Sunday, June 17, 2012

Awliya Give You Many Test

Muslimsufi : Awliya Give You Many Test

Awliya Give You Many Test
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani qs
16 June 2012 - Fenton Michigan

A'udhu billah mina 'sh-shaytani 'r-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.

Today is 27th Rajab and we are asking support from Allah swt, from the Prophet (saw) from our shaykh.  And we are asking support is not shirk. Because as we know, everyone asks support from those who have power. And those who have power, they have supporters. So these supporters they follow them, because they can give them support, both sides. Allah swt gives support to His Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) whenever the Prophet (saw) needs anything his demand or his request is never turned down. Always he will be answered and Allah said in Holy Qur'an,

"Id`oonee astajib lakum.
Call on Me I will respond to you.  

But you have to ask for support. You have to remember you need support. Everyone needs support. The doctor when the patient comes to him and they see him in bad shape they give him life support. And this patient is on life support.  All of us, human beings, creation, Allah gave them life support. When Allah takes His Support, not only the patient dies or the creation dies, but it disappears. No one can see them anymore, like they said, in the universe there are stars that the light in them disappeared, they called them died stars, extinguished, extinct. But still you see their light because their light is still moving, it is still reaching as it is moving 300,000 kps. Which is nearly 200,000 mps.

And that light which is coming from star 2 or 3 billion years ago, as physicists say, but the star is already gone. Look at Allah's Greatness, SubhanAllah.   Who is farthest, the Divine Presence or a star? The Divine Presence.  A star is compared to the distance of the Divine Presence, doesn't exist even for Allah swt. He doesn't need the star to His Divine Presence or to Paradises even, you cannot compare.  The support, we are on life support, heavenly life support. Why? Because example is Allah said,

Fee yawm alastu bi-rabbikkum qaaloo balaa
On the Day of Promises when Allah asked "Am I not your Lord".

We said, "Yes", and that means we were beyond when were created as souls, when Allah wants our first creation to apear, we were beyond this earthly universe. Not like billions of light years as far as stars, we were far more far than that that canont be compared. That is a station where Allah asked us "Am I not your Lord?". And this was not in our universe. And that heavenly life support reaching everyone present there as a soul and that soul is coming and entering the womb of the mother, a reflection of that soul, but the reality of that soul is still there. That is why awliyaullah say that Allah created everything zawjayn, the real and the reflection of the real.

So when awliyaullah are able to connect their reflection with the reality, then they can see everything.  Example, you have a mirror and that mirror is reflecting the light. It reflect for you and you diret it, it reflect a light. But it does not give the strong light like the original, it give you traces, a reflection of it. But if you are able to break the mirror you see the orign, the real lamp that it is giving light everywhere.  like you are in a cave an the light of the sun is coming through some holes, you can see. But if you break the cave you are in the light itself, the real life, the reality of the light. If you are, we are now everyone of us in a box. And that box has holes. So from the holes the light of the sun comes, that light you can see, and it is astonishing.

Millions of years it didn't stop, the light of the sun. Say, one atomic reaction happening on the sun at every moment. The heat in the core of the sun is 55 million degrees centigrade.   55 million degrees centigrade and exploding every moment and still the sun is in its place. Is it not? The sun is constant, in our eyes. In Allah's knowledge something else. The reality of the sun, as Imam Ghazali, everything on earth is a mi`raj and the reality is when you die, yo usee the realtiy. reality now you cannot see. Muhiydeen ibn Arabi said we are creating, our mind creates images in front of you but the reality has not yet reached. So we are in a box and these holes are inside and you are seeing that light inside the box.

The box is the ego. When you break the box, you be in reality.Who made the sun to have always light can make you to have light. So the souls of human beings are traveling, if we want to count how far they are, the star traveling 300,000 kps and the souls therefore are traveling in time, there is no limit, because it is heavenly. And in a moment it moves, not 300,000 kps but might be unlimited figure. And a figure that you cannot understand moves from where its reality of the soul to the womb of the mother.   Why Allah swt made it in the womb of the mother. Cannot Allah create a human beings like he created Sayyidina Adam (as)? But Allah wants to show us that I am bringing you from a place that you cannot raise your head.

