadikan kita di antara orang-orang yang menghormati al-Qur’an.”
Sayyid Mawlana Syekh Hisyam Kabbani
“O Muslims! Take the Light of Qur’an and its benefit as a crown. If you don’t read it, put the Qur’an on your head every day and let its Light penetrate your whole body and nervous system. It will affect you and make that day strong and powerful. But what are we doing? We are putting the Holy Qur’an in a cabinet and saying, “We have benefit.” In some countries, like Indonesia and in some Arab countries, they sew a cover for the Holy Qur’an and hang it in their homes as barakah. Here, I never saw the Holy Qur’an hung as it is back home. You see people here in the mosques reading Qur’an, and when they finish they put it on the floor! That is not adab as then their feet are higher than Holy Qur’an when they pray. The Holy Qur’an must be on your head! Anyone who gives respect to Holy Qur’an, Allah will give respect to them on the Day of Judgment, and anyone who disrespects the Holy Qur’an, Allah will disrespect them on the Day of Judgment. May Allah (swt) forgive us and grant us to be among those who respect Holy Qur’an”
Sayyid Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
Sayyid Mawlana Syekh Hisyam Kabbani
“O Muslims! Take the Light of Qur’an and its benefit as a crown. If you don’t read it, put the Qur’an on your head every day and let its Light penetrate your whole body and nervous system. It will affect you and make that day strong and powerful. But what are we doing? We are putting the Holy Qur’an in a cabinet and saying, “We have benefit.” In some countries, like Indonesia and in some Arab countries, they sew a cover for the Holy Qur’an and hang it in their homes as barakah. Here, I never saw the Holy Qur’an hung as it is back home. You see people here in the mosques reading Qur’an, and when they finish they put it on the floor! That is not adab as then their feet are higher than Holy Qur’an when they pray. The Holy Qur’an must be on your head! Anyone who gives respect to Holy Qur’an, Allah will give respect to them on the Day of Judgment, and anyone who disrespects the Holy Qur’an, Allah will disrespect them on the Day of Judgment. May Allah (swt) forgive us and grant us to be among those who respect Holy Qur’an”
Sayyid Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
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