Dont be arrogant!   bayna dammin wa farthin, Allah brings you form this place that there is blood and all kins of things that are in a human beings. And when Allah asked Sayyidina 'Isa (as) did you ask your disciples to take yourself and your mother as gods other than Me? And Sayyidina 'Isa (as) said, you know better. And Allah said about Sayyidina 'Isa (as) and his mother, they were eating food. And eating food means you need to refresh out back and renew your wudu. So can a God be like that? No.  So immediately a reflection of your soul goes in there and goes into seclusion for 9 months and 10 days. And then they say the water broke. And that means the box broke. You come out with open eyes.  Because you are already a pious sincere servant and that is why when you come out you cry. You dont laugh. Laugh, doctors, say!   hahaha  it doesn't open the chest? [yessir].

Why does crying open the chest they say? Doesn't laughting open the chest. But they say the cry opens the chest. Because the child comes crying. Because he sees and doesn't want these miseries he doesnt want dunya he wants to stay where he is in akhir. As the mother is carrying the child the child is affected by the mother's emotions, if upset he is upset, if crying crying, if happy , happy. If upset with husband, that affects the child. So the child will come out depending on how the mother was behaving during these 9 months. That is why sometimes awliyaullah have to have a nasab, that is a chain that takes them through pious and pious ancestors. So they take supprot from the womb of their mother. And they are crying, Ya Rabbe we want your akhira, your love, we are coming to this misery to this dunya.

So anyone able to overcome, replacing dunya with his akhira, in his heart, and doing his obligations of 5 prayers and his obligations shariah wise, because mutasawwifoon, are the ones who comply with the Shari`ah of Islam. You might find a lot of sufis that don't comply that doesn't mean they are the real sufis. The real sufis they take Sharia`ah with its utmost respect and honor. And these awliyaullah are big scholars in Shari`ah and in tasawwuf. You cannot be a sufi shaykh without being an `alim. And most of these `ulama came from North Africa, Central Asia and Middle East coutries at that time, came from India, there was no Pakistan, now there is Pakistan. India, had big `Ulama. Now subcontinent is full with `ulama. They were able with their piety to break the box, in their mother's womb, then after they come out they have to use the training of religion to break the dunya box.

And Allah will grant when they break the box. To see the real light, not the reflection that is coming into box through the hole. It depends on how strong is that Wali. Might be some wali cannot break the box, but can make the box thinner. And keeps polishing, eating from inside, it become very thin, and when you look you can see. And some were able to polish and polish until it disappeared.  They bring you big stone and say this is diamond. And the jewler has to cut and cut until he gets to the real stone. And so awliyaullah their box is thin and as much they are poolishing they are able to see through. There are awliyaullah they are dragons, and they break the box they immediately connect with their reality their image. When that connection happens nothing is closed. They inherit from the Prophet (saw) support. They take from Allah swt support. That support will give them that light in their heart.

This such meeting is an example of polishing. Why are we coming? To polish ourselves. For one hour, 2 hours, 3 and then go and then come. Slowly slowly, people come to such association in order to polish their boxes in order to make it thinner and thinner until they reach realities. There was a Sultan who love artwork, designs and pictures. He made a competition between the two best artists to draw a painting. He put a huge room and they cannot see each other, there is a partition between. He said you have this wall and you have this wall. And he said, we will see in 1, 2, 3 months who is better.  This one on left, was Persian, let us say like that and the other one on that side was Pakistani. Or vice versa.

The one on left was Pakistani and the one one right was Persian, whatever. And on that wall that person who is either Pakistani or Persian, we don't know, was drawing. Very nice begin to draw. And the other one Pakistani or Persian, I don't know which you want to choose. [right] Ok any Persian here? Next time we have Persian. So Persian on the left. You know Persian are not famous for art. But they are clever in another way.  Persians are very into poetry calligraphy, pictures, everything. So that one Persian was doing very nicely and the other Pakistani is very clever he has a scrubber and scrubbing the wall. And after scrub he takes sponge and polishing. This one is drawing and this one is polishing. Pakistani, like an Arab.  

So everyone saying the competition is nearly over and the King is coming. What is he doing? And the time is over and that one polished the wall and the other is very high fancy poetry, Picasso.   I was in Morocco in a conference and they introduced me to a lady. And everyone going crazy that she is speaking tasawwuf and spirituality and her husband is .. and at the end they told me her name is Paloma. And someone asked me do you know who is Paloma? And I said I don't know. They told me she is daughter of Pablo Picasso whose paintings are worht millions.

So that one is Pakistani polishing and the other is Persian painting. And the King came and he wants to see who is better. He looked there and didn't understand what is this. And he said to the Pakistani what is this? He said, Your Royalty, please wait you will see what I did. Wait. I am Pakistani. And the Persian came and opened said every nice picture. The Pakistani said my picture is nicer. And they said open the partition. And so immediately the Persian picture was reflected in the wall, which he had polished and polished. And it was reflecting the Persian picture. Anything that can be poslished becomes a mirror. And he said, O King I am showing you how much is reality and how much is imagination.

That is my portrait to you, not .. I am opening your eyes, that there are too many imaginaries, like mi`raj, in the desert you think it is water but it is not, don't be fooled. So the King said to the Pakistani, you win. And the Persian was crying.   So awliyaullah were able to polish so much their minds and drop imaginary. That is why Imam Ghazali said you will find the reality when you die. And Muhiydeen ibn `Arabi said, you create reality in your mind and until you connect with your realty you cannot see and understand what is going on. And that is why we say awliyaullah are like lasers. With that they can penetrate anything. with laser you heal, x-ray and mri machine work on what? they send a light but you dont see the light. When they take x-ray you don't see the light. But if you have eyes like that machine, you can see everything and awliyaullah have heavenly eyes. That is far more. And they can see everything.

Now they have CT scan. And every one is using same film and same light. And each Wali depending on how much they reached their realities. And we go back to where we begin   you need support. Without support don't think you can do anything. You came here you drove. If there was no car to come a distance of 30,40,60 km or miles, how many hours is it walking? You will not come. So what you need? The means,   you took a vehicle as a means and came here. Awliyaullah are your vehicles. Without awliyaullah you cannot go anywhere. Today why we are losing? Because we are rejecting awliyaullah  and we are thinking "O they are trying to get benefit from their students or from their followers". And you have lot of doubts. Small test from Wali to you, and you run away. You cannot run away. Because this life is full of tests.

And that is why a guide is important in your life in order to get support and from your guide he will connect you to presence of the Prophet (saw), through different means. Some they might say Kun fayakoon! They might ask, Ya Rabbee, Give support to this person. Kun fayakoon it is finihed. That is why in western  life there are different ways of understanding. They say different means. What can he do for us? You know a door keeper at the door of the King, can do more than minister in the cabinet. But in one country, I don't mention the name, the barber of a country can request from the King. Someone wanted to be citizen of that country and the person went to King and they say the barber of the King is stronger than any minister. He took the paper and said, can you sign this? And he did. Even the door keeper on the threshold of the Prophet (saw), awliyaullah are door keepers at the threshold of the Prophet (saw). And the Prophet (saw) accepted them. And give them whatever they like according to their levels.

So be at the door of a doorkeeper. Because he can take you inside. Don't, people today, the problem today is the people are trying to think from what they have learned. What have they learned? This one said this and this one said that. If you don't put it in your thesis for Phd, half of the paper is, no quarter is original quote and all the rest is footnotes, thies one said this and this one said this. If you dont put footnotes they say where did you get this knowledge? Stupid, don't you know that if Allah wants to give he gives fresh. Do you understand what fresh means here. Today what Allah is giving to awliyaullah hearts as the Prophet (saw) is ascending awliyaullah, he takes with them, with fresh knowledge and fresh understanding. What they say has to be qupoted. It is not that if someone didn't say it in the past it is not correct. No, it is more correct, it is a higher level.  

Grandshaykh Abdullah qs, may Allah bless him, was known for his piety. He said that I came, as I was explaining before, I came from the womb of my mother, every child comes with open eyes and as the parents and environment around becomes more negative or feeding child with no wudu, or husband and wife fight. And problem it will affect the child and his eyes are closed, and he will no longer see heavenly reflections as we were describing before. And he told us I was born open eyed until I died. He was telling us before he died. And they used to come to him in Daghestan at 7 years old and ask him whom we have to marry? And he used to tell them from the Preserved Tablets who to marry. This boy with that girl. So awliyaullah have fresh knowledge that Allah gives them.

The example that Grandshaykh used to have every week and every month meeting, where ulama from Damascus go up the mountain from the city and I am not speaking like our associations these days. As I mentioned just now there is Persian level poetry and high standard and there is Pakistani that reflect what the Persian did and say "We did it". For that masterpiece we spoke about before. And the ulama come and no association with someone lower than `alim in association and grandshaykh is pouring knowledge. And my uncle is Head of Ulama of Middle East and we took him to grandshaykh and he said, from what he spoke today in 3 hours of suhbat, from every word, or from every sentence I can put a book. He was amazed.  

So every first monday of the month they go to visit the grave of Sayyidina Khalid al-Baghdadi qs who brought the Golden Chain from Habib Jani-janan from India to Damascus. And then from him to Daghestani shaykhs and then to Grandshaykh Abdullah qs and to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim qs. And so they go to the maqam of arba`een that is up on the mountain and they are teh Abdal of sham whom you may call on them for assistance, they had faith, but today they only have faith when they have problem.  And he was telling grandshaykh, I mentioned it before. And this is to show how knowledge today is, and how it was before, it changes. He said that there was a lady in England that came to me and he didn't say the story at the beginning. She doesn't know my address, only he is on top of the mountain in Sham, Jabal Qasyoun. You cannot reach without a donkey. That story took place in the 40s or 50s   that english lady came to Muhiydeen ibn `Arabi's mosque which is down the hill and she was askking about Grandshaykh 'Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani (q) and an English lady asking Abdullah Daghestani.

And there was a barber there. And we were speaking about the barber berfore having access to kings. So the barber is always with King as he has to be presentable. So he is best to approach the king.  So he took her up and was 1st Monday of the month, and all ulama filling the place. What you think that lady did? She came in and she has a picture, and it is Grandshaykh picture. She entered and what do you expect from an English or American lady when she is amazed about you? What do they do? Hug you and kiss you on your cheeks. Is it not? And all these ulama sitting and she is going to grandshaykh and hugging and kissing him on his cheeks. And everyone was stunned, cannot move.

Now. Of course Islamically it is not accepted. But that lady out of affection, for her it is nothing might be kissing hundreds of people.  And she said, "Teach me what you taught the Indian lady." So now they say islamic state of Pakistan, we have one Indian here. So everyone looking at her and one who knew english, said, what Indian lady? There are no Indians here. And she said, no. When shaykh was traveling to India and teaching the lady there. And the man said, Grandshaykh never left Damascus. And Grandshaykh said, stop, dont argue. But what is your story. Because everyone wants to know now. She said, I once received a letter and it has no return address and it is stamped with Indian post office meaning it left from India. I received that letter from an Indian lady telling me about tasawwuf. And I read it, very nice. And then one month later another letter came, and qoting a shaykh about tasawwuf and that lady said I am Indian and Hindu, and I read about Zenism and Buddhism.

And what I saw from that shayk's teaching is completely different. There was no internet then. Tthen she kept sending me teachings from that shaykh that every week he is coming to her home and teaching her and going. And until I became Muslim. After 12 letters, 12 months, the last letter that she sent to me, she put her (return) address. After that letter no more letters. I took a plane, went to India and asked for this address. And it was in a remote area, a village and everyone knows that lady there and everyone saw the shaykh coming and teaching.  And many other ladies were coming and listening. So they said there is no one here who can give you more information about that Shaykh except her daughter and she lives in that house.

And so she went to the daughter and said, I want what you know about. And she said, the only thing that my mother expressed to me about that shaykh is his picture. This is his picture and this is his location at Ibn Arabi's mosque. So I went and took a flight, as I was amazed at what he was explaining and teaching. And so I immediately took plane from India to Damascus and she has the picture and showed to Grandshaykh and it was you. And all these ulama were amazed they cannot speak anymore. It is finished their `ilm is ended there. Great `Ulama of Middle East. Not the Phd of today, if you have Phd put in toilet. And this one is different Humayra.  

So also your doctor certificate put it there, because for sure all your patients use the bathroom, they can see it there with your picture. Who else has Phd here? Computer, Taher. They were amazed they were ulama of first calibre, from Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Nigerai, all Middle East countires, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, many ulama come to his meetings. And they didn't have anything to say   and she said, what you gave her about Islam, give me this thing. She wants to check here now, as she knows the Indian lady became Muslim and she wants to make sure that what he gave the Indian lady is the same as what he is giving her or is there a change. If there is a change that means there is a question mark.  

So he said, Allah swt as we said just now that when awliyaullah connet to their reality they can bring India to Sham, and bring Sham to India. They can move mountain and they can bring rain and stop rain. I was with Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani doing tawaf in Mecca. First tawaaf, 2nd tawaaf and he stood at Bab al-Multazam, the door of Ka`bah. They will push us now and as if he is in a trance. You know how hard it is there, in Hajj time they push you and if you are pushed and we are standing beside him and he is standing in the middle looking at Bab al-Multazam and it is dangerous. As if we are not seeing people, in his circle we are standing. Awliyaullah have a circle that surround them and who enters that circle will not be harmed,will be supported and as if we are in that circle and protection there and people passing behind, none in front even. And he is asking dua and he said, "Ya Rabbee, I am not moving from here, we are coming here for You and for sake of Your Prophet (saw) and we are beggging from You to send Your Rain.

And we will stand under Mizab ar-Rahmat. There is place behind Hijr Ismaeel that is the place that Sayyidina Isma`eel is buried there, that is why they don't let you pray there. And there is Mizab ar-Rahmat, when rain fills the roof it will flow through that pipe. And sahaba used to wash under it. And then before he finisehd the dua, we heard thunder and there was no cloud in sky and then suddenly like in equatorial areas, in short time, it was pouring rain and we finished our seven tawaaf from fourth, because water beginning to rise, and we had to run away the water becoming like here, we run up the stairs, and everyone is watching. And some people go to sit and Mawlana is going to sit after doing 5, 6, 7 tawaf under rain we sat under the stairs and water is coming to our feet. How can they do that? That is something we cannot understand.  

Awliyaullah they can. Not they can, but if Allah gives them they can. And Allah said, call on Me I will answer you. That is why we come to Wali to ask du`a as their dua` goes quicker than ours and we ask Mawlana from here to make du`a for us and to keep us in his circle in presence of the Prophet (saw). So he said to the lady, I will give you what I gave her and you do the same. And for every guided person, we dont say convert, to do that. And it will insha-Allah open his heart. I will not say more than that. Say shahada when you wake up, ashadu la ilaha ill 'Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasoolullah and every time of prayer, you make a sajda, because she doesnt know how to read Arabic and she doesnt know how to pray.

And today there is too much information but in that time there was nothing. So in every prayer time make sajda and say O my Lord You are my Creator and I am your servant. And every time you go to bed shahadah and one salaawat on the Prophet (saw). And she said is that it? He said that is it? And she said yes that is what you gave to Indian lady. And she authenticated what he said, because how to know what he said. And around the world not just Indian lady, but indian ladies and around the world we have been ordered to move to subcontinent to Indonesia, to give guidance to people. And this opens a new subject, like Sariya when he was in Damascus and Sayyidina 'Umar (ra) was telling him go to the mountain and he was hearing.  

So there is fresh knowledge coming all the time and fiqh is fiqh, how to pray and fast and eat and sleep and suicide bombing and islamic banking and social welfare, all this is based on different opinion in order to have stronger ruling. But tasawwuf is different. It is what is coming to the heart of the Shaykh from the heart of the Prophet (saw). That is a situation that not everyone can have it. Now in western style they give grants or loans. And the best is grant and that is given and dont have to pay back.  Allah grants to some awliyaullah free, with no knowledge they don't read and don't write. Only a little bit Grandshaykh Abdullah used to read Holy Qur'an and Dalail al-khayrat. And when he speaks ulama are astonished. Coming new knowledge from his heart. And it is amazing. Even 15 year old person comes to him he opens suhbat to him for 3 hours, in Daghestani or Turkish and someone will translate.

Dunya for him doesn't weight the weight of mosquito. My father used to work in jewelry and he had a ring, with blue diamonds, very rare. And we took it and happy, we are taking the ring to him which we are not caring for the diamonds and we want his ring. And we present the ring to him. Mawlana please accept the ring from our family. And he said Masha-Allah and we took the ring and said, O Mawlana here is the ring. And we took his ring put in our pocket. And that evening a person coming, we didn't know him and Mawlana begin to open a big lecture.  And that man looking at Mawlana's hand at the ring. And we were looking at the man and looking at his eyes. What does he want from that? And he said, O Shaykh you have beautfiul ring. Oh, do you want it? Here. And yes, here take it. And he took it and left.  And he said to us, where is my ring? That was one of ministers of Mahdi that he called to come and take that ring.

Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq

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